Libya plans full offensive against rebels: Qadhafi son

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Tripoli--Libya is preparing full-scale military action to crush its rebellion and will not surrender even if Western powers intervene in the conflict, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's most prominent son said on Thursday.

"It's time for liberation. It's time for action. We are moving now," Saif al-Islam Qadhafi told Reuters in an interview.

Asked if the government was preparing to step up its military campaign, he said: "Time is out now. It's time for action...We gave them two weeks (for negotiations)."

Speaking in unusually tough language, the London-educated younger Qadhafi said Libya would defeat the rebels, even if Western powers intervened.

"We will never ever give up. We will never ever surrender. This is our country. We fight here in Libya," said Saif al-Islam, who has been described as the Western-friendly face of Libya.

"The Libyan people, we will never ever welcome NATO, we will never ever welcome Americans here. Libya is not a piece of cake."

Saif al-Islam described rebels determined to end Qadhafi's 41-year rule as terrorists and armed gangsters and said thousands of Libyans had volunteered to fight them.

"Now it's too late for them. We are so united, we are so strong. And Libya will be free and peaceful soon," said Saif al-Islam at a Tripoli compound designed in the shape of a luxury tent, as Qadhafi supporters shouted defiant slogans in the background.

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