Helping Democracies Deliver for Their Citizens Around the World

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Dear Colleague – Here is CIPE’s most recent OverseasREPORT, highlighting coverage of our recent conference Democracy that Delivers for Women and our partners’ work promoting democratic and economic reform around the world. We hope you will find their endeavors as inspiring as we do. Best regards – Caroline
Summer 2011 OverseasREPORT
In recognition of International Democracy Day on September 15, this issue of CIPE’s OverseasREPORT highlights efforts to empower women in building democracy that delivers. CIPE’s June conference, Democracy that Delivers for Women, helped to reinforce the essential truth that women’s empowerment is crucial to the development of strong economies and sustainable democracy. In her opening address US Ambassador for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer noted “Democracy without women is a contradiction in terms.” Read her full remarks.
This edition also features CIPE partner the Business Women Forum – Palestine (BWF). At a BWF conference, CIPE Chair Karen Kerrigan stated that “Women’s participation in entrepreneurship is vital to the economic health and growth of communities and countries, and women business owners in Palestine are playing a critical role in building its economic vibrancy and social strength.”
Please share CIPE program news with a personalized message to 10, 50, or more recipients in just a minute or two. As always, we look forward to hearing from you – and what story you would like to tell.
Best regards,
Caroline Scullin
Communications Director
Center for International Private Enterprise
1155 15th Street NW | Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20005
ph: (202) 721-9200 | fax: (202) 721-9250 | |
© 2011 Center for International Private Enterprise
اجمالي القراءات 2020