Call for Papers

في الثلاثاء ٠٢ - سبتمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Call for Papers


First Annual meeting of I-SIE & Conference on

"  Islamic Economics: An Institutional Economic  Perspective "

June , 2009

Islamabad, Pakistan

Annual meeting of I-SIE will be held on the second day of the Conference


The first issue of the Journal of Islamic Society of Institutional Economics (JOISIE) will be expected appear in the shape of proceedings of the conference to be held in June 2009.

Focus for the Conference

  1. Alternate Paradigm for Economic Thoughts & Economic orthodoxy
  2. Discipline of Islamic Economics between Neo Classical and Institutional Schools
  3. Developing Economies in the light of Institutional Reforms
  4. Institutional Structure Muslim Economies
  5. Institutional Reforms & Economic Performance
  6. Economic Institution and Poverty

Topics/Themes  for conference/Journal

  • Lessons of New Institutional Economics for Developing Economies

  • Lessons of New Institutional Economics for Operating Muslim economies on Islamic principles

  • New Institutional Economics as framework for developing Islamic Economics

  • Identifying transaction costs and Measuring them in financial markets

  • Fiqh al Buyu and Transaction Cost

  • Institutional Innovations to address the problems of poverty alleviation

  • Innovating Institutions for an Islamic economic system in the contemporary world

  • World Bank Survey and Lessons for Islamic economics and finance

  • Property rights for poor and land reforms in developing countries

  • Property rights for in Islam and Institutional framework to enforce the


  •   Islamic Economics, Neo-classical Economics, Institutional Economics and New Institutional Economics: A Survey

  •   Basic Assumptions of Neoclassical Economics, NIE and their relevance in Islamic Economics

  •   The Firm between Neoclassical Economics and Institutional Economics: Do we have Islamic Theory of Firm (Lessons from the Shari'a Compatible Contracts)

  •   Institutions of Islam and their role in the System of Life in the contemporary world

  •   institutions of Islam and Transaction Cost

  •   Agency theory

  •   Property rights system

  •   Collective Action

  •   Bounded Rationality

  •   Self Interest

  •   Conflict of interest

  •   Norms and rules of Governance

  •  Institutions formulating Social Capital in Islamic system of life and their role in the formation of Islamic Economic System

  •  Faith, Institutions and Economics

  •   Money as Institution in the Comparative Economic Systems

  •   Economics Institution in the Light of Islamic Legal System

  •   Economic Relations among Economic Institutions under Muslims' Social responsibilities.

  •   Institutional framework of Firms and inter-firm operation under Islamic contract

Notes for Contributors

All articles must be in English. They may be submitted in electronic format only to  info.isie@  . MSWord, and pdf files are acceptable.

There must be no indication of the personal identity or institution of any author of the article within the article itself, or in the 'properties' of the electronic file. Normally, articles (including footnotes and references) must be no longer than 9,000 words. In special cases, such as an extended review article, this limit may be extended to 12,000 words.

Registration Contribution:

  •  $ 200 US for Participants from  EU ,  North America, ANZ .
  •  $ 100 US for Participants from Asian Countries
  • Participant is free for individuals from India , Indonesia,  Pakistan , Srilanka, Bangladesh  and African Countries.
The registration fee will be received at the time of arrival. Registration fee will cover meals served   and academic material during the conference
Four Star  residence/rooms cost in Islamabad varies from US 40 $ to US 100 $ per night
(For reservation help contact Conference organizers)  vist our website for deatails
Dates to be Remembered:
Abstract Submission Deadline: October  31, 2008
Paper Submission Deadline December 31, 2009
Conference to be Held : June 2009

M. Muqeem ul Islam Akhundzadah
Int Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
 +92-343-5090648  (Cell)
اجمالي القراءات 1699