Clashes erupt as Morsy attends Cairo mosque

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President Mohamed Morsy delivers his speech after Gomaa prayer at al-Hamd Mosque in Tagamoa, Cairo, 28 September 2012. Morsy returned to home yesterday after he attended 67th UN General Assembly in New York.
Clashes between opponents and supporters of President Mohamed Morsy erupted outside a Cairo mosque Friday, as Morsy performed Zuhr prayers amid tight security.
The president visited the Al-Quds Mosque in New Cairo's Fifth Settlement.
As Morsy emerged from the mosque, his supporters chanted: "We love you Morsy!"
Opponents responded, shouting: "Leave, leave, we do not want you."
The presidential guard imposed unusually tight security measures, blocking anyone from approaching the door through which the president left the mosque and constantly protecting Morsy and his 2 sons, Osama and Abdallah.
After Morsy left, the stand-off erupted into clashes. Other onlookers tried to separate the two groups to avoid violence.
Some supporters chanted for Morsy actually inside the mosque, until the Al-Quds imam urged them to leave, saying: "This is against Sharia, you must not raise your voice inside the mosque. Whether supporters or opponents, you have to leave the mosque."
The imam asked supporters not to stage protests.
"I am not talking about politics. I believe that preachers should be dedicated to preaching and not to engage in politics. But my national duty obliges me to say that as long as people are divided in this way, I recommend that supporters keep away from demonstrations," the imam stressed.
Dozens of mothers' martyrs meanwhile staged a protest in Sharqiya calling on Morsy to bring justice for their sons. They burned an effigy of the president and chanted: "Oh traitor, oh traitor!"
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
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