Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Fatwas Part Seventy-Eight

آحمد صبحي منصور في الأحد ٠٨ - أبريل - ٢٠١٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً


Fatwas Part Seventy-Eight



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy







Your Share of This World

Published in March 28, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … What does this Quranic phrase mean: "...and do not neglect your share of this world..." (28:77)? … Thank you …    


 This phrase is the piece of advice addressed by the good ones among the Israelites in Egypt to the Israelite man named Quaroon, who was an unjust, proud, affluent disbeliever who had many treasures and immense riches and wealth. Of course, you have to bear in mind that within Quranic stories, there are phrases ascribed to certain interlocutors; some of such phrases are part of belief (uttered by the believers and prophets/messengers) and some pertain to disbelief (as the ones uttered by disbelievers like Moses' Pharaoh and the Qorayish affluent disbelievers). Anyway, the Quranic stories are NOT the source of legislation and sharia laws of Islam. The Quranic stories are there for us to draw useful lessons in faith.  









Ali Ibn Abou Talib, Again!

Published in March 28, 2018



Question: … How come that you describethe grand Imam Ali Ibn Abou Talib as among those adamant in hypocrisy? You mention this in your book titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs" … The glorious deeds of Imam Ali in history include............Was Prophet Muhammad so deceived in him, then?! … Sunnite historians hated Ali Ibn Abou Talib and yet you believe their words as 'true'! … How dare you insult the Grand Imam Ali?! Are you insane?! Are you an infidel?! …  


 As a historian, in our book titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs" (found in English on this link:, we deal with Ali Ibn Abou Talib as a mortal historical figure and we never deify/sanctify him like the polytheistic Sunnites and Shiites. Ali to you is a demi-god or an immortal deity; this is why our book infuriates you. Quranists are monotheists who deify and sanctify only God, the Dominant Lord Allah, the Creator of the universe. God will settle our religious disputes on the Day of Judgment. As for history, the two major and rival tribal factions of Qorayish who were descendants of Abd-Manaf were the Hashemites and the Umayyads. Their rivalry turned to deep-seated hatred once the Quran was revealed and when the ministry of Muhammad began (who was a Hashemite). The events of the battles of Badr and Uhud reflect such rivalry and hatred between the Hashemites and the Umayyads. Ali was a Hashemite and the Umayyads fought against him as a caliph to rule instead of him. Since he fought them to retain the throne, Ali was as eager to keep transient glory and wealth; this is hardly the Quranic values of true Muslims. We judge Ali as a historical figure; Quranists never deify any human or non-human creatures. Ali was a corrupt, greedy person; he consumed ill-gotten money of the Arab conquests and had many concubines and female slaves among the women enslaved and captured unjustly from the conquered countries; his so many sons and daughters were mostly massacred in Karbala, Iraq. Ali hated the Umayyads as Othman the caliph (who was an Umayyad) favored the Umayyads and disregarded the Hashemites. If Ali were a pious person who believed in the Last Day, he would not have consumed ill-gotten money, raped oppressed enslaved women, or fought for the sake of the throne and wealth (i.e., for the sake of Satan); he caused the death of thousands of men by his recklessness in the major Arab civil war; shame on him and on his worshipers.     









I Desire to Convert

Published in March 28, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I desire to convert to Islam, but I need help … Thank you …


 One who desires to convert to real Islam (i.e., Quranism) does not have to obtain any certificate or papers to prove it. Real Islam contains neither clergymen nor institutions. Those who guide themselves are guided to their own benefit, and those who misguide themselves are misguided to their own detriment. Our VA-based IQC does not interfere in the beliefs of others and never issue certificates that 'prove' that someone is a Muslim; such bad, corrupt practices are typical of the polytheistic Muhammadans in Al-Azhar and other institutions of Satan. As for your asking for help, if you need financial help, we are too poor to give donations or anything else to anyone. If you mean help in terms of getting to know Islam, you are welcome to read our archive of writings on our Quranism website.  









