Prof. Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali
Virgin Reproduction…The solution to humanity's annihilation

د. عبد الرزاق علي في الأحد ١٩ - مارس - ٢٠٢٣ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Virgin Reproduction…The solution to humanity's annihilation

Prof. Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali

Corresponding Author; Abdelrazak Mansour Ali

Professor of Pediatrics, Al-Azhar University. Cairo, Egypt.


Abstract. The sperm and its male genes are not the only players responsible for determining the sex of the fetus and giving its male characteristic. Rather, it has been revealed that there are other players who play this vital role, and they are specifically the temperature and heat-sensitive genes present in the ovum and in all cells. Since these genes were discovered in the DNA of some animals which are less developed than humans - what does that mean? It means that human DNA is the most developed, comprehensive, and complex, and only less than 5% of its genes have been detected. It is obvious that the human DNA must eligibly deserve the presence of these "heat-sensitive genes”, and they are among the list of locked genes that are not activated in the DNA, and these heat-sensitive genes are known scientifically as "DMRT1 & SOX9". Thus, it can be understood why the Virgin Mary gave birth to a male child without the presence of sperm. We can deduce this from the following evidence: 1- Christ Jesus is the only one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an attributing to his mother (Jesus or Christ, the son of Mary), and this gives us an indication that his DNA is an exact copy of the DNA of Mary. 2- The Holy Qur’an mentioned that the Lady Mary was chosen by God Almighty above all the women of the world, and to understand the role of this selection in the process of her pregnancy and birth to a male child, we should define the scientific meaning of selection: Selection: is derived from purity and immaculate - but what does this God’s selection mean for some people? It is the purification and cleaning of their body instincts from the impurities attached to it, and certainly not the meaning of, for example, cleaning the body with soap and shampoo, but it is intended to purify the person from the inside. What is the meaning of cleansing it from the inside? That is, targeting the depth of human cells, which is the DNA. How is DNA cleansed? This is done by removing impurities attached to genes that impede them from performing their functions, including the (heat sensitive genes). 3- It is confirmed that the Lady Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus in the summer, at the time of the increase in temperature, and this prepares the necessary natural conditions for activating the "heat-sensitive" genes in the Lady Mary that (responsible for determining the sex of the fetus and giving it the male characters). The role of Gabriel is to give the “informational” energy necessary to activate and decode these “heat-sensitive” genes during the summertime only to coincide with the peak activity of these genes.

Keywords. Sperm, oocyte, genes, DNA, Sexual Reproduction, Parthenogenesis, and heat sensitivity.


Some information must be remembered before entering this important research.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid):Let us imagine the DNA as a tree, the chromosomes are the branches of the tree and the genes carried on the chromosome are the leaves carried by the branch of the tree.

Sexual Reproduction: It is the reproduction of embryos by mating a male with a female, and it is present in most mammals, as well as humans.

In every cell of a healthy human body, there are 46 chromosomes, and they are responsible for the general physical makeup of the individual. Sperm cells contain only 23 chromosomes, half the usual number. And when a sperm cell unites with the ovum, which also contains 23 chromosomes, the resulting 46 chromosomes determine the characteristics of the fetus. Sperm cells carry one of the sex chromosomes, either a “Y” chromosome or an “X” chromosome. As for the ovum, it contains one “X” chromosome [1]. There are differences between the chromosomes, "X" and "Y” because the “Y” chromosome is weaker than the “X” chromosome. The sex of the fetus is determined by the presence or absence of the gene “SYR” carried on the Y chromosome. That is, “SYR” is the one that gives male characteristics to the embryo resulting from the fertilization of the ovum by the sperm [2]

 The "Y" chromosome (found exclusively) in the sperm is responsible for conferring the male characteristics to the fetus, as shown by the following simple mathematical operation:

- An ovum bearing the "X" chromosome + a sperm bearing the "Y" chromosome → "X-Y" embryo = male.

An ovum bearing the "X" chromosome + a sperm bearing the "X" chromosome → "X-X" embryo = female.

