Jailed Iranian Ayatollah Calls Regime 'Worse and More Evil than ISIS or the Taliban'

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Jailed Iranian Ayatollah Calls Regime 'Worse and More Evil than ISIS or the Taliban'

by Stephen Schwartz
The Weekly Standard Blog
November 11, 2014

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A document by Ayatollah Boroujerdi released in October, on the the anniversary of his 2006 arrest, asked how Tehran could "condemn and declare jihad against armed radical groups [i.e. ISIS and the Taliban] who are slaughtering and spreading violence and terror in the name of the Prophet's caliphate, but forget about those [in Iran] who are nourishing terrorists in neighboring countries."
According to the followers of Ayatollah Boroujerdi outside Iran, the nonconforming man of faith was transferred from the Evin lockup to an unknown place at the beginning of October. The official action came after Boroujerdi addressed a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, dated September 22, in which he asked, "[R]espected members of this assembly; as you are gathered together please hear the cries of the Iranian people. . . . Do you not see that Iran is ruled by tyranny?"
In a 2008 "complaint" addressed to the world powers, Ayatollah Boroujerdi named Russia and China as accomplices of Tehran, specifying, "It is obvious to everyone that extensive support by Russia and China have increased the internal dictatorship in Iran." He appealed for assistance to the pope, to Jewish intellectuals (for whom he had expressed his respect previously), and to Islamic religious leaders, concluding, "Governments on the side of the religious regime of Iran, be informed that all of you are sharing in massacre of our poor people."



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