
في السبت ٠٦ - يوليو - ٢٠١٣ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Center for Trade Union and Worker Services (CTUWS) July 4, 2013 .. For the second time in less than two and a half years the Egyptian people prove the wonderful and dazzling ability to create miracles, millions to rise up in all the streets and the squares of freedom responsive to the rejuvenated rebellious appeal, determined to bring down the fascist regime that had been able to, in the absence of everyone and under the conditions of a complex political grab of this great revolution .. The great Egyptian people rose up to restore to this nation its identity of moderation .. Tolerance .. Unity and not divisiveness, and to restore Egypt as a homeland for all, without exclusion, and a nation of freedom, social justice and human dignity.
The Egyptian people rose up and in the midst were the honorable workers who rushed to meet the call to declare a state of civil disobedience, a general strike and joined their families to the squares of freedom in the following cities and provinces: Cairo, Alexandria and Sadat city, Menoufia, Qena and Mahala, Helwan and all governorates (provinces), stressing their bias for a civil state, a state of social justice, to affirm their daily struggles over the last two years, which was estimated only in the last year by more than three thousand workers' strikes and protests to remove the regime that did not know the system of governance mechanisms but only knew anti-workers and the Egyptian working class.
The CTUWS congratulates the great Egyptian people on this miracle, which will be recorded in letters of light in human history.  CTUWS calls on Egypt's workers to adhere to the principles of the revolution to achieve all the demands of the revolution.  At the workers’ core demand is to achieve social justice and ensure their freedom of association, and to be included within the priorities of the next phase.  Also, to quickly organize community dialogue and social development mechanisms for negotiation between the parties for a productive process to reach a Community Honor Charter (code of ethics), and a clear map of the future and a scheduled timetable for Egypt and a nation of freedom, social justice and human dignity.
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