National Council for Women collects citizen suggestions on new constitution

في السبت ١٤ - سبتمبر - ٢٠١٣ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

The National Council for Women have started a campaign entitled “Write your Constitution” to survey Egyptians around the country on their vision and suggestions on what amendments should be made to the Constitution. The Constitution is currently being amended by a 50-member constitutional committee.
The council said in a statement on Thursday that the campaign aims to achieve community participation in the constitution drafting process in an effort to fulfill Egyptian aspirations after the 25 January revolution and the 30 June protests. The statement said that the campaign hopes to express all segments of society, 
The head of the council, Mervat al-Talawy, stated that they are currently holding meetings with different groups and communities in Egypt and including men, women and children. She said that they are also meeting with civil associations, political parties, trade unions, universities, rural workers and state institutions' employees.
Talaway continued saying that the council is surveying the participants about the constitution as a whole, rather than limiting the surveys to articles concerning women.
Talawy added that questionnaires are distributed to citizens of various age groups, affiliations and educational and cultural levels. The data will be analyzed and sent to the.constitutional committee.
The National Council for Women has also launched a website and a hot number to receive suggestions on the new Constitution.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
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