Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Sixty-Four

آحمد صبحي منصور في الأحد ١٤ - يونيو - ٢٠٢٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

                      Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Sixty-Four


Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy




May the Lord God Bless and Help you

Published in June 3, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I suffered persecution because of your Quranist ideas I have embraced and preached; I left Egypt and I live now in a center for refugees in Germany; my family members are still in Egypt..... It seems I cannot obtain political asylum in Germany; the authorities here demand proofs of my having suffered persecution; this means the Germans might deport me to Egypt! ....... Please I need your help to immigrate to the U.S.  ......... … Thank you …


 May the Lord God bless and help you our dear son. We never know you in person; we are not in touch with any Quranists in Germany who may offer you any possible help. Of course, we are never responsible for any persecution you have suffered; this is your choice and your will. It is not about our ideas; we never draw any benefits or suffer any harms when someone embraces or rejects our ideas. We have nothing to offer to you except to pray to the Lord God for your sake. Of course, to immigrate for the sake of the Lord God (i.e., in order to keep one's monotheistic faith and to flee religious persecution) means to adhere to patience and to endure hardships at first; eventually, aid and success come and one is settled within better conditions. This what happened to our person when we sought and obtained political asylum in the U.S. after we passed the age of fifty. You are a young man and can endure worse conditions; this is your chance to test your fortitude, piety, and patience; the more pious and patient you are, the more your reward in this world and in the next one will be for you. Put your trust on the Lord God.   





Questions Typical of Security Officers!

Published in June 3, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a journalist from the Arabic website ...... I admire your recent articles about your intellectual journey as a thinker....... I read the interview you made within our website years ago......... I desire some pieces of information from you to help me within my reportage about Quranists in Egypt; I have some questions that I would like to be permitted to put to you: .................................... Please reply ASAP...........  … Thank you …


 We never answer questions like the ones typical of security officers in Egypt. Apparently, you hardly know anything about Quranism and Quranists; you might have misunderstood our interview in the website you mention. You seem to have never read any of our previous articles where we mention that the number of Quranists in Egypt and elsewhere is never known to us or to anyone. No one can find out any pieces of information about Quranists in Egypt; they tend to hide their faith so as not to risk their being persecuted by the authorities and/or ostracized by society. Anyway, Quranists never constitute an organization or an institution in Egypt. Quranism is an online school of thought which is all about religious reform; it is a school/trend in Egypt and elsewhere which has no voice in the official media anywhere; Quranists never make any appearance in the media in Egypt or in the Arab-world media.   






We Did Not Let you Down!

Published in June 4, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … You intentionally let me down; I sent you many email messages to help me, as a Quranist, to immigrate to the U.S.; you never replied to any of my messages! ......... I suffer persecution because of your Quranist ideas which I have preached and defended in public............... … Thank you …


 We did not let you down; we never know you in person; we receive tens of letters from Egyptians we have never met who ask our help within their immigration endeavors; such people must stop daydreaming; being an American citizen does NOT mean that we have any power or means to bring anyone an entry visa to the U.S. We are not a genie inside the lamp of Aladdin who can grant the wishes of anyone. Letting someone down would entail that we knew this person when we were living in Egypt. This is not the case here; we never know in person the senders of such messages; we never know their real names and if their suffering persecution is true or not; we have no means to help them at all. We cannot even help our persecuted, weak extended family members (who are shunned and ostracized Quranists) who live in Al-Sharqiyah Governorate in Lower Egypt. We can never bring them an entry visa to the U.S. We have nothing to offer as help to any pious immigration seekers but to pray to the Lord God for their sake. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "...And whoever fears God within piety - He will make a way out for him. And will provide for him from where he never expected. Whoever relies on God - He will suffice him..." (65:2-3). 






The Lord God's Wrath and His Curse

Published in June 4, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  What is the difference between the Lord God's wrath and His curse within the context of 24:6-9? Any ideas? … Thank you …    


 The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "As for those who accuse their own spouses, but have no witnesses except themselves, the testimony of one of them is equivalent to four testimonies, if he swears by God that he is truthful. And the fifth time, that God’s curse be upon him, if he is a liar. But torment shall be averted from her, if she swears four times by God, that he is a liar. And the fifth time, that God’s wrath be upon her, if he is truthful." (24:6-9).

