Japan Death Toll Tops 10,000, Multiple Nuclear Meltdowns Loom‏

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Reader Supported News | 13 March 11 AM

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Japan Death Toll Tops 10,000, Multiple Nuclear Meltdowns Loom A Japanese rescue worker checks for signs of radiation, 03/12/11. (photo: Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters)
Eric Talmadge and Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press 
The situation in Japan is as critical as it is dire. Entire towns and villages have been swept away by the sea. The death toll in one area alone could top 10,000. At least two nuclear power plants are in imminent danger of meltdown. -- ma/RSN 

Gadhafi Forces Shell Oil Town as Troops Advance 
Paul Schemm and Diaa Hadid, Associated Press 
The report begins: "Troops loyal to Moammar Gadhafi shelled an oil town in eastern Libya on Sunday, pounding pockets of resistance during their swift advance on the country's poorly equipped and loosely organized rebels." 

Frank Rich | Confessions of a Recovering Op-Ed Columnist 
Frank Rich, The New York Times 
Excerpt: "Now 17 more years have flown by, and, as you may have heard, I have decided to move on from Op-Ed columnizing (as Bill Safire called it) to a fresh adventure in journalism at New York magazine. It was a highly personal decision and I've been weighing it for some time." 

Neurotoxin Found in Dead Fish at LA Area Harbor 
Associated Press 
The report begins: "The millions of sardines that were found floating dead in a Southern California marina this week tested positive for a powerful neurotoxin, researchers said Friday." 

PETITION: I Stand in Solidarity With the Workers of Wisconsin 
Reader Supported News Petition 
Reader Supported News has launched a petition for those who stand with the workers of Wisconsin: "I Stand in Solidarity With the Workers of Wisconsin." Sign it and pass it on. 

RSN Special Coverage: GOP's War on American Labor 
Reader Supported News 
Some call it labor's swan song, others call it labor's wake-up call. Right now it's a grassfire spreading across the upper Midwest, and RSN is staying on it. 

RSN Special Coverage: Rocking the Cradle 
Reader Supported News 
As the wave of pro-democracy, self-determination protests spread across the cradle of civilization, Reader Supported News will bring you the latest updates with uncensored and uncompromising coverage. 


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