About This Shiite Chick who Insults our Person!

آحمد صبحي منصور في الأربعاء ١٦ - مايو - ٢٠١٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

 About This Shiite Chick who Insults our Person!

Published in May 13, 2018

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy




1- This Shiite chick is apparently a young person whose Arabic is not very well; at first, he has sent us several questions via email; his questions are silly and answered previously many times by us within the fatwas section and within our books and articles; yet, we have answered him via email and our fatwas issued to answer him carry the dates 23th and 29th of April, 2018, though his messages contained insults and ridicule of our person. This time, we have decided to quote his message sent to us yesterday, which contains an attack of our person and more insults, followed by our reply in this article that you are reading now.

2- This case of this Shiite chick deserves our pity; it seems from his style of writing that his Arabic is poor; he knows very little about Arabic grammar; the knowledge of this ignoramus about his Shiite religion is not very good; yet, this Shiite chick insists on insulting us by accusing us of being an ignorant person, though we are a pacifist, peaceful Islamic thinker who have authored thousands of articles, fatwas, and comments and tens of books and uploaded hundreds of videos.   

3- We quote the entirety of his message below, followed by our reply. We congratulate him for his success in getting our attention so that we have decided to write this article about him, as he represents a pitiful case of intellectual decline and moral degeneration. 