 There is no difference at all;the Lord God's wrath is synonymous with the Lord God's curse. The Hell dwellers, headed by Iblis/Satan, deserve both His wrath/anger and His curse. Wrath and curse are synonyms in the following Quranic contexts: "Whoever kills a believer deliberately, the penalty for him is Hell, where he will remain forever. And God will be angry with him, and will curse him, and will prepare for him a terrible torment." (4:93); "Say, “Shall I inform you of worse than that for retribution from God? He whom God has cursed, and with whom He became angry..." (5:60); "And He will torment the hypocrites, male and female, and the polytheists, male and female, those who harbor evil thoughts about God. They are surrounded by evil; and God is angry with them, and has cursed them, and has prepared for them Hell - a miserable destination." (48:6).




Pardon and the Ability to Forgive

Published in June 5, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is the divine reward the same for the wronged ones who pardon offenders because they (i.e., the wronged ones) are weak and those who are strong but choose to pardon their offenders though they can repay them fully? Any ideas?  … Thank you …        


 Their reward in this world is the same whether they pardon out of choice while they are strong or out of weakness; we infer this view from the following Quranic verse: "The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward lies with God. He does not love the unjust ones." (42:40).





The Quranic Chapter One within Prayers

Published in June 5, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I know you are bored to death with my and others' repeated questions about prayers; this is my last question about this topic, anyway: Have Arabs before the descent of the Quran prayed while reading Scriptures of Moses and Abraham? Did they have verses similar to the Quranic Chapter One, for instance? ....... Any ideas?..... … Thank you …      


 We have written before in our book on prayers and within our videos about prayers that the text of the Quranic Chapter One was known to Arabs (i.e., Gentiles) and the People of the Book (i.e., Jews/Israelites + Christians in Arabia) from the monotheistic religion of Abraham. Until know, Israelites read in Hebrew a text similar to the Quranic Chapter One. Of course, the Scriptures of Moses and Abraham have been read in Arabic by Arabs of Arabia before the descent of the Quran; they have employed such Scriptures in their prayers; do not forget that such Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael the firstborn son of Abraham; they learned how to pray from their forefather Ishmael.






The Egyptian Cinema and Reform

Published in June 5, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … Having read your article found on this link: (, I have a question to you about the Egyptian movies from the 1950s to the 1990s. To which extent such movies reflect the desire to change and reform and the ability to mirror and criticize society? I feel sad that there are many scenes of violence, sex, and wine-drinking in the Egyptian movies............... What is your own view? … Thank you …      


 In general, we say that many Egyptian movies of the 1940s, the 1950s, and the 1960s contain a message of reform and offer suggested remedies for social ills. The best among such movies are the ones based on Egyptian literature (i.e., novels and plays) by great writers such as Naguib Mahfouz, Youssef Idris, Ihsan Abdel-Quddos, Youssef Al-Sebaie, Abdel-Rahman Al-Sharqawi, Tharwat Abaza, and Yehya Haqqi. Of course, few modern Egyptian authors and scriptwriters have their reformist visions in their movies in the 1980s and 1990s like Lenin Al-Ramli and Waheed Hamid. Of course, sadly, some bad movies contain obscenities and unrealistic scenes; we remember that some Arabs of the Gulf monarchies in the 1970s have made their wrong views of Egypt and Egyptians based on bad movies; they assumed that Egypt contained nothing but nightclubs, sex workers, and belly-dancers! For the sake of money, some producers continue to make such bad movies which tarnish the reputation of Egypt. In fact, not so many Egyptians drink wine and visit nightclubs (in comparison to the number of citizens) when compared to the number of other people who do so in the other Arab countries. We are against the motto of art for art's sake (Ars Gratia Artis). This motto might apply to some novels but not to the cinema and dramatic arts which must deal with social ills and offer a message of reform within tragedy and comedy (and tragicomedy as well). Some producers and filmmakers assume that a moralistic message might make people hate their movies; this is not true; the enduring movies which are being watched for decades are the ones which contain a message of reform and expose social ills and offer remedies for them (especially when unjust ones are punished in the movie). This is why movies based on Egyptian novels still attract thousands of thousands of Egyptian viewers within YouTube and other websites.           