We Are Back, with the Grace of the Lord God

Published in March 29, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm extremely worried; you've not written articles since the 19th of March! Why is that?! Are you OK in terms of physical health? Please respond to this message! … Thank you …    


 Thank you very much, our dear son; we also thank those who felt worried about our absence and sent us several emails; we have been absent for a week as we made a journey to Israel and Palestine to attend the wedding party of our 3rd son in Nablus, a city in the northern West Bank, and to attend a forum in an institute in Jerusalem to discuss the Quranist reform of Islam and we delivered a speech there and answered questions of the attendees; we are back now to our home and IQC in Virginia, the USA. We are back now to resume our writings in our website. Please read our book/lengthy article (in English) titled "Our Journey to Israel and Palestine". We have nothing to hide or to be ashamed of; we record our experience there within this journey for the sake of our personal history and to give pieces of advice to the Israelis and the Palestinians.










About The Verse 9:36

Published in March 29, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "...And fight the polytheists collectively, as they fight you collectively..." (9:36) … Does this mean a general rule applicable in all eras and with all sorts of polytheists (even the peaceful, non-violent ones among them!)? What are the conditions that allow the proper application of 9:36? … Thank you …      


 This verse is very clear; it indicates that we are to fight aggressive polytheists who attack us first. We are never to fight peaceful non-Muslims at all. The verse 9:36 is about the legitimate right of self-defense; the term ''polytheists'' in the verse 9:36 refers to aggressive persons in general (i.e., polytheism here means aggressive, violent behavior) who launch military attacks against peaceful, innocent people (i.e., Muslims/believers in terms of peaceful demeanor), regardless of the religious affiliations of the peaceful ones and the aggressive ones. Hence, fighting in the Quran (i.e., the only source of Islam) is only in cases of self-defense to deter attackers (and their allies); if attackers stop their aggression, Muslim defenders must stop their defense fighting that aims only to protect themselves and their homelands.       









 Their Guidance Is Not Your Responsibility

Published in March 29, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist man like you; I know about you and Quranism since the early 1990s … My problem is that when I preached Quranism to the Salafist/Wahabi workers and other employees inside my factory, they rejected what I say altogether! What can I do to convince them that Quranism is the only true Islam? I care about them very much and they are good, kind people; any advice? … Thank you …      


 God has said the following to Muhammad: "Their guidance is not your responsibility..." (2:272). Likewise, you are not responsible for guiding your employees and workers or any other persons; Muhammad's mission was only to convey the Quranic Message to remind and warn the people around him and not to suffer because most of them rejected the Quran: "We did not reveal the Quran to you to make you suffer. But only as a reminder for him who fears." (20:2-3). Thus, every person must seek guidance on his/her own to deserve entering into Paradise; those persons fear their Lord God within piety and follow His Word: the Quran. There are many people who choose to distance themselves from God's Path (i.e., the Quran) and move away from it; you should ignore such persons and never to care or worry about them at all.









Reading the Quran in the Best Manner

Published in March 30, 2018




Question:  … Dear Sir, … How would I read the Quran in the best manner? I mean, is it better to read it in the chronological order of the Quranic Chapters within few days or to read them without order? How many of them I'm supposed to read every day? … Thank you …         


 Of course, reading the Quran is a religious duty/obligation for those who can. You are free and it is up to you to decide how to read the Quran and how/when to specify time for this, etc. What is of vital importance is to feel/attain piety while reading it and to reflect/ponder deeply on the Quranic verses. Thank you for your question. 









About The Verse 49:11

Published in March 30, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "...Nor shall you slander one another, nor shall you insult one another with names..." (49:11) … Yet, why does God dedicates the Quranic Chapter 111 to slander and curse the man named Abou Lahab (Muhammad's disbelieving paternal uncle) while mentioning his surname? … Thank you …   


 The surname Abou Lahab (which means literally the father of fire-flames) was known in Arabia before the advent of the Quran and was not deemed as verbal abuse at the time to this historical figure and his contemporaries; it was like an acceptable nickname. As for the verse 49:11, we discern that God does not want people to call one another names or to verbally abuse one another to avoid hatred and enmity. As for the Quranic Chapter 111, we have no right to question God about what He does and what He says in the Quran: "He will not be questioned about what He does..." (21:23).  