Parthenogenesis: is the birth of an embryo of a copy of the mother without the need for fertilization from a male father. It is found in some animals such as reptiles, fish, and mice. Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction in which the embryo develops from an ovum or female gamete, then the ovum fuses with another ovum to form an embryo to restore the full number of chromosomes (46 in humans, for example) without prior fertilization by sperm, meaning that the female mother does not need a male to become pregnant, and give birth. Referred to as the "virgin birth" –

It is reported that live mammalian offspring derived from single unfertilized oocytes, which was achieved by tar-gated DNA methylation rewriting of seven imprinting control regions [3]a technique for human parthenogenesis has been developed through human embryonic stem cells (h ESCs) but appears that no further work has been done in this direction, The results indicated that 'unwanted' one-pronuclear oocytes might be a potential source for human homozygous and parthenogenetic ESCs, and suggested an alternative strategy for obtaining homozygous h ESC lines from parthenogenetic haploid oocytes [4]

 In fish, for example, parthenogenesis occurs, and the sex of the embryo is determined depending on the ambient temperature and the activation of the necessary genes, which are: (DMRT1 & SOX9)- [5,6]. - When the ambient temperature increases, these genes are activated, so the change takes place and the characteristic of virilization will be given to the fetus, and a male fetus is produced. When the temperature drops, the genes fail to give the male characters, and a female fetus is produced. That is, determining the sex of the fetus does not depend on the presence of sperm, but rather the temperature when it increases, male fetuses are born, and when the temperature decreases, female fetuses are born.

Mutations in Sox9 or any associated genes can cause a reversal of sex and hermaphroditism (or intersexuality in humans). If Fgf9, which is activated by Sox9, is not present, a fetus with both X and Y chromosomes can develop female gonads [7]. the same is true if Dax1 is not present. [8].

 In mice, they found a small, repeating segment of DNA that contains the key that works to change and make the fetus male, when they inserted this small segment of DNA, they found that it enhances the activity of the “SOX9” gene without the need for the “SYR” gene located in the “Y” chromosome of the sperm [9]

After elucidation of the previous scientific facts about parthenogenesis, we come to analyze and apply the information: The sperm and its male genes are not the only players responsible for determining the sex of the fetus and giving its male characteristic. Rather, it has been revealed that there are other players who play this vital role, and they are specifically the temperature and heat-sensitive genes present in the ovum and in all cells. Since these genes were discovered in the DNA of some animals which are less developed than humans - what does that mean? It means that human DNA is the most developed, comprehensive, and complex, and only less than 5% of its genes have been detected. It is obvious that the human DNA must eligibly deserve the presence of these "heat-sensitive genes”, and they are among the list of locked genes that are not activated in the DNA, and these heat-sensitive genes are known scientifically as "DMRT1 & SOX9".

Thus, it can be understood why the Virgin Mary gave birth to a male child without the presence of sperm. We can deduce this from the following evidence:

1- Christ Jesus, is the only one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an attributing to his mother (Jesus or Christ, the son of Mary), and this gives us an indication that his DNA is an exact copy of the DNA of Mary.

2- Virgin Birth, the doctrine of traditional Christianity that Jesus Christ had no natural father but was conceived by Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit. The doctrine that Mary was the sole natural parent of Jesus is based on the infancy narratives contained in the Gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke [10]

3- The Holy Qur’an mentioned that the Lady Mary was chosen by God Almighty above all the women of the world, and to understand the role of this selection in the process of her pregnancy and birth to a male child, we should define the scientific meaning of selection: Selection: is derived from purity and immaculate - but what does this God’s selection mean for some people? It is the purification and cleaning of their body instincts from the impurities attached to it, and certainly not the meaning of, for example, cleaning the body with soap and shampoo, but it is intended to purify the person from the inside. What is the meaning of cleansing it from the inside? That is, targeting the depth of human cells, which is the DNA. How is DNA cleansed? This is done by removing impurities attached to genes that impede them from performing their functions, including the (heat sensitive genes).

4- Gabriel, told Mary that he would give her a “smart boy,” meaning that she would give birth to a male child.

5- It is confirmed that the Lady Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus in the summer, at the time of the increase in temperature, and this prepares the necessary natural conditions for activating the "heat-sensitive" genes in the Lady Mary that (responsible for determining the sex of the fetus and giving it the male characteristic) - the Almighty said (And shake the trunk of this palm tree towards you, it will drop fresh, ripe dates upon you)- Maryam, verse 25- And dates do not ripen except in the summer.

6- God Almighty sent Gabriel to Mary during the summer, in the application of the laws that God Almighty placed in his creatures, which include the activation of these “heat-sensitive” genes during the summertime only to coincide with the peak activity of these genes. And the role of Gabriel is to give the “informational” energy necessary to activate and decode these genes - so the issue is not magic or legend, but rather knowledge, the verses and laws of God that He placed in His creatures, and we only have to search to get to their truth - and one of us may ask that the summer period does not exceed three months, and therefore the pregnancy and birth of Jesus will be during summer. So how long is the pregnancy? I think it will be much less than three months, according to the context of the verses - and do not be surprised by the short period of pregnancy, because God Almighty described Jesus as a pure and blessed boy, meaning that he is not like all fetuses. Faster than any other fetus (born before him or after him)- the Almighty said (We shall show them Our signs in every region of the earth and in themselves until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth)- Fossil at, verse 53.

