SRF Hite Lecture Awards

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Dear Scholars,

We would like to alert you to an opportunity that may interest you. The Institute of International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund is now accepting applications for the new SRF Hite Lecture Awards. All SRF fellows and alumni are eligible to apply. Please read the information below, which is also outlined in the attached Hite Awards Information Sheet. If you are interested in this opportunity, please read the information sheet carefully before you fill out the attached Hite Application Form and email it to Dr. Marianne Zwicker, SRF Program Officer:
The information and application can also be accessed on the SRF Website:
-SRF Announcements

SRF Hite Lecture Awards
The IIE Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) is pleased to announce the "SRF Hite Lecture Awards,” which offer current SRF fellows and alumni the opportunity to promote interest in academic freedom, political liberties, and IIE’s commitment to supporting these issues. Made possible by the Hite Foundation Chair for Communications of the Scholar Rescue Fund, fellows and alumni will engage in public lectures, panel discussions, and course-related seminars to share the experience of a threatened scholar and to educate university and community audiences about human rights issues around the world. 
Opportunity for SRF Scholars and Alumni
Beyond the chance to educate academic audiences about these issues, Hite Lecture Awards offer an opportunity for SRF scholars to connect with other academicians and students beyond their host universities.  The lectures may also foster fruitful relationships that could be important for ongoing work and career development. As SRF scholars and alumni, you are exclusively eligible to apply for a Hite Lecture Award. Acceptance for this award will be based on the lecture’s potential for impact on the wider academic community.
What is a SRF Hite Lecture?
SRF Hite Lectures are an opportunity for you to showcase your own research and to promote the work of the Scholar Rescue Fund beyond your past or current SRF host institution. SRF Hite Lectures should raise awareness and support for SRF’s mission by demonstrating that the work you do is important, and should continue. The lectures you give will help SRF assist other scholars in the future, and a successful lecture should make a lasting impact; your application will be evaluated on your proposed event’s potential to reach wider audiences. For this reason, you might consider proposing a combination of a few events in one application. For example, you could give a public lecture at a university, college or research institute where you may have colleagues or may want to develop stronger relationships. You could offer to teach a seminar or speak at a student club meeting during the same visit. SRF Hite Lectures can take a variety of formats, including:
·         Public / community lecture
·         Classroom lecture
·         Panel discussion or roundtable
·         Keynote lecture at a larger event
·         Suggest your own idea!
·         Any combination of the above in multi-event engagements at clustered / neighboring institutions. Please note that funding is only available for events taking place on up to two consecutive days.
·         Hite Lecture Award applications made for conference funding will not be considered
What does the SRF Hite Lecture Award provide?
·         Reimbursement of approved travel costs to and from the proposed lecture site.
·         Per diem reimbursement for subsistence and accommodation up to $1,000.00 for a maximum of two days.
·         A SRF Hite Lecture Award of $500.
·         Logistical support, as necessary.
How to apply
·         Identify an institution where you would like to be a guest speaker. You might already have made contacts with other institutions, or there might be a department or certain researchers you want to meet. Due to funding limitations, the institution should be in your host country.  In exceptional circumstances, international travel will be considered, but you must provide an additional statement in your application outlining your reasons for wanting to visit a university outside your host country.
·         Make contact with the institution and alert them to your interest in speaking at their institution. Explain the purpose of the SRF Hite Lecture and your affiliation with the IIE Scholar Rescue Fund. Identify at least one contact person who agrees to be your liaison for planning the event. The earlier you can get in touch, the better. Organizing these types of events requires much planning and takes time.
·         Be creative! Suggest a format for your talk. Sometimes universities have theme weeks or months, such as Academic Freedom Week and International Education Week, and you could give a lecture as part of the theme. Alternatively, you could ask what kind of event would be most suitable for the institution. Perhaps they will suggest a lecture or course where you could give a specialized talk to students.
·         Download the SRF Hite Lecture Award application form here:
·         Fill it out and send it as an attachment, along with any questions about the application process, to Dr. Marianne Zwicker, SRF Program Officer at
·         Applications will be reviewed year round.
·         If you are notified that you have received a SRF Hite Lecture Award, please inform the institution and arrange schedule, travel, and accommodation.
·         After your event, you will be expected to submit a report to SRF.
Previous SRF Hite Lectures
·         Please see the SRF website for examples of past Hite Lectures:
اجمالي القراءات 1889