 Eternally Awake in Hell

Published in April 3, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … In one of the episodes of your great YouTube show "Quranic Moments", you mention that Hell-dwellers will never sleep for eternity as their torment will never relent … Could you please further explain this to me using other Quranic verses? … Thank you …   


 God says in the Quran: "But it will be only a single summon. And they will be forever awake." (79:13-14). God will never stop, lessen, or ease the torment of Hell-dwellers and they will never get out of it forever; hence, they will never die, faint, or sleep as their torment is relentless and endless; sleep makes one unconscious of pain and it is logical to discern from 79:13-14 that they will be awake inside Hell for eternity. That their torment will never stop or lessen is asserted in the following verses: "Those are they who bought the present life for the Hereafter, so the torment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be helped." (2:86); "They will remain inside it forever, and the torment will not be lightened for them..." (2:162); "Remaining in it eternally, without their punishment being eased from them..." (3:88); "When those who committed injustices see the torment, it will not be lightened for them..." (16:85); "And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell, "Call to your Lord to lessen our torment for one day." They will say, "Did not your messengers come to you with clear signs?" They will say, "Yes." They will say, "Then pray, but the prayers of the disbelievers will always be in vain."" (40:49-50); "As for those who disbelieve, for them is the Fire of Hell, wherein they will never be finished off and die, nor will its torment be lightened for them..." (35:36); "And they will cry, "O Malik, let your Lord finish us off." He will say, "You are staying." We have given you the Truth, but most of you hate the Truth." (43:77-78). This torment will occur to the polytheistic Muhammadans, if they die without repentance, because they deny and reject God's Verses. Why would not the Muhammadans heed the warning? Because they have abandoned and discarded the Quran and they ascribe to God and His religion lies and falsehoods (e.g., hadiths of Al-Bokhary). Because of their belief in such hadiths, false narratives, fabrications, and lies, they will be tormented in Hell for eternity, and they will never sleep or die inside Hell.   










About The Verse 32:7

Published in April 3,2018



Question: …  Dear Sir, … What does this Quranic phrase mean: "He who perfected everything He created..." (32:7)? Does this perfection refer to God or to His creatures? … Thank you …      


 The verse 32:7 refers to the fact that God has created everything (i.e., all creatures and human beings) in the best and most precise proportions, measures, and calculations. These verses are about the creation of human beings: "...And He designed you, and designed you well..." (64:3 + 40:64); "From a sperm drop He created him, and enabled him." (80:19); "We created man in the best design." (95:4); "O man! What deluded you concerning your Lord, the Most Generous? He Who created you, and formed you, and proportioned you? In whatever shape He willed, He assembled you." (82:6-8). These verses are about all creatures: "...Who created everything and determined its measure." (25:2); "Everything We created is precisely measured." (54:49); "He who perfected everything He created, and originated the creation of man from clay." (32:7).









Brevity in the Quranic Style

Published in April 3, 2018


Question: …  Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "Those who reject the Reminder when it has come to them - it is a Unique Book." (41:41). In this verse, where is the rest of the sentence or the grammatical or syntactical (predicate) that completes its meaning? I mean, what is it about those who reject the Quran in 41:41? What can be inferred from 41:41 as implied meaning or piece of information about rejecters of the Quranic reminder? … Thank you …        


 One of the features of the eloquence of the Quranic style in Arabic is brevity and concision, as implied words (which are NOT part of the Quranic text) can be understood from the context. Hence, in the verse 41:41, the implied meaning is that rejecters of the Quran will be punished in the Hereafter. Another example of brevity is here about Paradise: "...rivers flowing beneath it; its food is perpetual and its shade..." (13:35); this means that its shade is also perpetual; this is implied though the word "perpetual" apparently describes the word "food" only; we understand this directly and easily from the context. 








