The Egypt Daily Update

في الجمعة ٢٩ - أكتوبر - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

The Egypt Daily Update


POMED is pleased to inform you of one of our publications, the Egypt Daily Update. The Egypt Daily Update is a free roundup of Arabic and English news stories related to democracy and human rights in Egypt, sent daily via email to our subscribers. The Update includes concise summaries of breaking and important news stories, links to sources and articles, and featured quotes (including translations of Arabic quotes).


This is the perfect way for government officials, activists, researchers, academics, journalists, and students to stay up-to-date on developments at this crucial period in Egyptian politics. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, elections, the National Democratic Party, opposition groups, protests and demonstrations, freedom of the press, NGO activity, torture and police brutality, labor disputes, and Coptic-Muslim relations.


The Egypt Daily Update is the perfect way to stay informed on democracy and human rights in Egypt, delivered to you daily in a clear, concise format. We have included today's Update below as an example. To sign up, click here.


اجمالي القراءات 1534