It is only the Quran

آحمد صبحي منصور في الجمعة ٢٢ - يناير - ٢٠١٦ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال
How many miracle the Prophet Mohamed had ?
آحمد صبحي منصور


The Holy Quran is his only miracle that defies all the humans


There are two kinds of miracles:

One for the prophet himself ( 17 / 1  ) , the other is to defy people to prove to them that their prophet is sent by Allah (2 / 23 : 24  )

The idol worshippers asked the final Prophet Mohamed to bring a Tangible miracle.

Allah refused ( 13 / 7 , 27 ) because

1 - The Quran is enough. (29 / 50: 53) .

2 –Tangible miracles did not make ancient people believe, so giving miracles to them was a sign of destroying them. ( 17 / 59 )

3 - The idol worshippers of the time of the Prophet Mohamed are the same like those in the past. ( 21 / 5: 6 ) ( 15 / 14 : 15 ) ( 6 / 109 : 111)

3- - The idol worshippers asked just to justify their disbelief.( 6 / 25 : 27 )

4 - The previous prophets were local in time and in place. They were sent only for specific people. So, their miracles were tangible material things to be seen by those people. The final prophet Mohamed was sent with an intellectual lasting miracle for the entire human from his time to the Hour.

اجمالي القراءات 751