Plastic Surgeries, Again

Published in April 5, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it prohibited or not in Islam (i.e., Qurnaism) to have a plastic surgery performed to one's body? … Thank you …


 Plastic surgeries are not prohibited at all.   








A Polite Message

Published in April 5, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … My warmest salutations and greetings to you, Dr. Mansour, and to all Quranists of your website. I'd like to ask about the reason of not accepting to make me an account within your website. I've learned a lot from your archive and articles of other Quranists; I'm still reading your archive eagerly and with passion … Ramadan is approaching; is it OK to smoke while fasting? … Since you issue fatwas, dear Dr. Mansour, you have inadvertently turned Quranists into a sect, even if you are not aware of this fact … I do believe you are the greatest Egyptian reformist thinker; may God bless you and reward you for your intellectual endeavors to guide others to Islam … I wish your books would be available in PDF versions … I wish your books would be translated into English, French, and other languages to guide Muslims who are not Arabs … I wish that you stop using your harsh language and style of mockery and ridicule when you refute and undermine the polytheistic notions of Sufis, Sunnites, and Shiites … I admire your thorough historical research and meticulous analysis; you are indeed a great historian of high caliber … I sincerely hope you are not offended by my criticism of your style; I do respect you very much and I take pride in being a Quranist Muslim … Thank you …    


  We thank you for your polite, eloquent message; you are very welcome to our website. In fact, making accounts is suspended now temporarily for technical reasons; we will create an account to you later on; please send us via email your data (full name, age, nationality, country/city of birth, country/city of residence, and few lines about your background and education), and we will soon send you the password and username of your account; you will be able only to write comments at first, later on, you might get promoted into a writer within our Quranism website.

 We have mentioned before that Quranism is not a doctrine, a denomination, or a sect; it is an intellectual reformist trend that aims to reform Muslims using the Quran as the only criterion; adhering only to this criterion is a duty within reformist endeavors. This is why reform entails that we respond to questions we receive, via email, by issuing fatwas that are our own views within our own understanding of the Quran. We have to ridicule 'holy' notions and deified mortals of the Muhammadans to shock them, to make them wake up to discard their polytheism and reject their holy cows, and to return to the Quranic monotheism; the Muhammadans are polytheists who worship messengers/prophets, 'saints', companions, books, hadiths, mausoleums, relics, etc. We never care if our words hurt the feelings of others; we are never to blame when we preach the Quranic Truth and refute the earthly religions of the Muhammadans. We never care if someone is infuriated by our political views. We aim only to please and gratify our Lord God by preaching His Path (the Quran) and hope His mercy will include our person to enter into Paradise.

 Smoking while fasting does not break the fast, as smoking is related to the lungs and not the stomach; smoking is not prohibited in Islam; we ourselves never smoked before and will never smoke ( Our PDF books in Arabic are available on this link (; they are prepared and uploaded voluntarily by Mr. Amin Rifaat. Our son in Islam Mr. Ahmed Fathy the translator – may the Almighty Lord God bless and reward him – is currently undertaking the mission of voluntarily translating our books, articles, and fatwas into English, and he provides the English subtitles of our YouTube videos; he translates some articles and books into French. We suffer from impecuniousness at our VA-based IQC; we rely on noble Quranist Muslims who volunteer much of their effort, money, and time to support the cause of God.            










