Nine civilians, one soldier injured in Arish clashes

في الأربعاء ١١ - سبتمبر - ٢٠١٣ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Clashes between armed forces and supporters of Mohamed Morsy struck Be'r al-Abd in western Arish on Monday, eyewitnesses told Al-Masry Al-Youm, leaving 10 people injured.

Nine civilians and one soldier were injured in the violence.

A security source told German news agency DPA that clashes between army and police forces and protesters broke out when pro-Morsy demonstrators tried to block the Arish-Qantara international road.
Nine civilians and a soldier were injured, according to the security source.
Unrest broke out in Egypt's restive North Sinai after security forces violently dispersed pro-Morsy sit-ins in Cairo and Giza on 14 August. There have been numerous attacks on security checkpoints and buildings since the demonstrations were broken up.
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