Egypt’s Mubarak investigated over predecessor’s assassination

في الأربعاء ٠٨ - يونيو - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

An investigation of deposed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s possible involvement in his predecessor’s assassination has been turned over the Egypt’s military prosecution by Egypt’s public prosecutor, Abdel Magid Mahmoud.

Anwar Sadat was assassinated by Islamic extremists on October 6, 1981 during a parade commemorating Egypt’s victory in the October War.

Dr. Samir Sabry, Sadat’s family’s lawyer, said the Central Cairo General Prosecution heard testimonies and examined all documents and CDs relevant to the investigation offered by Sadat's daughter. The documents reportedly prove that Mubarak was involved in the assassination of his predecessor.

Sabry said the public prosecutor briefed the file before referring it to the military prosecution to complete the investigations and to prepare a memorandum about the case and accusations.

Sabry offered 15 portfolios of documents to the prosecution. The documents included press declarations of former MP Aboul Ezz al-Hariri, the former Housing Minister Hasab-Allah al-Kafrawi and Talaat al-Sadat in addition to books which discussed the incident.

Sabry demanded the prosecution to call journalist Mansour Shahin, the activist Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Dr. Atif Hamad, and journalist Adel Hamoda.

Sadat's daughter sent a message to the public prosecutor mentioning the testimony of Gen. Ahmed al-Foli, who confirmed that the hospital security officer demanded the coroner chief to mention in his report that the shots which killed the president came from al-Islamboly's gun. She added that Islamboly screamed first without weapons then headed to his car and carried a machine gun to shot at her father. 


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