Constitution in safe hands, Azhar representative says

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Abdullah al-Naggar, one of Al-Azhar representatives on the 50-member constitutional amendment committee, said Egypt's Islamic identity will not suffer during the rewriting process.
The Constitution is in safe hands, Naggar claimed.

“Article 219 hasn't been reviewed by the committee yet,” he said, referring to a controversial provision in the Egyptian Constitution which dictates an interpretation of Islamic Sharia. Article Two of the document also states that Islamic Sharia should form the main source of legislation in Egypt. Secularists have objected to both articles.

Naggar also called on Yasser Borhamy, vice-chief of the Salafi Dawa and its political arm, the Nour Party, to cooperate with Azhar so that the new constitution still represents Islamic identity but also makes room for other points of view.

In a phone call with privately-owned TV channel Al-Mehwar, Naggar said Islamic identity does not hinge on one article in a constitution, adding that they trust the Nour Party to defend Islam through the constitution-writing process.

"The Constitution is in good hands," he stressed. "Nothing will take place at the expense of Islam or [Islamic] identity."

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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