US Ambassador: Referendum turnout big step towards revolution demands

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<p>Polling stations closed after referendum for counting votes, 19 March, 2011. An increase in turnout was seen across Egypt's 54,000 polling stations since 8:00 in the morning to say 'Yes' or 'No' on constitutional referendum which includes amendments on nine articles of the constitution. Although political forces adopted different stances whether to say yes or no, state of consensus on participation - in general- prevailed.<br />
Photographed by Mohamed Abdel Ghany

The voter turnout for Egypt's referendum on a package of proposed constitutional amendments was unprecedented and an important step towards achieving the demands of the 25 January Revolution, said US Ambassador to Cairo Margaret Scooby.

Millions of Egyptians peacefully voted on Saturday on amendments to certain articles of the 1971 constitution.

Scooby told reporters on Sunday that the level of participation in the referendum made her optimistic.

“We’re evaluating voting reports,” Scooby said. “Regardless of the final outcome, the unexpected number of Egyptians flocking to the polling stations to exercise their right in a peaceful way will establish the basis for progress, while Egyptians are drawing their democratic future.”

Translated from the Arabic Edition

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