Pro-MB students protest police presence on Cairo University campus

في السبت ٢٥ - يناير - ٢٠١٤ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Dozens of pro-Muslim Brotherhood students at Cairo University's Faculty of Physical Therapy staged a protest on Thursday to demand the release of their colleagues and condemned violence that erupted last Thursday on campus during clashes between police and students. 

They also condemned the presence of police forces inside campus.

Health Ministry spokesperson Ahmed Kamel said that a student was killed and 10 others were injured in clashes on Thursday 16 January.
Gaber Nassar, Cairo University's president, said in an official statement last Tuesday that police would be present on campus for security purposes, in accordance with the recent decision of the Supreme Council of Universities.
The protesting students chanted against the military and held posters of toppled President Mohamed Morsy and Rabaa signs.
Meanwhile, dozens of students at the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo University also staged a protest to demand the release of their colleagues during recent clashes.
Police were present in full force at the university's doors; 200 Central Security Forces and two armored vehicles were also deployed.
Three CSF vehicles were also stationed outside the university on Tharwat Street and at Nahda Square.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm 
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