My Ex-Fiancée and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Published in June 6, 2020



Question:  … Dear Sir, … I broke up with my fiancée in 2019 within mutual consent and respect; the differences between our personalities cannot be surmounted; we have never talked for months now since we broke our engagement; yet, days ago, I heard she is taken seriously ill; she suffers now from the Coronavirus! My pricks of conscience is killing me! I desire to visit her and condole with her but I fear I might get infected! Besides, I'm afraid that she might misunderstand my visit; i.e., she might think I still desire to marry her which is never true. What am I supposed to do? Any advice?! … Thank you …      


 Be a real man. Even if she were not your ex-fiancée, and even if she were a mere friend of yours who suffers a crisis, you should stand by her and support her by all means. Do not make your fear of getting infected be your lame excuse; you can visit her while wearing a protective mask and keeping the rules of social distancing. Do not waste the chance of proving how gallant you are; you should prove to yourself that you are a true gentleman; of course, not every male is a true man.   






More about Shiite Balderdash

Published in June 6, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  I am now quite convinced that the following Quranic verses...,...,...are about the Shiite notions of............I find myself loving very much the Shiite books I have read which I have obtained from a local bouquiniste where I live....... What do you think? … Thank you …   


 It is easy for polytheistic sinners (whether they are Shiites or not) to twist, warp, and distort meanings of Quranic verses to accommodate their myths and faulty ideas; if they do not repent sincerely before they die, they will be among the losers in the Hereafter. Muhammad was not an infallible person (there are not infallible mortals, anyway); yet, he was protected by the Lord God, and hence, he delivered the entirety of the Quranic message and never made mistakes within this mission, as per the testimony of the Lord God in the Quranic text itself. Muhammad has been warned against making any attempts to change the Quranic text preserved by the Lord God until the advent of the Hour: "It is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds. Had he falsely attributed some statements to Us. We would have seized him by the right arm. Then slashed his lifeline. And none of you could have restrained Us from him." (69:43-47); "They almost lured you away from what We have revealed to you, so that you would invent something else in Our name. In that case, they would have taken you for a friend. Had We not given you stability, you might have inclined towards them a little. Then We would have made you taste double in life, and double at death; then you would have found for yourself no helper against Us." (17:73-75); "Or do they say, “He forged a lie about God.” If God so willed, He could have sealed your heart. But God obliterates the false, and confirm the true by His Words. He knows what is in the hearts. " (42:24).





Their Demanding Torment

Published in June 7, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … I wonder why in some of the Quranic stories, one reads that disbelievers demand from messengers/prophets that torment would befall them...... Any ideas? … Thank you …     


 They did so in mockery and out of arrogance and defiance so that messengers/prophets would prove their being truly sent by the Lord God. This is exemplified here: "They said, “Did you come to us to make us worship God alone, and abandon what our ancestors used to worship? Then bring us what you threaten us with, if you are truthful.”" (7:70); "And mention the brother of Aad, as he warned his people at the dunes. Warnings have passed away before him, and after him: “Worship none but God; I fear for you the torment of a Tremendous Day.” They said, “Did you come to us to divert us from our gods? Then bring us what you threaten us with, if you are being truthful.”" (46:21-22); "...“O Saleh, bring upon us what you threaten us with, if you are one of the messengers.” Whereupon the quake overtook them, and they became lifeless bodies in their homes." (7:77-78). This is about Qorayish tribesmen in Arabia who rejected the Quran: "And when Our Verses are read to them, they say, “We have heard. Had we wanted, we could have said the like of this; these are nothing but myths of the ancients.” And they said, “Our God, if this is the truth from You, then rain down on us stones from the sky, or visit us with a painful torment.”" (8:31-32). Here is the response since the era of inflicting annihilating torment in this world on disbelievers ended since the time of Moses: "Say, “I stand on clear evidence from my Lord, and you have rejected Him. I do not possess what you seek me to hasten; the decision belongs solely to God. He states the truth, and He is the Best of Judges.” Say, “If I possessed what you seek me to hasten, the matter between you and me would have been settled. God is well aware of the unjust ones.”" (6:57-58); "And they say, “When will this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?” Say, “I have no power to harm or benefit myself, except as God wills. To every nation is an appointed time. Then, when their time arrives, they can neither postpone it by one hour, nor advance it. Say, “Have you considered? If His punishment overtakes you by night or by day, what part of it will the guilty seek to hasten?” “Then, when it falls, will you believe in it? Now? When before you tried to hasten it?” Then it will be said to those who did wrong, “Taste the torment of eternity. Will you be rewarded except for what you used to do?”" (10:48-52); "And they ask you to hasten the torment. But God never breaks His promise..." (22:47); "And they urge you to hasten the torment. Were it not for a specified time, the torment would have come to them. But it will come upon them suddenly, while they are unaware. They urge you to hasten the torment. But Hell will engulf the disbelievers. On the Day when the torment will envelop them, from above them, and from beneath their feet, He will say, “Taste what you used to do!”" (29:53-55).







