Five leaders of the pro-government labour federation (ETUF) ask the Prosecutor General to close the

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Five leaders of the pro-government labour federation (ETUF) ask the Prosecutor General to close the CTUWS



The Center for Trade Union and Workers Services (CTUWS), on 11/2/2011 :


Five members of the leadership of ETUF :

- Abdel Rahman Kheir, appointed member (by Mubarak) of the Consultative Council (Senate) and vice-president of the Local Federation (of ETUF) of Helwan workers,

- Magdi El Badawy, vice-president of the General Union of Printing and Media,

- Magdi Mahmoud Morsi, Secretary General of the General Union of Printing and Media,

- Abdel Mon’em El Gamal, vice-president of the General Union of Construction and Timber,

- and Adel Abdel Fadil, Treasurer of the General Union of Finance, Taxes and Customs,

filed a complaint to the General Prosecutor on February 10, 2011, requesting an investigation and legal measures against Kamal Abbas, Coordinator of the CTUWS, and the closure of the CTUWS in Helwan and its regional offices in Mahalla, 10th of Ramadan and Naga Hamadi.


The complaint asks the Prosecutor General to investigate into all Kamal Abbas' secret activities, financed by foreign entities in order to execute a plan threatening the security of the country through the denigration of the official trade union organization, sowing discord among workers, and destabilizing enterprises by bringing production to a standstill.


The CTUWS together with a number of workers' leaders had filed complaint n°1364 to the Prosecutor General on February 6, 2011, requesting an investigation into the sources of President of ETUF Hussein Megawer's wealth, estimated at tens of millions of Egyptian pounds. The Public Finance Prosecution started an investigation regarding CTUWS's complaint. The lawyer of CTUWS presented documents in support of the complaint. The prosecution asked all administrative control organs concerned with different elements of the complaint to provide their certified views on these elements.



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