Sender Name: Ahmad Ismail

Email address: trade2304@yahoo.com

Real IP: -

Date: 18-05-12

Subject: no subject 


 (... You are such an ignoramus indeed! You know nothing about the Shiite Religion of Islam! All the criticism and accusations that you have leveled against Shiite authors and books are so weak and can be easily refuted and they indicate that you have never read or pondered deeply on Shiite books authored by our revered scholars. There is a vast difference, like the one between the heaven and earth, between (1) the erudite Shiite authors and scholars as well as Shiite grand and renowned philosophers and ayatollahs and (2) the Sunnite ignoramuses. You have to know that the books of grand Shiite authors and sages are translated and studied in several universities in Europe. Besides, Shiite scholars are very ascetic and never care about the money and possessions of this transient world; for instance, Ayatollah Al-Sistani is an ascetic man who lives in a rented residence, where he meets with his guests, coming from the four corners of the world, while he is modestly sitting on the ground. It is very silly of you to assume that the Shiite methodology in hadiths and narratives within Shiite books is very much like the Sunnite one. In fact, the Shiites never sanctify or revere Isnad (i.e., series of narrators of hadiths) or even narratives in the way the Sunnites do in their books; the Shiites are very open to innovative, critical thinking and new ideas all the time until today; even in Shiite seminaries, centers, and institutions, there are MA and PhD theses that easily and logically criticize narratives and writings of ancient authors, who are not deified by Shiites as you have assumed. Even within the book titled "Al-Kafi" authored by the imam Al-Kulayni, never read by you I'm sure, we find in its introduction that no hadiths/narratives are to be deemed as true unless when asserted and supported by Quranic verses, whereas the ones that contradict the Quran are fancy, distracting tales which must be rejected. This is our clear Shiite criterion; besides, there many Shiite scholars of our modern times who have criticized and refuted more than two-thirds of the hadiths of the book titled "Al-Kafi" written by the imam Al-Kulayni. This is done easily, logically, and scientifically; no Shiite ever protested against such theses. Of course, all narratives of Shiite heritage books are being examined and criticized within Shiite institutions and seminaries. Since you have never read the book titled "Al-Kafi" authored by the imam Al-Kulayni, we quote from it to you the fact that the Grand Imam Ali (peace and blessings of the Lord God be upon him) had deep, great knowledge of the Quran; he said in his hadith/narrative about the Quran that God has explained to humanity everything they need in religion only in the Quran and that the Quran lacks nothing at all. Sadly, you never read the real books of Islam authored by Shiites; this is the reason why you are among the misled, misguided people who claim to be Muslims! The real books of Islam are authored by the Shiite sage and erudite author Al-Hilli, who is among the Grand Imams. You are an ignoramus and a nullity! You know nothing about the Shiite books; you merely repeat like a parrot the evil rumors of Wahabis about Shiites; you have never studied any Shiite books at all. You make me laugh when I read your view that Shiite notions are mostly taken from the pagan religious tenets of ancient Persia. If you are a true historian, you should have known that Iran remained non-Shiite for centuries; Iran is a Shiite country only for the last 200 years; besides, all Shiite scholars and erudite authors are Arabs with known genealogy and they are not of Persian origin at all. You make me laugh when I read your view that Shiite authors accuse Aisha of adultery; such a narrative is never found in Shiite books; it is found only in Sunnite books of hadiths; many Shiite authors have refuted such a narrative about Aisha hundreds of years before you were born and before your writings emerge in print or online. By the way, you never know the fact that renowned Shiite scholars are never rich; they never live in palaces and they never own cars; it is silly than an ignoramus like you assume and write that they hoard and amass millions of US$ in bank accounts. You do not know that one-fifth of the every Shiite person's money are collected as zakat to spent on Shiite centers, seminaries, institutions, schools, hospitals, and groups/societies worldwide; such institutions are not supervised or financed by the Iraqi or Iranian governments, but by ordinary Shiite believers and their erudite scholars. If such money is stolen by Shiite scholars, how come that such institutions are still present and functioning worldwide all these years?! You have insulted our Holy Grand Imams, Ali, Hassan, and Hussein, in your writings when you have quoted lines from the books of their Sunnite foes who are Nawasib (i.e., haters of Ali and his descendants), such as Ibn Khaldoun, Ibn Katheer, and Al-Qurtubi. You never know anything about Islamic history; all authors and historians who resided in Damascus, Andalusia, etc. in the Middle-ages are Nawasib who hated the Holy Grand Imam Ali, even if they have mentioned in their books some positive comments on Ali's stances that urge justice as a principle, this is done only because to them, Ali is a companion of Prophet Muhammad in the same way like Mu'aweiya and the rest of foes and haters of Ali! The Sunnites would not dare to remove or exclude Ali from among the circle of companions of Prophet Muhammad, and yet, they slander and verbally abuse the Holy Grand Imam Ali; this is typical in books authored by the Sunnite writers who lived in the Levant, Andalusia, Basra, etc. during the Middle-Ages as they hated Shiites very much and persecuted them. If you are a fair historian and thinker, you should have read and discussed Shiite books, such as the biographies of Grand Imams authored, for instance, by the Shiite erudite sage Jaffer Murtada Al-Amili. Of course, you know nothing about the Shiite writings that criticize the Arab conquests and deem such conquests as a crime; this is firstly mentioned by Shiite scholars centuries before your writings emerge in print or online. The Shiite erudite sage Al-Karkhy is the first one in the Middle-Ages to describe the Arab conquests as devilish and Satanist and a grave sin. If you are indeed a real scholar and a historian, we challenge you to engage into a debate within a forum of discussion about any topic you like in Islam or in history and our grand imam Yasser Al-Habeeb who appears in the Shiite satellite channel.....will certainly refute all your views within his live TV show, if you have the courage to debate anything with him while millions of viewers are watching such TV show. This will teach you a lesson; this will teach you True Islam from Shiite erudite scholars who will defeat you. Are you up to this challenge or not?! ...).  



Firstly: analyzing the words in this message:

1- The male sender of this message is expressing his earthly Shiite religion.

1/1: This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following: (...There is a vast difference, like the one between the heaven and earth, between (1) the erudite Shiite authors and scholars as well as Shiite grand and renowned philosophers and ayatollahs and (2) the Sunnite ignoramuses...). We assert the following points. It is silly that the Shiite religion of Satan would issue a decree to impose its clergymen and imams on God and His Religion; the term (ayatollah) is blasphemous; it literally means in Arabic (the miracle/sign of Allah). The Quran never mentions such term to describe Muhammad or any other prophets/mortals at all? God has never commanded Gabriel to descend on earth to declare to people that so-and-so the son/descendant of so-and-so is ayatollah! Hence, this silly term has been authored by Shiites who, within their earthly fabricated religion, deify their clergymen and imams within new terminology and rituals never approved by God in the Quran.     

1/2: This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following: (...you never know the fact that renowned Shiite scholars are never rich; they never live in palaces and they never own cars; it is silly than an ignoramus like you assume and write that they hoard and amass millions of US$ in bank accounts. You do not know that one-fifth of the every Shiite person's money are collected as zakat to spent on Shiite centers...). We assert the following points. It is a type of swindling and theft to impose on Shiites to pay 20% of their income and revenues to Shiite clergymen, imams, ayatollahs, institutions, and seminaries; this strange Shiite sharia law is never mentioned in the Quran; this practice is never done by Muhammad, Ali, and Hussein during their lifetimes. Hence, we conclude that the Shiite religion has its own fabricated books, sharia laws, mortal gods/deities/saints, institutions, rituals (such as wounding oneself to mourn the murder of Hussein centuries ago!) which are never approved by God in the Quran.

