Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Six

آحمد صبحي منصور في الإثنين ٢٧ - مايو - ٢٠١٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً


Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Six

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy



You Are Welcome as a Commentator

Published in May 18, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Although my Arabic language is not very well and my passion for the Arabic tongue has been rekindled thanks to your great writings, I request from you to allow me to write and post articles on your great Quranism website........  … Thank you …    


 You are welcome to our website as a commentator; i.e., at first, you can write comments under all published writings and to discuss in your comments any topics you like and to raise questions,...etc. Later on, when we see that your ideas, discussions, and questions in your comments show the basics of a promising Quranist researcher, we will promote you to be a writer of articles. Please keep reading on our website and your style of writing will improve and you will find material to write about later on within original, new ideas your mind will bring when you ponder deeply on the Quranic text. Thank you. 







Published in May 20, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … Oreois a best-selling brand of cookies; people who work there said in the media that the Oreo company uses gelatin taken from the cartilage of pigs! Therefore, I desire your opinion: Do you think that consuming Oreo, in that case, is forbidden in Islam or not?! Any ideas?!  … Thank you …


 One cannot add to the list of prohibited food items mentioned in the Quran. You can consume Oreo; this is not a prohibited food item. The Quran prohibits the consumption of the flesh of pigs only; this means one can consume lard/fat and bones/cartilage of pigs if they are used in food items or meals (and medication). We have written about this many times. We refer you to our article in English found on this link:







Smoking Does Not Spoil Fasting in Ramadan

Published in May 20, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  This Ramadan, I will not give up smoking during my fasting, as per your fatwa in this respect, but if it turns out that it's wrong/sinful to smoke in days (i.e., not nights) of Ramadan, you will bear the responsibility, before Allah, for spoiling my fasting! What do you think? … Thank you …


  In our book about fasting, and within our previous fatwas, we prove that smoking does not spoil fasting since the smoke gets into the lungs and not the stomach. We bear full responsibility for the Quranist views we write on our website. The prohibition of smoking in general began with Sunnite Wahabism as its clergymen take delight in prohibiting permissible items. We are quite sure that smoking does not spoil fasting and it is not prohibited in the Quran; yet, we never smoke at all; there are permissible things which we do not use or do. For instance, when we were in Egypt, we had no bank accounts and we published an article titled "The Usury Battle" (; yet, despite our poverty at the time, the Azharite sheikhs who hated our person accused us of receiving money from the 'enemies' of Islam in the West to 'destroy' Islam; they were hypocrites who prohibited dealing with banks despite their having bank accounts to receive money (i.e., Wahabi petrodollars) from the KSA.








Toilet Water and Fasting!

Published in May 20, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … An Azharite sheikh issued a fatwa never to clean one's anus with toilet water after defecation during days (i.e., not nights) of Ramadan so as not to spoil one's fasting! This corrupt, laughter-inducing fatwa is now ridiculed in the social media networks by so many people; yet, I desire that you refute this ridiculous, illogical fatwa in a serious manner within Quranism … Thank you …    


 Of course, within the Only True Islam (i.e., Qurnaism), fasting is spoiled only through eating, drinking, and having sex between dawn and sunset. Yet, the Sunnite fiqh taught at Al-Azhar contains myths such as spoilers of fasting and ablution for prayers: vomiting, blood getting out of one's mouth, and cleaning one's anus with water! In fact, Al-Azhar ignoramuses teach nothing to people but ignorance and devilish myths. The Azharite sheikh you allude to in your message is seeking fame in this era of collapse and corruption; that is all. We remember that in the 1990s when we lived in Cairo, Egypt, the State-owned Al-Ahram newspaper requested from the grand Mufti of Egypt to write daily articles during Ramadan; this Mufti was an ignoramus who merely copied Sunnite fiqh mythology from old books of traditions; among his articles was a one about spoilers of fasting which include, in his opinion, one's anus being fingered by a man! After much ridicule by readers (and much anger by some prudes) because of such illogical fatwa, this was the last article for that Mufti and he did not continue writing his series of articles in Al-Ahram newspaper. In fact, all Azharite clergymen are merely a herd of cattle who enjoy bovine stupidity. This article by the Mufti about fingering anuses drove our late friend, the secular thinker Dr. Farag Fouda (who was assassinated later on in June, 1992, by Wahabi terrorists), to write a satirical article, in the independent Al-Ahrar newspaper, which includes this phrase: ( fasting was spoiled as I stood in a bridge over the River Nile; an unknown man suddenly appeared from nowhere and fingered my asshole before running away!).     