The “Y” chromosome has lost about five genes per one million years. And that the chromosome has disappeared from some mice in Eastern Europe and Japan, ". Genetic research indicates that the human “Y” chromosome is deteriorating and may disappear within a few million years, leading to our extinction unless we develop a new sex gene - the question is that, will the disappearance of the "Y" chromosome means the end of the human era on the globe, such as the extinction of the dinosaur’s era, or that God Almighty may guide scientists and researchers to develop techniques to activate the “heat sensitive genes ", as it happened with Mrs. Mary. This will be answered by the future of scientific research in genes and DNA.

Parthenogenesis, a way of generating offspring solely from female gametes, is limited because of problems arising from genomic imprinting. Here, we report live mammalian offspring derived from single unfertilized oocytes, which was achieved by targeted DNA methylation rewriting of seven imprinting control regions. Following parthenogenetic activation, these edited regions showed maintenance of methylation as naturally established regions during early preimplantation development. The transfer of modified parthenogenetic embryos into foster mothers resulted in significantly extended development and finally in the generation of viable full-term offspring [11]. Experimentally, Parthenogenesis is evidence of the possibility of stimulating the ovum into self-division. Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction wherein the offspring develops from the egg or female gamete without prior fertilization from the male gamete. It is also referred to by many as “virgin birth. (With all due respect and appreciation to the Virgin Mary). [12] Therefore, the hormonal configuration with the correct balance essential for a successful pregnancy ensued. In response to this, the target tissues or organs function in a way that ensures pregnancy is maintained. Initially, the ovaries, and then later, the placenta, are the main producers of pregnancy-related hormones that are essential in creating and maintaining the correct conditions required for a successful pregnancy. Dolly is another example of the fetus of a female sheep through the self-division of the mother’s somatic cell without the need for her fertilization from the male sheep. It started her life as a single cell in a test tube taken from the mammary gland of a Finn Dorset sheep and an egg cell from a Scottish Blackface Sheep. “Dolly” is the first case in which the ewe was born in the laboratory (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003) and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell without the need for her fertilization from the male sheep [13, 14]. A technique for human parthenogenesis through human parthenogenic embryonic stem cells has been published, but no further work seems to have taken place. Bunagana et al suggested that “Even if parthenogenesis could be achieved, the offspring would be a female, not a male. In this respect, however, full, naturally occurring female-to-male sex reversal has been documented [15]. But Many, but not all, genes appear to play a conserved role in sex determination and morphogenesis of testes and ovaries (DMRT1 and SOX9 are expressed at a higher level in developing testes vs. developing ovaries in all species). It is therefore reasonable that additional features of sex determination are conserved and that further study of orthologs of mammalian sex-determining genes is in order. Rhin et al presented a variety of methods that can be used to discover novel candidate genes at a genome-wide scale and specified examples of novel genes that we discovered using an unbiased screen for genes that are differentially expressed between male- and female-producing temperatures [16]. Some reptiles, however, including all crocodilians studied to date, many turtle and tortoise species, and some lizards, use environmental or temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). We show that various modes of GSD have evolved many times, independently in different orders. Animals using TSD would be at risk of rapid reproductive failure due to a skewed sex ratio favoring males in response to sustained environmental temperature change and favoring the selection of sex-determining genes. The disadvantage to the evolving male sex-determining chromosome, however, is its decay due to non-recombination and the subsequent loss of spermatogenesis genes. The global temperature change can skew the sex ratio of TSD animals and might have played a significant role in the demise of long-extinct species, notably the dinosaurs, particularly if the temperature change resulted in a preponderance of males. Current global warming also represents a risk for extant TSD species [8]. In fish species, temperature-dependent sex determination and differentiation seem to be ubiquitous and molecular players involved in these mechanisms may be conserved. TSD is thought to occur when the water temperature experienced by the offspring irreversibly determines its primary sex. GSD occurs when primary sex is determined by the genotype at conception and is thereafter independent of environmental conditions [4]. The imminent – evolutionarily speaking – disappearance of the human Y chromosome has elicited speculation about our future, But the human Y chromosome is degenerating and may disappear in a few million years, leading to our extinction unless we evolve a new sex gene. The good news is we know of two rodent lineages that have already lost their Y chromosome and are still surviving. The mole voles of eastern Europe and the spiny rats of Japan each boast some species in which the Y chromosome, and SRY, have completely disappeared. The X chromosome remains, in a single or double dose in both sexes., a team led by Hokkaido University biologist Osato Kurosiwo discovered most of the genes on the Y of spiny rats had been relocated to other chromosomes. But she found no sign of SRY, nor the gene that substitutes for it. The team found sequences that were in the genomes of males but not females, then refined these and tested for the sequence on every individual rat. What they discovered was a tiny difference near the key sex gene SOX9, on chromosome 3 of the spiny rat. A small duplication (only 17,000 base pairs out of more than 3 billion) was present in all males and no females. what they discovered was a tiny difference near the key sex gene SOX9, on chromosome 3 of the spiny rat. [9]. Duplication of the DAX1 gene on the X chromosome with the normal sex-determining region of Y (SRY) results in 46 XY sex reversals. This was inherited from the mother who had normal ovarian function [17]. In recent years, the significance of SOX factors in the initiation and progression of cancers has been gradually revealed, and they act as potential therapeutic targets for cancer [18]. Animals using TSD would be at risk of rapid reproductive failure due to a skewed sex ratio favoring males in response to sustained environmental temperature change and favoring the selection of sex-determining genes. The disadvantage to the evolving male sex-determining chromosome, however, is its decay due to non-recombination and the subsequent loss of spermatogenesis genes. The global temperature change can skew the sex ratio of TSD animals and might have played a significant role in the demise of long-extinct species, notably the dinosaurs [19].

