A Moderate Muslim in Danger of Extinction

في الإثنين ١١ - أغسطس - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

There lives in Dhaka one of the elusive souls for whom most of the world, or at least most Western politicians, have been searching: a true Islam-loving moderate Muslim who believes in brotherhood among all religions and respect for all nations by all nations. Unfortunately, it is possible that this priceless and endangered species may soon become extinct.At least since September 11, 2001, world and communal leaders have been touting the virtues of the "moderate Muslims." The express or implicit message is always that Islam has been hijacked by aberrant radicals but if we look to, nurture and promote the moderate Muslims, all will be well with the world.I've found a moderate Muslim, one who loves his religion and sincerely believes and steadfastly writes about his dreams for respect and understanding amongst all the great religions of the world. His name is Sallah Udin Shoaib Choudhury. He may well be executed for those beliefs soon.This Bangladeshi Muslim journalist dares to defy the party line of hatred towards Israel and contempt for all religions other than Islam. Not only does he write about the need for communication and understanding among Muslims, Christians and Jews in his newspaper The Weekly Blitz, but he dared to accept an invitation to attend and speak at a writers' conference in Israel. The topic of the conference was "Education Towards a Culture of Peace." On November 29, 2003, as he was about to board the plane in Dhaka on his way to that conference, Shoaib was dragged from the tarmac and arrested. His crime? He violated Bangladesh 's Passport Act which forbids citizens from visiting countries such as Israel , with which it has no diplomatic relations. That law typically carries a fine of $8. What he found out the next day, however, when the magistrate announced it in court, was that he was accused of being a "spy for Israel ."After his arrest Shoaib was taken to a Dhaka prison. While there, Shoaib had both of his legs broken with hockey sticks, he was interrogated incessantly and he was incarcerated in solitary confinement in a section of the prison otherwise populated with the criminally insane. He still vividly recalls hearing the screams of those prisoners which sometimes went on for hours. While Shoaib rotted in prison he was refused treatment for his glaucoma, as a result of which his vision remains impaired. His wardens even refused to allow him to go to his own mother's funeral. His captors wanted him to confess to being a Zionist spy. He refused. His body was broken but, in his own words, his "spirit was not."After 17 months Shoaib was finally released on bail. A frontline warrior in this victory was Dr. Richard Benkin. Benkin met Shoaib on the internet through their shared dreams for interfaith understanding. From the moment they connected, Benkin has ceaselessly fought for justice for Shoaib -- he has traveled to Bangladesh to be there during fruitless hearings, he has houn

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