Saad Eddin Ibrahim is sentenced to Two-year Imprisonment for Blackwashing Egypt's Prestige

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                                                                                                                                                                  Saad Eddin Ibrahim is sentenced to Two-year Imprisonment for Blackwashing Egypt's Prestige

By Mahasin el-Senousi, Fatma Abu Shanab 3/8/2008

Al-Khalifa Misdemeanor Court sentenced yesterday Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, director of Ibn Khaldoun Center for development studies, plus a bail of LE 10,000, as he charged with false allegation and blackwashing Egypt's prestige abroad. The lawsuit was filed against him by attorney Abul Naga al-Mehrezi, deputy of lawyers' syndicate, and his colleague.

The lawsuit comprised several charges: he demanded during meetings with media to cancel the American aid to Egypt or link it to the political development. This was considered by the attorney a detriment to the national security, which was substantiated by the report of foreign affairs ministry which the court received last session.

In the whereases of the sentence issued by court president counselor Hesham Bashir, and secretary Fayez Gohar, the court said that it relied on the report of foreign affairs ministry, which stressed that Saad Eddin Ibrahim published articles and held meetings propagating false news that blackwashes Egypt's prestige and detriments its interests.

Al-Masry al-Youm learnt that Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim is currently in Turkey to attend a conference. He did not know the sentence issued against him. Abul Nasr abul Magd, attorney of Saad Eddin, said that imprisonment sentence is a natural outcome of the statements of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim to the BBC, and which were published by some newspapers. Dr. Saad was responding to a question about the person able to rule Egypt in the upcoming period, and he replied saying there are honorable persons who could rule Egypt such as Minister Omar Suleiman and Counselor Hesham el-Bastawissi.

He also stressed in the dialogue on giving him guarantees of no detention sentences when returning to his homeland. Abul Magd added to al-Masry al-Youm that in spite of this sentence, the court stressed in the whereases that the report issued by foreign affairs ministry was in the favor of his client, as the court requested to call the foreign minister to give his testimony as regards the report of the ministry.

Barbara Ibrahim, wife of Saad Eddin, said that there was nothing in Doha conference that blackwashes Egypt's prestige unless talking about democracy could be regarded as such. "I feel there is a message from the Egyptian government to keep Saad in exile", she said.

Barbara Ibrahim stressed that her husband wanted to return to Egypt, as he feels nostalgic toward his country, but he could not return as he is not able to serve a sentence of imprisonment at his age. She said that he will teach as a professor visitor in Harvard University as of next year.

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