Journalists Syndicate denounces gag on Brotherhood newspaper

في الأحد ٢٩ - ديسمبر - ٢٠١٣ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

In a statement on Saturday, the Journalists Syndicate has condemned the Interior Ministry’s decision to halt the printing of the Freedom and Justice newspaper, the mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm that carries the same name.
“The syndicate stresses it rejects all forms of repression of freedom or the confiscation and closure of newspapers by any means, even through judicial means, which is included in constitutional amendments scheduled for referendum on 14 and 15 January,” the statement said.
The Interior Ministry said its decision was in line with the government’s decree that lists the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.
The syndicate, however, said the government measure has nothing to do with the newspaper, which the statement said “is issued by a legitimate political party which is still active until present and has not been handed any verdicts halting its activities.
The syndicate added it will “strongly confront any unacceptable practices against the press and journalists,” stressing that “such practices induce national split in a time when we most need unity in face of terrorism against the Egyptian state.”
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