El Sadat Trained 240 Delegates to Face Fraud

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El Sadat Trained 240 Delegates to Face Fraud

In preparation for Election Day, Mr. Anwar Esmat El Sadat’s team trained more than 240 Menofia citizens and community leaders in areas such as the electoral system, electoral standards of integrity, and how to recognize electoral fraud.


Participants with particular levels of community awareness were selected to attend the training. They were divided into two groups, for a three-day training, the second of which finished yesterday. The training topics were chosen to empower community leaders in the electoral system, so that participants would be assigned to committees on behalf of Mr. El Sadat, to monitor any violations.

In this regard, Mr. El Sadat declared that he is open to something widespread, to train all of the citizens of this constituency to protect their voices, which represent their own will.


As an independent, Mr. El Sadat is calm in his electoral campaign, despite of all the external pressures put on him by NDP and other independent candidates. One such external pressure as of late includes a dispute over the seat of Professionals, in the same district of Tala, in the Menofia governorate. Mr. El Sadat and his team are still forging ahead, despite these hurdles, to stay focused on his goal of serving the citizens and making this community, and Egypt, a better place.



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