Confinement of the Vice-President of the Independent Trade Union for Cairo Airport is a Return to Po

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Confinement of the Vice-President of the Independent Trade Union for Cairo Airport is a Return to Police Oppression Methods
Center for Trade Union and Workers Services "CTUWS" 16 November 2014:
in a serious development of the series of chasing leaders of independent trade unions, Mahmoud Rehan Vice-President of the Independent Trade Union for Cairo Airport was arrested last Monday. The Public Prosecutor put him in jail for 4 days under investigation, the period was renewed last Friday and he will remain in jail for another 15 days.
Rehan's Colleagues said that he was arrested at his work place according to a report filed by the  Airport Security who accused him of insulting the President of the Republic and disclosing classified information which affect public security at his Facebook homepage!!
It is worth mentioning that Mahmoud Rehan was the first to call for the necessity to open corruption files at the Cairo Airport Co. and to make accountable the corrupt leaders who belonged to the regime of Hosni Mubarak and after him President Mohamed Mursy. For this reason, he was transferred outside Cairo Airport for several months and was sent for administrative investigation several times.
The CTUWS announces solidarity with Mahmoud Rehan Vice-President of the Independent Trade Union for Cairo Airport and emphasizes that what happens with Rehan is just a link in the series of terrorizing honest trade union leaderships which believed in the principles of the glorious revolution of 25 January against the remains of the old regimes of Mubarak and Mursy who still nest inside companies. They are returning now to liquidate their opponents especially that Rehan and his Colleagues were of the strongest opponents of  General Shafik at Cairo Airport Co. The workers organized in the previous stage more than one protests march against Shafik's men at the Company!
While CTUS expresses its deep concern that trade unionists are held accountable for expressing their political opinions which are guaranteed by the Egyptian constitution, it calls all the alive and democratic powers to consolidate with Mahmoud Rehan vis-à-vis the return of police oppressive methods which aim to muzzle people and intimidate any opposing voice belonging to the glorious revolution of 25 January.
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