Dr. Ahmed Mansour in Capitol Hill Testify on Muslim Brotherhood

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Hearing Examined the Role of Muslim Brotherhood in Middle East Politics


Washington, DC
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

With a stream of political uprisings taking place in the Middle East, lawmakers held a hearing examining the future political landscape and the role of political groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.

The House Subcommittee on Terrorism, Human Intelligence, Analysis and Counterintelligence heard testimony from a group of scholars and specialists familiar with the group. Their testimony offered historical background, as well as what they believe are the group’s intentions.

One of the witnesses, Robert Satloff, the Executive Director at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, asserted that the Muslim Brotherhood was taking advantage of the opportunity to take power in Egypt by supporting the protests.

Additional witnesses included an Egyptian born Islamic scholar who was granted political asylum in the U.S., and Harvard University Public Policy Assistant Professor & Specialist on Muslim Brotherhood Tarek Masoud.

The organization supported the anti-government protests that resulted in the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Also, Mohammad Riad Shaqfa, the organization’s leader in Syria, recently declared his support for pro-democracy protesters who have challenged Pres. Bashar al-Assad. The group is outlawed in Syria.

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