Mourning for Japan‏

في الإثنين ١٤ - مارس - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Dear Colleagues,


The earthquake and the tsunami that hit Japan on Friday has reached a scale of damage that is hard to accept. Because media entities are giving mixed signals I would like to inform you of the situation as we hear it directly from Japanese media. 


The magnitude of the earthquake has been confirmed to have been 9.0 and it is recorded to be the fifth biggest earthquake ever since records of earthquakes have been saved and for this, it was the biggest earthquake that Japan ever experienced. Although at different degrees, the whole country felt the earthquake including Tokyo which suffered it at the magnitude of 8. The extent of the earthquake can be understood by the fact that the main island of Japan has been shifted by 4m and it is speculated that the Earth itself has moved worth a 10 degree angle.


The tsunami hit Japan about 30 minutes after the country suffered from the first shock of earthquake and it is calculated to have been 15m tall and it has reached 10 km inland from the coast. As a result, the most tragic part of this situation is that two towns of about 20,000 inhabitants each have disappeared and are still under water. One of the two towns had about 18,000 residents and till this day we have not been able to locate 10,000 of them. In total, 310,000 people have been left without homes and are currently living in shelters and because of the people we cannot find in open waters and in sunk areas the current official death toll is far from reality. The national territory is still suffering from after shocks, they have already had over 200 of them and this morning it has been announced that there is not enough electricity to reach the usual demand levels and for this the Prime Minister ordered general power cuts in certain hours of the day for the western half of the country.


My family is fine but I mourn for our country and ask for your kind understanding.


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