The Y chromosome has lost 900–55 active genes over the 166 million years that humans and platypi have been evolving separately. That's a loss of about five genes per million years. At this rate, the last 55 genes will be gone in 11 million years. The mole voles of eastern Europe and the spiny rats of Japan each boast some species in which the Y chromosome, and SRY, have completely disappeared. The X chromosome remains, in a single or double dose in both sexes [20,21]. Iowa's team discovered most of the genes on the Y of spiny rats had been relocated to other chromosomes. But she found no sign of SRY, nor the gene that substitutes for it. They suggest a small bit of duplicated DNA contains the switch that normally turns on SOX9 in response to SRY. When they introduced this duplication into mice, they found that it boosts SOX9 activity, so the change could allow SOX9 to work without SRY [9]. Researchers at Hokkaido University, Japan, led by Professor Osato Kurosiwo, have shown that sex determination in the endangered Amama spiny rat, where males do not carry a Y chromosome, occurs through directly increasing expression of the SOX9 gene on chromosome 3 in male rats. Publishing their research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team has demonstrated how SOX9 is activated in the Amama spiny rats without the need for SRY. Showing how male determination can still occur without the Y chromosome. This allows for further questions to be asked about the evolution of sex determination. The team discovered most of the genes on the Y of spiny rats had been relocated to other chromosomes. But she found no sign of SRY, nor the gene that substitutes for it suggested that the human Y chromosome is in demise. [22].

Conclusion. The sperm and its male genes are not the only players responsible for determining the sex of the fetus and giving its male characteristic. Rather, it has been revealed that there are other players who play this vital role, and they are specifically the temperature and heat-sensitive genes present in the ovum and in all cells. Since these genes were discovered in the DNA of some animals which are less developed than humans - what does that mean? It means that human DNA is the most developed, comprehensive, and complex, and only less than 5% of its genes have been detected. It is obvious that the human DNA must eligibly deserve the presence of these "heat-sensitive genes”, and they are among the list of locked genes that are not activated in the DNA, and these heat-sensitive genes are known scientifically as "DMRT1 & SOX9". Thus, it can be understood why the Virgin Mary gave birth to a male child without the presence of sperm. The imminent – evolutionarily speaking – disappearance of the human Y chromosome has elicited speculation about our future, But the human Y chromosome is degenerating and may disappear in a few million years, leading to our extinction unless we evolve a new sex gene.

Future perspectives. The question is whether the disappearance of the "Y" chromosome means ending the era of humanity on the globe, such as the extinction of the dinosaur era. This must guide scientists and researchers to search for and develop techniques to activate the heat-sensitive genes, in humans. as in the case of Miss. Mary when getting pregnant with Jesus due to the activation of these heat-sensitive genes. This will be answered by the future of scientific research in genes and DNA.


DNA= Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

SRY= Sex-determining region Y protein.

DMRT1= Double-sex and MAB-3 related transcription factor 1

SOX9= SRY-Box Transcription Factor 9.

Dax1= Dosage-Sensitive Sex Reversal-Adrenal Hypoplasia Congenita Critical Region on the X Chromosome, Gene 1.


The author thanks Radwa Ali (NIH) and Ahmed Ali (VCU) for their revision of the manuscript, comments, and insights.

Conflicts of Interest.

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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