Six Muslim schools in hot water in the UK

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Six Muslim schools in hot water in the UK

Six independent Muslim schools are being threatened with closure as their education curriculum is said to expose students to radical Islamist ideology. (File photo: Reuters)

As Britain scurries to combat extremism on its home front, six independent Muslim schools are being threatened with closure as their education curriculum is said to expose students to radical Islamist ideology, a local newspaper reported Friday.

Chief Schools Inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw warned that the students in these schools could be “vulnerable to extremist influences and radicalization,” The Independent quoted him as saying.

Wilshaw wrote a letter to the Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, saying that he believed “pupils’ physical and educational welfare is at serious risk.”

In response, Morgan contacted the schools in Tower Hamlets, London, and warned them they would be closed if they failed to draw up action plans to deal with inspectors’ complaints “within weeks.”

The Independent reported that all of the six schools previously failed their inspections with the state Sir John Cass Red Coat Church of England School.

Among the reported failings is that some students are unable to distinguish whether to follow Islamic Sharia or British law.

Also, girls were kept waiting for their lessons to resume every day while the boys and their male teachers visit a local mosque, the newspaper reported.

In addition, history and geography in one school were only being taught through the lens of the history of Islam.

After reports that radicalized British citizens have joined the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militant group in the Middle East, Prime Minister David Cameron said new powers to revoke the citizenship of UK nationals who travel abroad to join ISIS would be included in a counter-terrorism bill.

The bill will be tabled in the British parliament this month.

Meanwhile, the BBC reported on Saturday that two British men have reportedly been killed while fighting alongside ISIS in Syria.

It said that the men, thought to be Abu Abdullah al-Habashi, 21, and Abu Dharda, 20, were from London.

It has been reported that about 27 British citizens have been killed after joining militant groups in Syria

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