Bridges of Understanding Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2011

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Fall/Winter 2011



Advisory Board:
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
General Colin Powell
The Hon. Lee Hamilton
Dr. Craig Barrett
The Hon. Bill Frist
Mrs. Marie-Josee Kravis

Board Members:
Amb. Karim Kawar, President
David Bradley
Samia Farouki
Kathy Hubbard
Luma Kawar
Marlene Malek

National Advisory Council:
Donna Pearson Chapman
Susan Crown and Bill Kunkler
April and John Delaney
Betsy and Dick DeVos
Ronald Dozoretz
Dee and Jimmy Haslam
Soledad and Bob Hurst
Patricia Kluge and Bill Moses
M.A. and Jim Rogers
Vicki Sant


In This Issue

The Bridges of Understanding Foundation is a non-profit, non-political organization devoted to supporting projects and efforts that foster better understanding between the American people and people of the Arab world.

Improving understanding & appreciation between the American people and people of the Arab world in order to help shed misconceptions in both parts of the world.

As facilitators of change we aim to create spheres of influence among future opinion leaders, inspiring them to affect positive change and support initiatives that encourage better understanding, dialogue & appreciation between peoples of different cultures. Bridges of Understanding organizes Journeys to the Arab world, supports educational efforts and facilitates the exchange of information.



2011 Building Bridges Awardee, Amb. Stuart Holliday, with Bridges Board Members


Fifth Annual Bridges of Understanding Conference


Fifth Annual Bridges of Understanding Conference


Fifth Annual Bridges of Understanding Conference

Conference Photos courtesy of Edgar Becerra;Exhibition Photos courtesy of Christophe Avril.

 Bridges of Understanding Fifth Annual Conference

We are proud to announce a very successful Bridges of Understanding Fifth Annual Conference, held last Tuesday, December 6th, in Washington, DC. This year’s conGoldbergFriedmanference featured fantastic speakers and was the most successful event to date, welcoming over 100 leaders from across the public and private sectors.

After an introduction by Ambassador Karim Kawar, the conference opened with an interview of three-time Pulitzer Prize winning author Mr. Thomas Friedman ofThe New York Times by The Atlantic columnist Mr.Jeffrey Goldberg on the state of affairs in the 
Middle East since the Arab Spring. The discussion included conversations on US policies in the region and attitude toward Israel-Palestine, the impact of radical Islam in the recent Egyptian elections, the potential outcomes of the current Syrian revolution, and the role of youth in shaping the future of the emerging democracies throughout the region. The full video of this interview is available here.ArabSpring1

Bridges Board Member Samia Farouki introduced the next panel, "The Arab Spring: Views from the Region," which included speakers: H.E. Ali Aujali, Ambassador of Libya to the United StatesDr. Vali Nasr, senior fellow with the Brookings Institution; and Ms. Amira Yahyaoui, Tunisian rights activist and founder of the Tunisian Parliament Monitor. The panelists conveyed their views on the causes and effects of the revolutions in Libya and Tunisia, the geopolitical role of Iran, the influence 
of women, and the potential for different models of governance - from Turkish to Swedish - to shape the region. Yahyaoui emphasized the need for democracy to prevail, noting that "the real democracy is in the balance of power between parties."

Ms. April Media3McClain DelaneyWashington Director of Common Sense Media, moderated the following panel discussion on "The Evolving Role of Innovation and Media in the Middle East.
" Mr. Hady Amr, Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Middle East at USAID;Dr. Abderrahim FoukaraAl Jazeera's Washington Bureau Chief; and Ms. Marne Levine, Vice President for Global Public Policy at Facebook, discussed the power of digital connectivity and the optimism of youth, and their respective roles in the revolutions throughout the Arab region. Amr discussed the effects of the current revolutions in the Middle East and the changes that may come of them, noting that he saw a more positive future for his children's interactions with the region. A recurring theme was the interconnectedness of today’s global society, with Levine noting that she "was interested to find that the mission of Bridges of Understanding directly tracks the mission of Facebook – it's all about connecting the world."