Getting Used to Living inside the USA


Published in April 6, 2018



Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in a tragedy since my husband, my children, and myself moved for good to the USA; I am a Quranist woman and so was my Egyptian-American husband; yet, he has changed and become a Sunnite once we arrived to the USA; while we were living in Egypt, he used to perform the five daily prayers regularly at home and he used to fast during Ramadan; now, he performs ONLY the Friday congregational noon prayers (as a mere social habit, so as not let his friends and colleagues down, as he said!) and he never performs the rest of prayers; he never fasts during Ramadan now; my adolescent son and daughter stopped praying altogether but they fasted during Ramadan! I feel so sad for them! … Besides, my husband prays on Fridays inside a Pakistani-dominated Sunnite mosque, and he performs many additional prayers there before and after the congregational one, and when I reproach him for never praying the five daily prayers as he used to in Egypt, he would tell me that his view of 'Islam' means never to focus on 'rituals' at all; he accused me (and my 18-year-old son and 15-yer-old daughter) of never applying the core/essence of Islam! Such endless arguments go on inside the house every day; my life is miserable; my husband gives me the silent treatment for long durations now; he tells me that his application of 'Islam' means playing musical instruments and browsing his Facebook account! As for my son and my daughter, they have enrolled in governmental schools; luckily, the fees of 'Islamic' Pakistani Sunnite schools are too expensive for my husband. Of course, my kids are influenced by their classmates; my son works in the weekends to save and get a car; my daughter has quarreled for a while on a daily basis with her father as he adamantly refuses to let her learn how to play musical instruments and even to let her play sports (i.e., basketball), and he prevents her going to trips organized by her school, because she is doing poorly at school. She gives her father the silent treatment all the time now, and she tells me she hates his guts! My son avoids his father all the time so as not to let him control his life. I cannot return to Egypt now (even if I wished to) because of my kids; I have resigned from my high-rank post in Egypt, sold my car and my apartment, and sacrificed seeing my extended family members and my dear female friends so as to take care of my husband and my kids! My husband, by the way, is in need of my taking care of him most of the time, because of his poor health; he depends on me more often than not. Yet, his mania/obsession (or paranoia!) leads him to be too strict with the kids; he always tells me he is afraid that one day, his son might come out as gay and his daughter as a lesbian! He's afraid they might suffer from addiction of drugs and kill him one day! He's afraid they will never be good Muslims, since they never listen to his Sunnite teachings which I disapprove (my husband has forsaken Qurnaism since we arrived to the USA!). I do believe that people at the school of my kids are respectable and so are our neighbors; my husband never wants me to mingle with the neighbors! When my husband talks to me, I always tell him that his deeds/stances are un-Islamic, and what makes me continue living in this veritable hell with him is my kids and their getting good education … Shall I seek divorce?! Any advice?  … Thank you …


 Our dear daughter, please allow us to inform you of the fact that your problem occurs to every Egyptian/Arab family that immigrates to the USA; this is the result of the difference between both cultures (i.e., the western/American culture and the oriental/Egyptian one). This problem exacerbates when one's children are adolescents in Egypt and it exacerbates and aggravates more inside the USA. You are in the wrong when you have made religion the focal point of differences and disputes. Of course, your husband has the right to adopt any religious views of his own even if they differ from yours and even if his views are certainly wrong, without imposing his views on you and your children, as each of you has to develop his/her own views. Islam is simply peaceful behavior with others; one's faith is judged only by God on the Last Day. Marriage is allowed between peaceful spouses (man and wife) who have different religions or sects, and thus, it is OK if your husband and yourself go on with your marriage even if his views/application of 'Islam' would differ from yours, as long as both of you are peaceful people. Thus, Quranist persons can marry peaceful non-Quranists of any religious denominations (Sunnites, Shiites, Sufis, Jews, Christians, atheists, etc.). We advise you, our dear daughter, to put religious differences aside and focus on the moralistic side in your marital relation as well as on love, mercy, and mutual respect, especially within the whirlwind of changes and the integration problems in your new homeland; please focus more on the future and education of your kids and how to please, support, and help your family. May Almighty God grant happiness to you and your family members in this world and in the Hereafter.








About The Verse 14:37

Published in April 7, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, … What does this Quranic phrase mean "...make the hearts of some people incline towards them..." (14:37)?… Thank you …      


 God says in the Quran: ""Our Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in a valley of no vegetation, by Your Sacred House, our Lord, so that they may perform the prayers. So make the hearts of some people incline towards them, and provide them with fruits, that they may be thankful."" (14:37). Thus, the phrase (make the hearts of some people incline towards them) indicates that people would love to come to Mecca by the Kaaba; Abraham has left his wife and his first-born son, Ishmael, in Mecca, when it was not populated yet; it was a valley with nothing to eat or to drink at the time; hence, it was the prayers of Abraham imploring the Almighty Lord to make people's hearts love to come here for pilgrimage to provide for his wife and son. Of course, these prayers of prayers were answered; until now, those who travel to Mecca for pilgrimage feel yearning and long very much to (re)visit the Kaaba; many people feel nostalgic and desire to go to Mecca again later on to perform pilgrimage once again.    










