Israel On the Brink - Reported Secret Base Near Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (bizarre!--JAW

في الإثنين ٠٢ - أغسطس - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

[If Saudi Arabia actually lends bases to Israel, then everything seems possible! --ECD}

Subject: Israel On the Brink - KEITH NESMITH - Reported Secret Base Near Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

Not a secret secret any more!

This is a chain of correspondence that was sent to me.  Thought you would be interested.

I went to Google Earth and typed in "Tabuk Regional Airport, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia." Think it's "for real"?



This is from a friend of mine. He told me recently that he had heard this and has now found the link at bottom.

  1. Netanyahu met with the Saudi King and got permission to use Saudi land for a strike on Iran because Obama denied Iraqi air space to Israel.

 2. On the same secret visit, Bebe met with Egypt's Mubarak to get  permission for Israeli subs to go through the Suez.  He got permission.

 This can deter Iran by seven to ten years.  I look for them to hit Iran very soon, then it will hit the fan!



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