Latest Egyptian Police Victims

في الأربعاء ٠٨ - ديسمبر - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Latest Egyptian Police Victims, horrific abuse scenes in
the streets, Enough is Enough! MOVE PEOPLE!

 wish I was dead before seeing this day coming! Before seeing those innocent
people getting tortured by police to death for no reason, neither their cry for
help nor their splashing blood in the streets is stopped those Egyptian police
officers from committing that horrific crime!!!


" Your Brother is dead" that's the nightmare call that Mohammed Ateya
received on the night of December the 7th, 2010.

Mohammed panicked and ran blindly to the Akhsheed street at Alkabary area,
Alexandria, Egypt, expecting to see his older brother's dead body but he found
people gathering crying and shocked of the horrific scene that they just


Eye Witnesses started telling Mohammed the story while crying in pain and
sigh, how his older brother was attacked by 2 police officers, claiming that
Moustafa Ateya (victim) has a court order against him due to his bank loan that
wasn't paid on time.


Moustafa Ateya did resolve the issue with the bank and had documents that
proves that he paid the loan off, but they refused to see those documents and
started kicking him and dragging his body for 1 kilometer, 1 kilometer!! in the
middle of the street infront of hundreds of people , till he died due to his
injuries as a result of the continuous hitting that lasted for 20 minutes !!
That's a human we are talking about.. a father of  4 toddlers and a good


Cant stop my tears from flowing while writing this sad report.


God Help us, World Help us

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