1/3:This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following: (...Sadly, you never read the real books of Islam authored by Shiites; this is the reason why you are among the misled, misguided people who claim to be Muslims! The real books of Islam are authored by the Shiite sage and erudite author Al-Hilli...). We assert the following points. It is the worst type of polytheism/disbelief to ascribe one's books to God and to His Religion of Islam; Al-Hilli did not author books of 'real' Islam; the Shiite chick who has written this does not know that Ali, Fatima, and Hussein as well as the twelve 'holy' Shiite imams lived and died before Al-Hilli was born; this means that they never know about the 'real' Islam authored by Al-Hilli; are they deemed misled and misguided, then? We pose this preceding question to this Shiite chick who has sent us this message. We ask him now: does Islam have many books? Islam has but on book: the Quran. If books of Al-Hilli embody Islam, does this imply that Muhammad died without conveying the whole message of Islam, then?! Was Islam lacking until Al-Hilli was born to 'complete' it?! who would decide for people (and upon which criteria) that such books are about 'true' Islam and which ones are about 'false' Islam? The Shiite chick will be the decision-maker in this respect, we are sure!    

1/4: Islamic teachings and sharia legislations, found only in the Quran, contains nothing about giving any money to preachers who preach the Quranic Truth which is the Only True Islam (or monotheism); this is proven, for instance, by the words of the monotheistic, good believer who addressed his people here within this Quranic story: "Follow those who ask you of no wage, and are themselves guided." (36:21). The Shiite religion of Satan has deliberately misinterpreted this verse: "...Say, "I ask of you no wage for it, except affection among the near of kin." Whoever does a good deed, We will increase its goodness for him. God is Forgiving and Appreciative." (42:23); the Shiite interpreters assume wrongly that 42:23 urges people to venerate and deify the household members of Muhammad and Ali. We have refuted this false interpretation in our article (in English) titled "The Notion of Descendants of Muhammad's Household Is a False, Hateful, Racist One of Disbelief" (found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16080). For the sake of providing a reminder, we assert here that the Quranic term (people of the household) refers to wives of Muhammad (see 33:33) and to any wives of any household in general (e.g., Abraham's wife in 11:73). The terms (wage) and (the near of kin) in the verse 42:23 refer only to the fact that one must be kind and charitable to one's relatives; the Quranic verses interpret one another; the rest of 42:23 indicates the fact that those who perform good deeds will be richly rewarded by God. Thus, the (wage) is to perform good deeds (such as being kind and charitable to one's relatives) to get nearer to God by following His Path of piety and monotheism: "Say, "I ask of you no wage for this - only that whoever wills may take a Path to his Lord."" (25:57); "Say, "Whatever compensation I have asked of you, is yours. My compensation comes only from God, and He is Witness over all things."" (34:47). In contrast, the polytheistic Shiites pay 20% of their money as ''wages'' to their clergymen who consume ill-gotten money. This means that the Shiite clergymen are imams of disbelief and polytheism who consume people's money illicitly and hinder from God's Path andconceal what God has revealed in the Book and exchange it for a small price; see 2:174-176, 9:34-35, and 5:62-63.

2- This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following: (...Besides, Shiite scholars are very ascetic and never care about the money and possessions of this transient world; for instance, Ayatollah Al-Sistani is an ascetic man who lives in a rented residence, where he meets with his guests, coming from the four corners of the world, while he is modestly sitting on the ground...). We assert the following points.

2/1: We never care if they are imams of asceticism or imams of dancing; we focus on the fact that they consume illicitly 20% of the money of their followers; such clergymen of polytheism consume ill-gotten money and repel people away from God's Path: the monotheism of the Quran.

2/2: It is deceitful and hypocritical that Shiite clergymen and imams have bank accounts with millions of US$ (and in other currencies) while claiming before the eyes of onlookers to be ascetic and leading a Spartan way of life; thus, they are playing a role to dupe and cheat the gullible masses among their followers.  

