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في الخميس ١٣ - يناير - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Studies in Islamic Civilization - Press Release


Title                : Studies in Islamic Civilization: The Muslim Contribution to the Renaissance

Publisher         : International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)

Author             : Ahmed Essa and Othman Ali

Hardback        : ISBN 978–1–56564–351–2 $28.95

Paperback        : ISBN 978–1–56564–350–5 $18.95

Size/pages       : (6x9) / 332 p. / 2010


Studies in Islamic Civilization draws upon the works of Western scholars to make the case that without the tremendous contribution of the Muslim world there would have been no Renaissance in Europe. For almost a thousand years Islam was arguably one of the leading civilizations of the world spanning a geographic area greater than any other. It eliminated social distinctions between classes and races, made clear that people should enjoy the bounties of the earth provided they did not ignore morals and ethics, and rescued knowledge that would have been lost, if not forever, then at least for centuries. The genius of its scholars triggered the intellectual tradition of Europe and for over seven hundred years its language, Arabic, was the international language of science. Strange then that its legacy lies largely ignored and buried in time. In the words of Aldous Huxley, “Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects... propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.”


Studies in Islamic Civilization is a compelling attempt to redress this wrong and restore the historical truths of a “golden age” that ushered in the Islamic renaissance, and as a by-product that of the West. In doing so it gives a bird’s eye view of the achievements of a culture that at its height was considered the model of human progress and development.


Studies in Islamic Civilization is a must-read for scholars, students and non-specialists alike, demonstrating the world class civilization created by Muslims and its forgotten and long-overlooked contributions to Western civilization.

John L. Esposito, University Professor and Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin

Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, USA


All those interested in a broad, general account of Islamic civilization, one that is accurate and arises from deep familiarity with the major events of that civilization as well as with the writings of those who most contributed to its flourishing, will find themselves indebted to the story told by Ahmed Essa in Studies in Islamic Civilization and thus to Dr. Othman Ali for helping bring Ahmed Essa’s work to light. For too long, the story of Islam’s origins and great contributions to human learning has been told by persons unwilling to conceptualize these events sympathetically and from the perspective of how they affect human beings such as themselves – to understand such phenomena fully, in other words. Ahmed Essa and Dr. Othman Ali explain here what that fuller understanding entails, and for this we must all be grateful.

Charles E. Butterworth, Emeritus Professor, University of Maryland, USA


This book does a highly effective job of capturing the pioneering breakthroughs in the arts and sciences – including religious freedom – that took place under Islam a thousand years ago. I strongly urge Westerners to read it, so they can give law-abiding Muslims their just due for these remarkable contributions to modern civilization. By the same token, I urge all Muslims to read it, with an eye toward making similar contributions in the future.

Dr. Douglas Johnston, President and Founder, International Center for Religion

and Diplomacy, USA


Table of Contents

Acknowledgements                                                                                         ix

Foreword                                                                                                         xi

Preface                                                                                                                        xiv

Editor’s Introduction                                                                                        xvi

Notes by the Author on word usage and spelling                                             xix


Islam’s Role in History                                                                                    1



Learning and Islamic Civilization                                                                    6



The Establishment of the First Muslim Community                                         11



The Islamic World Order                                                                                 22



Islamic Civilization in Europe and West Asia                                                  35



Trade                                                                                                               46



Agriculture and Technology                                                                            60



Flowering of Islamic Learning                                                                                     72


The Sciences                                                                                                    87



Medicine                                                                                                          110



Arabic Literature                                                                                              134



Persian Literature                                                                                             165



The Arts                                                                                                           189



Ottoman Contribution to Islamic Civilization                                                   218



Islamic Impact on the Renaissance                                                                  243


Notes                                                                                                               259


Bibliography                                                                                                    285


Index                                                                                                               299


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اجمالي القراءات 1935