Penalties in Islam, Again

Published in June 7, 2020


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I have watched your videos about principles of Islamic/Quranic sharia where you define how a Quran-based country/State of Islam should look like and how it should respect human rights...etc. Yet, what about non-Muslims in a Quran-based society/country who never believe in the Quran and will refuse that penalties mentioned in it would be applied to them (I mean cutting off hands of thieves and flogging fornicators)? What about putting to death those who converted to Islam and then rejected it?! Any ideas?  …  Thank you …        


 We have answered this question of yours many times before, and this is the last time we shall ever do it. All peaceful citizens are equal in the Quran-based country regardless of their faiths/denominations. Peaceful people are Muslims in the sense of Islam in terms of peaceful behavior. Justice entails that all citizens are equal before the Law; legislations are based on direct democracy when the people rule themselves, issue laws and vote on them, and resort to experts in different fields of specializations. Hence, social justice requires offering financial help to the needy so that they would not steal; aggressors/thieves who steal after having their full rights and never repent are the ones who deserve the penalty. In most cases, Quranic penalties are for those violators of human rights; penalties are avoided when offenders declare repentance in public and their intention never to commit their crime (e.g., the sin of theft) again. If they are liars who never repented sincerely, the Lord God will make them enter into Hell for eternity.

We refer you to two books of ours in English found on the following links:

Besides, there is no penalty for rejecting Islam after embracing it; we refer you to our book in English found on the following link:





Demanding A Gift Back!

Published in June 9, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … My elder brother gave me, as a gift, a valuable wristwatch; in my turn, I gave it, as a gift, to a dear friend of mine; yet, my elder brother was furious upon knowing what I did! He now demands that I retrieve the wristwatch from my friend to give it back to him since he regretted giving it to me as a gift in the first place! I am very embarrassed and I cannot ask my friend to give it back to me; yet, I desire to please my furious elder brother; what shall I do? Any advice?! ...... …  Thank you …


 You have done nothing wrong; this wristwatch no longer belongs to your elder brother since he gave it to you as a gift; it is yours and you have the right to keep it, sell it, or give it away as a gift to anyone; you should tell your brother so; you should knock some sense into his mind.






An Old Man Acting Like a Youth!

Published in June 9, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a 59-year-old wife; my husband is a 75-year-old man but he looks younger; I hate his insistence on remaining sexually active; I am now too old for sex; in fact, coitus is painful to me! Besides, within all these years of my marriage, he  cares only for his own gratification and never cared for my pleasure and if I enjoyed having marital sex with him or not; I feel that in bed, he has always treated me like a whore! I can no longer stand it in my old age! He always expects me to lie down passively and motionlessly until he would finish emptying his seeds into me like a receptacle! I felt glad and relieved that months ago, his prostate gland was removed (because of a tumor) within an operation; yet, he insists on being treated to get rid of his impotence! I never wish him treated since I am now relieved from his animal-like sex! I hate his raping me! I felt schadenfreude since he became impotent after the operation; yet, I now dread the worst: would he regain his potency with medicaments and herbs...etc. so that he would continue to torture me in bed?! I am too old and I have no family to return to; I am not financially independent; I cannot seek divorce. My husband tells to me daily that one day, he'd be cured and will have as much sex as he wants with me to make up for the 'lost' months after the operation! He cannot perceive how sexually repulsed I am with such a disgusting beast of a husband! I wish he'd die soon! I worry too much; my pricks of conscience are killing me! ..........What shall I do? Any advice?!     …  Thank you …