2/3: Besides, those Shiite clergymen and imams amass and hoard ill-gotten wealth and no one supervise such money when being spent or donated; this is the worst type of corruption. The Shiite clergymen never pay taxes at all, because they are the real mortal deities of the Shiite deities and no one dares to question them about their deeds or words.

2/4: Anyone can read online articles about the immense wealth of ayatollahs and other Shiite clergymen in Iran and Iraq and about corruption in both countries; ordinary Shiites should be ashamed of themselves and of such corruption they maintain by their naivety and gullibility.  

3- This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following about Isnad (i.e., the supposed series of narrators of the so-called hadiths) in the Shiite religion: (...It is very silly of you to assume that the Shiite methodology in hadiths and narratives within Shiite books is very much like the Sunnite one. In fact, the Shiites never sanctify or revere Isnad...the Shiites are very open to innovative, critical thinking and new ideas...Even within the book titled "Al-Kafi" authored by the imam Al-Kulayni, never read by you I'm sure, we find in its introduction that no hadiths/narratives are to be deemed as true unless when asserted and supported by Quranic verses, whereas the ones that contradict the Quran are fancy, distracting tales which must be rejected...). We assert the following points.

3/1: As per our expertise and field of specialization, we assert that imams, authors, and clergymen of the Sunnite religion of Satan care more about Isnad than their Shiite counterparts; the Sunnite authors have written so many history books on that topic; e.g., the one titled (Mizan Al-Etidal) by the imam Al-Dhahaby. In fact, the Sunnite authors have written extensively on the history of imams, clergymen, narrators, etc. in periodicals and annals of history as well as biographies. This is exemplified by the seminal history book titled (Al-Muntazim) by Ibn Al-Jawzy. Of course, we have refuted the Sunnite notions about the topic of Isnad in several of our videos, articles, and books. Shiite authors follow the footsteps of Sunnite authors in this respect but to smaller extent when compared to Sunnite authors. Luckily, many MA and PhD theses now refute Isnad among other erroneous Sunnite and Shiite notions.  

3/2: What Al-Kulayni writes in his book about the Quran is very much similar to the writings of Sunnite authors; both they and he contradict themselves in the laughter-inducing narratives/hadiths they fabricate which contradict the Quran; if they believed in the Quran as the only discourse in Islam, they would not have fabricated such lies and falsehoods which they have attributed to God's Religion.

4- This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following: (...You make me laugh when I read your view that Shiite notions are mostly taken from the pagan religious tenets of ancient Persia...all Shiite scholars and erudite authors are Arabs with known genealogy and they are not of Persian origin at all...). We assert the following points.

4/1: The Wahabis did not spread any rumors regarding the fact that the Shiite religion has roots within the Persian pagan religion; the Wahabis are too ignorant to discover anything. We are the only thinker who has asserted and proved this fact so easily; this is later on asserted and published in scientific periodicals by our late brother Dr. M. Alaa-Eddine Mansour, the head of the Oriental Languages Department, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University. He was the most erudite Egyptian scholar in the Persian language and the history of Iran. Of course, scientific findings of research have nothing to do with the empty words of Shiite chicks like the chick who has sent us the above message.  

4/2: The Shiite religion spread in Persia (the current Iran) reflects the Persian religious pagan culture, regardless of the States or caliphate which were established and collapsed in Persia during the Second Abbasid Era until the Safavids dynasty established by the Sufi-Shiite Ismail the Safavid – this is a very lengthy topic in history that would take sheets and sheets to be explained.  

5- This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following: (...you have quoted lines from the books of their Sunnite foes who are Nawasib such as Ibn Khaldoun, Ibn Katheer, and Al-Qurtubi. You never know anything about Islamic history...If you are a fair historian and thinker, you should have read and discussed Shiite books, such as the biographies of Grand Imams authored, for instance, by the Shiite erudite sage Jaffer Murtada Al-Amili. Of course, you know nothing about the Shiite writings that criticize the Arab conquests and deem such conquests as a crime; this is firstly mentioned by Shiite scholars centuries before your writings emerge in print or online. The Shiite erudite sage Al-Karkhy is the first one in the Middle-Ages to describe the Arab conquests as devilish and Satanist and a grave sin....). We assert the following points.

