Govt report: 33.000 dead in car accidents in 5 years

في السبت ١٥ - مارس - ٢٠١٤ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

An average of 100,000 car accidents took place from 2008 to 2012, leaving nearly 33,000 dead and 155,000 injured, according to a joint official report by the ministries of interior and transportation released on Wednesday.
About 125,000 vehicles have been damaged during that period, according to the report.
Concerning train crashes, victims stood at 319 deaths and 500 wounded in 4,000 accidents, it revealed.
Highway crashes accounted for nearly 15 percent of the total of incidents, the report added.
It noted that 2010 saw the highest accident rate with 24,000 accidents, 7,000 deaths, 27,000 injuries and 24,000 damaged vehicles. Meanwhile, 2012 recorded the lowest rate in terms of car accidents with 15,500 accidents, 6,431 deaths, 21,00 injuries and 21,000 destroyed cars.
Human mistakes was the reason behind 70 percent of the accidents, the report notes, followed by technical glitches (16 percent), and poor road conditions (1.8 percent).
Drivers’ in-attentiveness came at the top of human errors leading to accidents with 16 percent, followed by impetuous bypassing (12 percent) and tire explosion (12 percent).
Heavy-duty vehicles were the most common in accidents with 40 percent, followed by private cars (33 percent), microbuses (9 percent) and buses (7 percent).
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
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