 There is no need to worry or to have pricks of conscience; it is most unlikely that your old husband, who acts as if he were a youth, would regain his potency. Your monstrous husband never understands that both a husband and a wife must enjoy sex: "Your women are cultivation for you; so approach your cultivation whenever you like, and send ahead for yourselves. And fear God, and know that you will meet Him. And give good news to the believers." (2:223); he never understands that in his old age, tender, loving care is what he should expect from his wife and not sex; he cannot go on challenging human nature and old age; otherwise, he will suffer physically, mentally, and psychologically, and this may cause his death.





A Rare Example of Stupidity!

Published in June 10, 2020


Question: … A disbelieving hypocrite like you insists on the fact that the writers on your website of falsehoods must deny Sunna hadiths; yet, they and you mention them a lot! You are obsessed with hatred towards the Holy Prophet Muhammad and His Pure Hadiths! ..... You deny the veracity and authenticity of hadiths and yet you believe that history contains facts; why don't you reject and disbelieve in history?! .......Your real aim is to serve your masters in the West by seeking to destroy Islam! You are among the worshippers of the American dollars! ....... Islam will go on existing and it shall prevail regardless of its haters like you who seek to destroy it! ........ The Holy Companions of our Holy Prophet will never be influenced by your insulting them in your cursed writings! You are an ally of Satan! You will enter into Hell and rot inside it, anyway, and I ain't waste any more precious time to discuss anything with you!........ May Allah  curse you!   … 


 This message reflectsa rare example of stupidity of its Sunnite polytheistic male sender! It is logical that we (and other Quranist writers) quote devilish hadiths to refute them and to prove how they contradict the Holy Quran. The angry words and accusations in such a message indicate how its male sender hates his being unable to refute Quranism; otherwise, he would show his rejection of Quranic verses. No vet can cure the bovine stupidity of such a jack-ass! Stupid jack-asses should stop exposing themselves; they must keep their mouths shut so as not the be the butt of every joke and the object of ridicule and contempt by those around them. We hope this male sender would die as a polytheistic Sunnite without repentance.





About the Quranic Verse 39:68

Published in June 10, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … Who are meant by the exception here: "And the Trumpet will be sounded, whereupon everyone in the heavens and the earth will be stunned, except whomever God wills. Then it will be sounded another time, whereupon they will rise up, looking on." (39:68)? Any ideas? …  Thank you … 


 Of course, in 39:68, (stunned) means to die out of a tremendous shock resulted from the advent of the Hour, which is the first explosion. For more details about this topic, please read our two books in English and our article in English found on these links:

 As for the exception in 39:68, we tend to think that they are the blessed ones who died for the sake of Allah while serving His cause whose souls live in the Barsakh Paradise after their death; the Lord God says in the Quran that they will never die again: "And do not say of those who are killed in the cause of God, “Dead.” Rather, they are alive, but you do not perceive." (2:154); "Do not consider those killed in the cause of God as dead. In fact, they are alive, at their Lord, well provided for. Delighting in what God has given them out of His grace, and happy for those who have not yet joined them; that they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. They rejoice in grace from God, and bounty, and that God will not waste the reward of the believers." (3:169-171).




About the Quranic Verse 60:13

Published in June 11, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the reference to the occupants of the graves in 60:13? ....Any ideas?    … Thank you …    


 The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "O you who believe! Do not ally yourselves to people with whom God has become angry, and have despaired of the Hereafter, as the disbelievers have despaired of the occupants of the graves." (60:13). This refers to those polytheists who worship interred/entombed mortals as immortal saints/deities though such dead gods cannot offer any help to their worshipers or ward off any evil from them.

 The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran about such entombed false deities who will disown their worshipers in the Hereafter and cannot help them in this transient world: "...As for those you call upon besides Him, they do not possess a speck. If you pray to them, they cannot hear your prayer. And even if they heard, they would not answer you. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will reject your partnership. None informs you like an Expert." (35:13-14); "And when humanity is gathered, they will be enemies to them, and will renounce their worship of them." (46:6).