5/1: What we have written about the four pre-Umayyad caliphs and Hussein and about the crime known as the Arab conquests are books and articles addressing the Sunnites in particular; of course, the Sunnites deify and sanctify Ali and Hussein; we focus on refuting Sunnite myths, views, and narratives within such historical topics. We use Sunnite books to show how contradictory they are and that they contradict the Quran; we have done the same within Sufi books. If God would grant our person a longer lifetime, we would analyze and refute the known Shiite books to debunk and undermine the Shiite religion of Satan in the same way we have done to debunk and undermine both the Sufi religion and the Wahabi Sunnite religion which both belong to Satan.     

5/2: This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following: (...all authors and historians who resided in Damascus, Andalusia, etc. in the Middle-ages are Nawasib who hated the Holy Grand Imam Ali, even if they have mentioned in their books some positive comments on Ali's stances that urge justice as a principle, this is done only because to them, Ali is a companion of Prophet Muhammad in the same way like Mu'aweiya and the rest of foes and haters of Ali!...). We assert here that not all Sunnite authors of these regions in the Middle-Ages hated Ali and his descendants. Did this Shiite chick count and examine all Sunnite authors in all eras?! Ali (and Mu'aweiya) and his contemporaries of the Arab civil war have nothing to do with Islamic justice at all; besides, Ali and his foes are never infallible; no one ever discussed the topic of the so-called infallibility of 'companions' of Muhammad unless within the Second Abbasid Era. It is very insulting to us, as a historian and an Islamic thinker of rare caliber, that such a Shiite chick would accuse our person of being ignorant regarding history, our field of specialization. A thinker like ourselves will never quote Shiite books to refute Sunnite and Sufi books of traditions and heritage; this is most unscientific. The scientific method is to refute and undermine Sufi books and Sunnite books and prove their contradictions using logic and the Quran. If God would grant our person a longer lifetime, we would analyze and refute the known Shiite books to debunk and undermine the Shiite religion of Satan in the same way we have done to debunk and undermine both the Sufi religion and the Wahabi Sunnite religion which both belong to Satan.   

6- This Shiite chick (may his lips remain sealed forever) writes the following: (...If you are indeed a real scholar and a historian, we challenge you to engage into a debate within a forum of discussion about any topic you like in Islam or in history and our grand imam Yasser Al-Habeeb who appears in the Shiite satellite channel.....will certainly refute all your views...This will teach you True Islam from Shiite erudite scholars who will defeat you. Are you up to this challenge or not?!...). We assert the following points.

6/1: We believe in the Quran as God's Word and as the only source of religion and the only discourse in Islam; God forbids real monotheistic believers from arguing with those polytheists who disbelieve in His Quranic verses so as not to be polytheists like them: "None argues against God's Verses except those who disbelieve..." (40:4); "...The devils inspire their followers to argue with you; but if you obey them, you would be polytheists." (6:121).

6/2: If Shiite clergymen revered by this Shiite chick would read and understand our Quranist writings, their lives will certainly change forever.



1- We have spent most of our intellectual life undermining and refuting the Sufi religion and the Sunnite religion in most of our writings. The 'orders' or 'decrees' of Iran have been issued to Egyptian Shiites to use our writings as a weapon against the Sunnite notions. In fact, we have rarely tackled Shiite notions because they are apparently less violent and less important, because Shiites everywhere (except Iran) are a peaceful, persecuted minority. Our writings and personal history prove undeniably that we have defended the persecuted Egyptian Shiites; some of our foes accused us of being a Shiite; some Shiites in Egypt in the 1990s used to support our person; yet, those Egyptian Shiites turned against our person and became our foes when we have written about their mortal deities Ali and Hussein and when we have described the Shiite, Sufi, and Sunnite religions as earthly, man-made fabricated religions of Satan which are interrelated and share many devilish, erroneous notions. The Egyptian Shiites, as a persecuted minority, attacked our person in their words and writings and they forgot our defense of their intellectual and religious freedom; they also forgot the fact that we are a pacifist, peaceful reformist thinker who calls for reforming Muslims by resorting the Quran as the only criterion and that we never deify/sanctify human beings, dead or alive, prophets or non-prophets; they also forgot that we are very frank and outspoken; we never fear the blame or the fury of others when we express the Quranic Truth; we never seek to gratify or please any mortals at all; we seek only to please our Lord God.         

2- It is really saddening indeed that there are such Shiite chicks who are ignoramuses who insult and verbally abuse our person.

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