Interfaith marriage

آحمد صبحي منصور في الثلاثاء ٢١ - أبريل - ٢٠١٥ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال
Date: November, 5th, 2007 Question: Are Muslim women allowed to marry people of the scriptures only (Christian and Jews) or any Non-Muslim?
آحمد صبحي منصور

The holy Quran uses the term “Those who believe” to describe Muslims, Christians, and Jews, as they all received messages from God. For example, the Quran told Mohamed “How can they judge you and they have the old testament which have God’s words.” The new testament also speaks of the Quran.

We understand Quran through the Quran itself because the Arabic language has evolved since the Quran was revealed and have new meanings and vocabulary. Even the Turath has its own vocabularies that reflect the time it was written in, like the Shia or Sufi Turath. It makes no sense to try to understand the holy Quran using vocabulary that was invented or changed after the Quran was revealed. This is why Quran should only be understood through its’ own vocabulary. For example, Sunna in Quran means law or methodology and it is attributed to Allah (SWT), as he says:  There can be no difficulty to the Prophet in what God has indicated to him as a duty. It was the practice [Sunna] (approved) of God amongst those of old that have passed away, and the command of God is a decree determined.” (33:38) Here, Sunna is used in the verse context just like if it is duty, and they both mean God’s Sharia. As for the prophet Mohamed (PBUH), Muslim should follow his good deeds only, and not his personal life choices.

When we research the holy Quran using its’ terminology, we must accept what the verses say, even if it is against what we initially thought. Hence, before discussing the marriage of Muslim women to Non-Muslims, we need to define first what it means to be a Muslim.

According to the Quran, the word Islam has two meanings: the first is a behavioral definition and it means to be peaceful, and the second is a faith-based definition, and that is to worship no one but Allah and to submit to him fully. The faith-based meaning of Islam is left for Allah’s judgement in the other life, but the behavioral meaning is for humans to use, regardless of faith, as long as that person is peaceful. This means that any peaceful individual is considered a Muslim and can marry any Muslim believer.

When the Quran prohibits marrying the Moshrkien (infidels) till they start believing, it means not to marry any aggressor. The Quran also says that infidels are aggressors, hence here the verse prohibit marrying aggressors. In the last verse of Albaqrah chapter, Allah says “Oh Allah, help us win the infidels,” meaning the aggressors, since in the second verse of the same chapter Allah say “And fight those who fight you and do not transgress, as Allah does not like aggressors.”

Infidel here means people with aggressive and violent behavior, and hence suicide bombers who kill without distinction are infidels.

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