Fellowships for Threatened Academics: Professors, Researchers and Lecturers

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Fellowships for Threatened Academics: Professors, Researchers and Lecturers

Application Deadline: September 5th, 2008

The Institute of International Education 's (IIE) Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) provides fellowships for established scholars whose lives and work are threatened in their home countries. These fellowships permit professors, researchers and other senior academics to find temporary refuge at universities and colleges anywhere in the world, enabling them to pursue their academic work and to continue to share their knowledge with students, colleagues, and the community at large.

To apply, please download the information and application materials from:

Scholar Rescue Fund - For Scholars

For universities and colleges interested in hosting an SRF scholar:

Scholar Rescue Fund - For Hosts

Please contact at:
IIE Scholar Rescue Fund Fellowships
809 U.N. Plaza
New York , New York 10017
Tel: ( USA ) 1-212-984-5486
Fax: ( USA ) 1-212-984-5353
E-mail: SRF@iie.org

Web: http://www.scholarrescuefund.org/

For more information, please visit the new website: http://www.scholarrescuefund.org/

Attachments: click here

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