About the Testimony of Islam

Published in May 21, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I agree with you that the testimony of Islam does not include mentioning the names of Muhammad and Ali or any other mortals; it is strange that the Quranic Chapter 63, titled (The Hypocrites) indicates indirectly that hypocrites will add the phrase (I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) to the only testimony of monotheism in Islam: (I testify there is no God but Allah); the so-called dual testimony is uttered by the masses during quarrels, times of sorrow, times of loss, etc., and this is not to mention muezzins who brag of their melodious voices.......... Thanks to you, I now know that more than 90% of deeds, acts of worship, and beliefs of the Muhammadans are wrong and polytheistic; does this mean that the vast majority of the Arabs or Umma of Muhammad will enter into Hell in the Hereafter?! … Thank you …      


 Of course, in all our Quranist writings, we quote the Quran (rejected by the polytheistic Muhammadans) to prove our views; there is nothing in Islam known as the (nation/Umma of Muhammad); true monotheists never make distinction among prophets/messengers of the Lord God; see our article in English about this topic on this link: ( As a Quranist thinker, we have nothing to do but to warn and preach others through our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos and Quranist website, while bearing full responsibility for what we publish online and the videos we upload. At the age of 70 now, we are expected to die anytime; we have prepared ourselves to the Day of Judgment when the Dominant Lord God will settle the differences and disputes in religion between the monotheistic Quranists and the polytheistic Muhammadans. We infer from the Quranic Chapter 56 that the misguided ones among human beings form the vast majority; a minority of human beings will enter into Paradise as their deeds and faith will be accepted by the Lord God. In fact, as per the Quran, most people do not believe in God; the vast majority of those who believe in God believe in Him only within polytheism. Please ponder deeply on these Quranic verses: "On the Day when We will say to Hell, "Are you full?" And it will say, "Are there any more?"" (50:30); "And most of them do not believe in God unless within polytheism." (12:106); "The humankind's judgment has drawn near, but they turn away heedlessly." (21:1); "...So have no doubt about it. It is the truth from your Lord, but most people do not believe." (11:17). For more details about the topic of the testimony of monotheism, we refer readers to our article, in English, found on this link: (







Babies with Hemorrhage

Published in May 21, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … My wife is a nurse and she feels pained and pangs of remorse when she'd receive orders to remove apparatuses from babies who havehemorrhage in the brain after several months (i.e.. this is like euthanasia) who are not expected to survive; my wife feels guilty; is this a crime of murder by doctors or not?!  … Thank you …      


 It is up to specialized medical doctors (and not nurses) to decide if there are chances for these babies to survive or not. Therefore, there is no crime in the case of your wife.







About the Quranic Verse 42:32

Published in May 21, 2019




Question: … Dear Sir, …  The term (jawary) in this Quranic verse "And of His signs are the ships sailing the sea like flags." (42:32) indicates ships; yet, the literal meaning of this term now is young women or female adolescents; what do you think of that? … Thank you …      


 We have answered this question before in previous fatwas and in Chapter One in a book of ours in English found on this link: ( We say briefly here that the Quranic term (jawary) is derived from the Arabic verb "jara", which means: to run, to move fast. Within metonymy, the term (jawary) in the Quran refers to floating ships. The Arabic term (jawary) in the sense of young women (or young females slaves) is not found in the Quran; the Quranic text uses other terms to indicate enslaved young women; e.g., see 4:25 and 24:33.  