There Is No Contradiction Here

Published in June 11, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir,  … How come that in 24:30-31, the Lord God commands us to restrain (lustful) looks but in proving the crime/sin of fornication, four witnesses are required as per 24:4; this means they must have seen genitals of fornicators! Is there a contradiction here?! Any ideas?  … Thank you …    


 There is no contradiction here; one restrains one's looks from anyone and anything seen accidentally which might arouse one sexually. As for witnesses within crime of fornication, it is enough that the (at least) four witnesses (males or females or both) should see the sexual movements of thrusting done by male fornicators and hear sexual noises expressed by both male and female fornicators; it is not required that (fe)male genitals of fornicators must be seen: this Sunnite false idea is almost impossible. The penalty is one hundred lashes for each (fe)male fornicator by the flog as per 24:2. Of course, in 4:15, witnesses do not have to see sexual acts; they bear testimony to the fact that a woman is a sex worker within a house of ill repute. The penalty here is to confine the woman in her house and allowing no customers/visitors to visit her until she repents or she would die. There is no flogging in 4:15.        






How Mary Gave Birth to Jesus

Published in June 12, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  As I pondered the Quranic verses about Mary and Jesus in the Quranic Chapter 19, I do believe that her conceiving was done outside the womb and a caesarian section was required so that she gave birth to Jesus.....What do you think?  … Thank you  …  


 You are certainly mistaken. The context of 19:16-26 shows to our person that the miracle included that Jesus was born naturally from the womb of Mary without having a biological father: Adam was created without a father and a mother; his wife, Eve, had no mother. The context of 19:16-26 shows a fast succession of events; Jesus never remained for nine months inside the womb of Mary; she delivered her baby once Gabriel visited her while carrying the soul of Jesus. Once delivered, the baby Jesus talked to his mother.





Judging the Angels

Published in June 12, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … You have mentioned in a previous article/fatwa and a previous book of yours that the angels will be judged in the Last Day as per this verse: "And you will see the angels hovering around the Throne, glorifying their Lord with praise. And it will be judged between them equitably, and it will be said, “Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.”" (39:75); yet, this verse does NOT mention Hell or Paradise for angels! Why is that? Besides, Satan and devils are created of fire; how come they will be burned forever in Hell-Fire then?! .......Any ideas? … Thank you …


 Of course, Satan/Iblis has been created from a sort of fire energy; he and his descendants, soldiers, and followers will enter into Hell to be tormented forever; Hell-Fire has not been created yet; it will be, of course, stronger than the fire energy from which Satan and devils have been created. It is logical that creatures may be tormented by elements from which they were created; for instance, the bodies of human beings have been created from water and soil; both can be deadly and means of torment in this world: people may drown and suffocate in water and can suffocate when buried alive; human-body cells might be cancerous; the immunity system in the human body can sometimes be an enemy of the human body and destroy it. Iblis was among the Upper-Realm angels; his disobedience caused him to turn into a devil and to be renamed as Satan; his inevitable fate is Hell for eternity in the Hereafter. This means disobedient, rebel angels will enter into Hell; this means all (dis)obedient and (dis)believing angels are free agents and will be judged and the Last Day like other creatures: jinn and human beings: "And each one of them will come to Him on the Day of Resurrection alone." (19:95). The angels who will never disobey the Lord God are those guardians of Hell; they have not been created yet; Hell has not been created yet. Both these angels and Hell will be created on the Last Day: "O you who believe! Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire, whose fuel is people and stones. Over it are angels, fierce and powerful. They never disobey God in anything He commands them, and they carry out whatever they are commanded." (66:6).  









About Diacritics in the Quranic Text

Published in June 13, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Are diacritics found in the words of the Quranic text right or wrong? How should we know? What about signs in the text about when to stop and how to read certain words?! I am confused! Any ideas?! … Thank you …  


 The Quran is read in one right way inherited from Muhammad; the diacritics (invented in the Abbasid Era) is based on this only right way to read the Quran. this is proven by the fact that the Lord God Himself has arranged the order of the Quranic verses and assigned how to read them: "Upon Us is its collection and its recitation. Then, when We have recited it, follow its recitation." (75:17-18). 

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