There Is Nothing to Be Ashamed of in Prayers

Published in April 7, 2018


Question: … Dear Sir, …  Since five years until now, I supplicate to God and implore Him in my prayers several times a day to fulfill certain (grand and small) wishes to me; I feel glad that God has answered my prayers more often than not; yet I feel ashamed and shy because I supplicate to Him many times about small or trivial things! Am I wrong to do this or not? By the way, I feel grateful to you and your great Quranism website; God has guided me to True Islam (Qurnaism) and I take pride in being a Quranist Muslim young woman now … Thank you … 


  May God bless and reward you, our daughter, and may He increase your guidance. You have nothing to feel shy about or ashamed of; to supplicate to God and implore Him during prayers many times is a Quranic command and a religious duty; it is OK to do it repeatedly; you can request during prayers what is good for you and for others; God answers prayers of people, and He chooses what is the best to us and makes us avoid what is evil or harmful to us, even if this means He does not grant us certain wishes or does not answer certain prayers, as He is the Omniscient Lord. Do not feel shy or ashamed of repeated prayers and supplications; God's mercy is near to the doers of good deeds within piety.        









Preaching Quranism to Others

Published in October 7, 2007


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a 21-year-old Quranist young man; I feel happy that I have convinced five male friends of mine that Quranism is the only true Islam; but my family members are Sunnite extremists who rejected Quranism when I talked to them about it! … They do not know that I remained an atheist for five years; I dislike very much the Sunnite notions and hadiths that drove me to embrace atheism at one time; I rejected atheism when I met a Quranist friend who told me about your great website … I proselytize and preach Quranism to everyone around me now; yet, I feel so depressed because no one of my family members is willing to listen to me attentively! I desire to guide them but they never care and they adhere to the Sunnite religion of Satan despite clear proofs that it is against the Quran! Any advice? … Thank you …


 You are to stop trying with your family members; you have done your best to make people aware of the Quranic Truth; it is not your duty to guide anyone at all. Every individual should seek guidance on his/her own. Truth-seekers will search and do their research until they find our Quranism website; you can only spread the link of our website within cyberspace to undeceive as many Sunnites/Sufis/Shiites as possible. Do not impose yourself on anyone; we must respect choices of others, as real Muslims never seek to impose their religion on anyone. Muhammad's sole mission was to convey the Quranic Message and not to guide anyone. "O you who believe! You are responsible for your own souls. He who has strayed cannot harm you if you are guided. To God is you return, all of you, and He will inform you of what you used to do." (5:105); "...So remind by the Quran whoever fears My warning." (50:45). Do not seek to preach unless to people who are willing to change and ardently seek the Truth. Please avoid and stay away from arguing with those who reject Quranism so that they would not insult God's Quranic Verses unawares; yet, deal peacefully and kindly with your parents and relatives; pardon them if they verbally abuse you; do not get depressed, our dear son. May God bless and reward you. 








Those Adamant in Hypocrisy

Published in September 6, 2007



Question: … Dear Sir, … How come that some hadiths ascribed to Prophet Muhammad tell us that he knew what was inside minds/hearts of hypocrites inside Yathreb? … This contradicts the Quranic verse 9:101, right? … Could you please shed light on that topic? What do you think? … Thank you …    


