April 6 youth challenge Egypt's ruling NDP

في الجمعة ٢٩ - أكتوبر - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

For the third year in a row

April 6 youth challenge Egypt's ruling National Democratic Party!

Cairo, November 9-10, 2010.

In parallel with the annual conference of Egypt’s ruling National Democratic Party (NDP), April 6 youth launch their “The spy`s minority” 3rd cyber-conference, under the slogan Damanatona w Entikhabatehim or (our guarantees.. and their elections).

This cyper-conference is held to expose the lies of NDP officials to the whole world with statistics and let all people know that they are liars and reveal their prepartions to rig the coming parliamentary and presidential elections, after rejection of the demands that ensure fair and transparent elections in Egypt.

P.S: “The spy`s minority” is a phrase used by the regime and the ruling party to describe April 6 youth opposition movement in Egypt. 




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