About the Quranic Verses 39:71-73

Published in May 22, 2019



Question:  … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in throngs...And those who feared their Lord within piety will be driven to Paradise in throngs..." (39:71-73). I see that in the context about the Last Day, the word (driven) is employed equally about Hell-dwellers and Paradise-dwellers before they enter into their eternal abodes; why is that? Any ideas? … Thank you …      


 On the Day of Judgment, all human beings will lose their free will and the freedom of movement since their Resurrection; Hell-dwellers will never retrieve their freedom and will never get out of Hell; they will remain inside it forever; in contrast, Paradise-dwellers will retrieve their freedom once they enter into Paradise (and not before this) and will never get out of this eternal bliss. Of course, the Quranic verses explain one another; 39:71 is explained elsewhere in the Quran: "On the Day when We gather from every community a group of those who rejected Our Verses..." (27:83); "The Day when God's enemies are herded into the Hell-Fire..." (41:19). Likewise, 39:73 is explained here: "On the Day when We will gather the pious ones to the Dominant Lord in delegations." (19:85).      








Published in May 22, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … I've noticed in the Quranic text that the term appreciative/thankful is used to describe both the Lord God and the patient, pious monotheists as well; why is that? Any ideas? … Thank you …   


 The Lord God describes Himself as Appreciative/Thankful in 35:30, 35:34, 42:23, and 64:17. We cannot imagine the descriptions of the Lord God the Creator with our limited human minds; this is why the figurative, metaphoric style is employed in the Quranic text in this respect to help us grasp and understand; this metaphoric style includes using human-related words to indicate qualities and deeds of the Lord God. For more details about that topic, we refer you to our article, in English, about the Quranic verse 2:152, found on this link:






The Believing Prince in Moses' Pharaoh's Family

Published in May 22, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following about the believing, good man who was among Pharaoh's family members or retinue members (i.e. courtiers): "So God protected him from the evils of their scheming, while a terrible torment besieged Pharaoh's family." (40:45). I wonder why God has not saved some prophets (sent to the Israelites) from being murdered; I'm referring to this verse: "As for those who deny God's Verses, and kill the prophets unjustly, and kill those who advocate justice among the people - promise them a painful torment." (3:21). Any ideas?! … Thank you …     


 We understand from the context of 40:28-45 that the believing prince in the palace of Pharaoh was hiding his monotheistic faith but he advised his people, in a speech, when he saw that they conspired to kill Moses; these evil people conspired against this prince, but the Lord God saved him from their schemes/plots; this means he died a natural death; he was not murdered and he was never drowned in the Red Sea because he never chased the Israelites during the exodus along with Pharaoh and his men, soldiers, viziers, etc. As for the murdered prophets and preachers of justice and the Truth, it is the best reward for them to dwell in the Barsakh Paradise until the Day of the Resurrection, as per the Quran, within the bliss and pleasures granted to them by the Lord God's mercy because they got killed while serving their Lord God. 







About Naskh, Again!

Published in May 23, 2019


Question: …  Dear Sir, …  In Nigeria and Benin, hot debates are held now about Naskh in the Quranic verses; how come that the verses may replace one another?! I'm sure we will find an excellent settlement of such argument in your views because you are a great thinker............ May the Lord Allah bless you …  Thank you …        


 We have said before that Naskh does not mean replacement; no verses supplant other verses in the Holy Quran. No hadiths supplant, nullify, or annul Quranic sharia laws. There are no hadiths in True Islam. The Sunnite erroneous notion of replacement aims to undermine and cast doubt on the Quran. The real meaning of Naskh in the Quran is to assert, confirm, repeat, and write. We refer you to our book about Naskh in Arabic, to our subtitled-into-English video on that topic, and to our books in Arabic and in English on the following links:








Not Too Difficult to Be Applied

Published in May 23, 2019




Question: … Dear Sir,  … God says the following in the Quran: "Those of your women who commit lewdness, you must have four witnesses against them, from among you. If they testify, confine them to the homes until death claims them, or God makes a way for them." (4:15). I find it's very difficult that a man would keep his unfaithful wife in his home until she would die! This is too difficult to be applied; what do you think? … Thank you …


 You misunderstand 4:15; it is not about a husband and a wife who cheated on him; 4:15 is about women of ill-repute or prostitutes who exchange sex for money (i.e., female sex workers) who were not caught red-handed and whose penalty is to remain locked inside their houses to prevent customers/fornicators from coming to them. This penalty ends if such women repent. This sharia law is applicable and is never too difficult to be applied, and this fact applies, of course, to all Quranic legislations.







Abstaining from Food Shortly before Dawn in Ramadan!

Published in May 23, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  What is the amount of time to abstain from the consumption of food before dawn during Ramadan? This is still debatable, as you know, because of different views, regarding that topic, found in Sunnite books of traditions............... …  Thank you …


 This is a Sunnite myth which has nothing to do with Islam. One can consume food until the Azan/call of the dawn prayers is heard: "...And eat and drink until the white streak of dawn can be distinguished from the black streak..." (2:187).







We Made a Mistake But...

Published in May 24, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … I admire your great videos and writings very much; thanks for being what you are ........... I feel bound to tell you that you made a mistake in one of your videos; Nafee' (one of the 'narrators' of hadiths) did not die in 95 A.H. as you've said but in 117 A.H. when Malik was 24 years old........ … Thank you …     


 May the Lord God bless you; thank you for notifying us; indeed, we made a mistake; all sources mention that Nafee' died in 117 A.H.; yet, Malik did not meet with Nafee', and we did not make a mistake here: Malik (93 – 179 A.H.) dictated hadiths of his book (Al-Mowata') from his imagination to his disciples in his old age; i.e., about 50 years after the death of Nafee'. This means he used the name of Nafee' within his made-up series of narrators (i.e., Isnad) in the hadiths he invented. This undermines all hadiths of Malik; they are mere lies/falsehoods and he was an inveterate liar. You are welcome to our website as a commentator. Please accept our affection and best regards.







Long Relations

Published in May 24, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … My husband, the son of a bitch, divorced me after ten years of marriage despite his being may paternal uncle's son! .......... Is having long relations or the notion to be acquainted with others for a long time mentioned in the Quran or not?  … Thank you … 


 It is a sin to verbally abuse someone as a whore or an offspring of a whore; this is slander even if it is unintentional. As for your question, the answer is as follows: yes, this meaning is found in the Quran directly and indirectly in the following verses: this is about wives: "...And live with them in kindness..." (4:19); "And his consort..." (80:36). This is about companionship (i.e., to exist at the same time and location with others for a long time) regarding Muhammad and his contemporaries: "...There is no madness in your companion..." (34:46); "Your companion has not gone astray, nor has he erred." (53:2); "Your companion is not possessed." (81:22); "Say, "Had God willed, I would not have recited it to you, and He would not have made it known to you. I have lived among you for a lifetime before it. Do you not understand?"" (10:16). This is about Pharaoh reproaching Moses: "He said, "Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you stayed among us for many of your years?" (26:18).