Subsequently, Ms. Marlene Malek of BridgesIbrahim of Understanding presented the Fourth Annual Building Bridges Award to Ambassador Stuart Holliday, Meridian President and CEO. After expressing his gratitude for the honor, the panels and attendees moved to the luncheon, where Egyptian sociologist and rights activist Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim offered the keynote address discussing his ongoing efforts to monitor his country's elections and protect its emerging democracy.

Please click here for additional photos from the day's events – video from the opening interview can be viewed here.

Faces of the Middle East Photo Exhibition

Bridges of Understanding was pleased to sponsor the first American exhibition of Faces of the Middle East, a collection of photos documenting people from across the Arab world and examining the region's common thread of humanity. The exhibition was held in conjunction with the 20th Annual Arab-US Policymakers Conference, hosted by the National Council on US-Arab Relations (NCUSAR.)
A fresh and intimate glimpse into a region recently noted forHermoine Macura - Book coveruprisings and violence, Faces of the Middle East represents the past seven years in the life and work of Dubai One's TV Broadcaster and Producer, Hermoine Macura. This compilation of photos documents her experience in the region, demonstrating through vivid images the rich variety of cultures, ethnicities, religions, and social groups that compose the Middle East - serving as "proof that this region is not, as many mistakenly believe, a monolithic culture." Through her photos Macura strives for improved awareness and understanding of the Middle East, and for increased dialogue and appreciation among peoples.

"The exhibition is about intercultural dialogue. I wanted to show... that the Middle East is not a monolithic culture, and... that there's so much richness here," said Macura in a recent interview with Gulf News, stressing that she wished to share her personal experience in various areas throughout the Middle East. "This was a turning point because it made me realise how much pain and hope there is. They inspired me. I see a lot of beauty to show. Being an expatriate, I have travelled across the region and can show a bird's eye view to [others]." Macura stresses that her work is not intended to be political, but rather focuses on small pleasures of everyday life and the humanity of the region itself.

Faces2A fresh and intimate glimpse into a region recently noted for uprisings and violence, Faces of the Middle East represents the past seven years in the life and work of Dubai One's TV Broadcaster and Producer, Hermoine Macura. This compilation of photos documents her experience in the region, demonstrating through vivid images the rich variety of cultures, ethnicities, religions, and social groups that compose the Middle East - serving as "proof that this region is not, as many mistakenly believe, a monolithic culture." Through her photos Macura strives for improved awareness and understanding of the Middle East, and for increased dialogue and appreciation among peoples.

Ms. Carey Kluttz, Bridges Executive Director, notes that "Faces of the Middle East is absolutely in line with our mission of fostering understanding between the US and the Arab world. Hermoine's photos offer a unique view of the humanity and diversity of a region so often misunderstood, and her work explores a side of the Middle East that is not often seen in our news, particularly of late. We are excited to bring this exhibition to an American audience."

In the words of Macura following thFaces1e recent exhibition, "working with Bridges of Understanding was such a wonderful experience for me. Not only did they make my first exhibition in the USA a reality but they also opened doors for further development and dialogue across the United States. Apart from sharing the same value systems and vision, the organisation’s passion for creating bridges between the US and the Arab world is vital, especially during these times of international uncertainty. After spending almost a decade living and working across the Arab world, I truly believe this is the time for peace in the Middle East. There has never been a greater time to make that dream possible for the millions of people who call the region home. Organisations such as Bridges of Understanding are part of a rare few who understand what needs to be done and take the appropriate steps and risks in creating those first steps of hope."

The exhibition was on display in Washington, DC on the evening of October 27 at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, as well as the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center on October 27-28. Additional exhibition dates will be announced shortly, and Macura's book will be available to American markets in the coming months - please contact us for purchasing information

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