  We, Quranists, reject all hadiths; they are nothing but lies and falsehoods. The only story and words of Muhammad are found exclusively in the Quran. Hypocrites inside Yathreb during Muhammad's lifetime were divided into two types as per the Quran: those explicit ones whose deeds, stances, conspiracies, and words exposed them and those adamant in hypocrisy who concealed their sentiments, schemes, and stances very well. Muhammad knew the first type and never knew the second one: "Among the Desert-Arabs around you there are some hypocrites, and among the inhabitants of the city too. They have become adamant in hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them. We will punish them twice; then they will be returned to a severe torment." (9:11). This means that they will not repent and God will punish them in the Hereafter as they will die as hypocrites and He has punished them during their lifetimes as well; this type include, in our view, those whose names are known now in history; i.e., the four pre-Umayyad caliphs and others who committed the crimes of aggression known as the Arab conquests; their crimes indicate that they rejected the Quran; they were hypocrites (of the second type) who got nearer to Muhammad and assumed authority after his death. Sadly, such hypocrites are deified and sanctified as saints and infallible persons now, despite their hypocrisy and heinous crimes! Quranists reject the deification of good or bad mortals, prophets and non-prophets. Those hypocrites are enemies of God and Muhammad and these verses apply to them: "Likewise, We have assigned for every prophet an enemy - human and jinn devils - inspiring one another with fancy words in order to deceive. But had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. So leave them to their fabrications. So that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline to it, and be content with it, and that they may perpetrate whatever they perpetrate." (6:112-113). Therefore, the only source of Islam is the Quran: "Shall I seek a judge other than God, when He is the One who revealed to you the Book, explained in detail?..." (6:114); you are to reject all fiqh and hadiths, our son.      









Marrying an American Woman

Published in February 13, 2009



Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm planning to marry an American young woman; yet, she is not a virgin; she had several boyfriends before we met; she is willing to marry me and we love each other … Here's the question: is she a fornicator whom a Muslim man like me cannot marry as per the Quranic teachings? What do you think? … Thank you …  


 You misunderstands the Quranic teachings in this respect; the Quran says a male believer must not marry a female fornicator who is never desiring to repent and insists on going on within this sin whether she got married or not. When a woman repents and stops having illicit sex (i.e., sex outside wedlock), she is no longer a fornicator, and you can marry her; of course, you have to wait for three months before marrying your fiancée to make sure her womb is not carrying a child; she must repent and never have any lovers/boyfriends and get prepared psychologically for marriage and sexual faithfulness. American wives seldom cheat on their husbands/boyfriends; they are typically frank and truthful women and faithful to their men. If our views here do not appeal to you and you are obsessed with virginity of your bride, leave your fiancée and try to find another American woman since you live in the USA. By the way, there are many American chaste, virgin women who are Jewish, Christian, or Muslim women of Western or Eastern origin and are brought up within families that care very much for morality and religiosity; you can choose a wife from among them; this is an open society that enjoys transparency and sincerity; this is unlike the hypocrisy that dominates Arab societies.   









Stopping Pregnancy

Published in June 23, 2014


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is stopping pregnancy from happening prohibited in Islam or not? … As a wife and a mother, I suffer bad health and my three children have chronic health problems; yet, my husband insists that he wants more children! I cannot stand thinking of having a fourth child! I suffered abortion operations several times as doctors advised me never to get pregnant again as I suffer from a very bad health. My husband insists that when I get cured, we must have more children and he assumed that I have to obey him blindly! Women own their bodies, right? My husband has no religious right to claim he owns my body, right? I'm very depressed! Would God punish me for not bearing more children inside my womb? My husband is in the wrong on that subject, right?! Any advice? … Thank you …        


 It is NEVER prohibited at all to use contraception and to stop/avoid pregnancy; even abortion is OK, but only before the soul enter into the fetus (i.e., it is OK to abort in the early weeks/months and NOT if the fetus has grown and has a heart); your husband has no right to force you to get pregnant; the Sunnite Wahabi religion force wives to deify their husbands. You are being tested with adversity; may God help you and grant patience to you; people are free to choose everything; yet, they have no control over destiny or the predetermined fates that include one's place and timing of death, life duration and when one is born and to whom and in which era, adversity/prosperity tests, and earnings. The latter (i.e., earnings) includes the number of one's children, one's money/possessions, and one's health/ailments.   

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