Freedom of Declaring Others as Disbelievers

Published in May 24, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … You contradict yourself when you attack the 'Muhammadans' (declared by you as 'disbelievers') who hold different opinions which contradict yours, and yet, you demand absolute freedom of religion for everyone! How come?! …  Thank you …    


 There is no contradiction in our stance or in our Quranism. We have said before that for Quranists (including ourselves), we declare/judge deeds, stances, and words as part of disbelief and we do not judge people; this is because any people may repent any time before they die. We aim to clarify things and to preach, advise, and warn so as to make our readers/viewers avoid deeds, words, and stances leading to disbelief/polytheism and blasphemy. This does not contradict the Quranic value of absolute religious freedom for all human beings of all faiths and denominations; i.e., to (dis)believe, to (dis)obey, to perform religious rituals/practices (e.g., prayers) or not, and to preach and proselytize. No one dares to claim to monopolize the Absolute Truth. It is natural and logical that followers of any given faith/creed or religion to declare others as infidels or disbelievers, provided that this is done peacefully and this would not lead to violence or murder. In all our writings, we very keen on asserting that the Lord God will settle all religious disputes and differences of human beings on the Day of Judgment. 






There Is No Difference

Published in May 25, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir,  …   Is there a difference in meaning between the passive voice and the active voice employed here: "O you who believe! Fasting is ordained for you..." (2:183) & "O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has ordained for you..." (5:21)? Any ideas? … Thank you …    


 There is no difference at all in meaning between the passive voice and the active voice employed in the underlined parts within these two Quranic verses.






Not to Give away Gifts?!

Published in May 25, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, …  Months ago, my dad gave me a brand new, valuable wristwatch as a gift on my birthday; I kept it and I never used it. When I gave it away to my cousin as a gift, he refused to accept it while quoting a 'hadith' about how sinful it is to give away gifts! Is there a hadith which contains such a meaning?! If it's not a hadith, does the idea of my cousin agree with the Quran or not?! Any ideas? … Thank you …  


 Of course, there are no hadiths at all in True Islam (i.e., Quranism); we believe only in the Quran as the Only Source of Islam. What your cousin has said is not part of Sunnite or Sufi hadiths/lies at all; besides, it contradicts the Quranic sharia legislations. Your gift is yours now and you can give it away to anyone, sell it,...etc. You are free to do anything with it; by the way, we advise you to give it away to a needy person so that the Lord God would reward you for this good deed of charity. 







To Live in Isolation!

Published in May 25, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Since I announced my conversion to Quranism, I live in isolation now! My siblings, relatives, and friends shun and avoid me now! They assume I've gone mad simply because I reject Sunnite myths/hadiths and fiqh to which they adhere; they refuse to talk to me or to receive me at their houses! They never receive my phone-calls! I feel very lonely and rejected! This depresses me so much! I can no longer bear it! I used to be a very socially active person! What am I supposed to do now?! Any advice?! … Thank you …  


 Please read our book titled "The Value of Patience in Islam". Since you cannot immigrate elsewhere, it is OK that you avoid them while smiling; you should remember that pious, God-fearing monotheists are rewarded by their Lord God. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "And endure patiently what they say, and withdraw from them politely. And leave Me to those who deny the truth, those of luxury, and give them a brief respite. With Us are shackles and Inferno. And food that chokes, and a painful torment." (73:10-13); "...And whoever fears God - He will make a way out for him. And will provide for him from where he never expected...God has set a measure to all things." (65:2-3).







The So-Called Taraweeh Prayers

Published in September 21, 2007


Question: … Dear Sir, … In one of your articles, you mention that the Taraweeh prayers were never performed during Muhammad's lifetime and that they began during the reign of the caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab; do you mean to say that such prayers do not pertain to Islam?! What about performing extra prayers during the night during Ramadan and other lunar months? … Thank you …        


 May the Lord God bless you; thank you for your good question; of course, Taraweeh is never part of Islam. The Quran urges the pious monotheists to perform extra acts of worship at night such as prayers and reading the Quran; this verse is about the pious monotheists who do so: "They used to sleep a little at night." (51:17). This should be done (during Ramadan and anytime, for sure) without (Sunnite) labels or terms/notions. One must never invent or add anything to the Celestial Religion of the Lord God. You can perform extra prayers (on your own at night) anytime all year long without following Sunnite traditions and while seeking to please the Lord God.     

اجمالي القراءات 3583