TWI's 'In Brief'

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Recently Published Insight by Washington Institute Scholars | July 15, 2010

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[] New from the Stein Program and Project Fikra
The Missing Link in U.S. Strategy to Counter Violent Extremism

By J. Scott Carpenter, Matthew Levitt, Steven Simon, and Juan Zarate
July 2010

This new report argues that the Obama administration should explicitly recognize the role of ideology in driving and justifying terrorism while sharpening the distinction between the religion of Islam and the political ideology of radical Islamism. The report is jointly produced by The Washington Institute's Stein Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence and Project Fikra: Defeating Extremism through the Power of Ideas.

PolicyWatch #1679
U.S. Policy on Hizballah:
The Question of Engagement
By Ash Jain
July 14, 2010



        PolicyWatch #1678
Inside Iran's Revolutionary Guard:
A Defector Speaks
Featuring Reza Kahlili and David B. Crist
July 13, 2010


Turkey Lost Turkey
By Soner Cagaptay
Wall Street Journal
July 12, 2010

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        Tough Road Ahead in Middle East
By Michael Singh
The Hill
July 12, 2010


The AKP's Hamas Policy III:
Countering Radicalization
By Soner Cagaptay<>
Hurriyet Daily News
July 9, 2010

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        Passing of Shiite Cleric Fadlallah Spells Trouble for Lebanon
By David Schenker
Christian Science Monitor
July 9, 2010


Resistance Land
By Andrew J. Tabler

July 8, 2010



        PolicyWatch #1677
The Obama-Netanyahu Meeting:
Assessment and Implications
By Robert Satloff
July 8, 2010


PolicyWatch #1676
Netanyahu Comes to Washington:
Assessing U.S.-Israeli Relations
Featuring Stephen Hadley and Michael Herzog
July 2, 2010



The AKP's Hamas Policy II:
'Us vs. Them'

By Soner Cagaptay<>
Hurriyet Daily News
July 5, 2010



وفاة رجل الدين الشيعي فضل الله تثير المتاعب للبنان
ديفيد شينكر
9تموز/يوليو 2010

تمهد وفاة رجل الدين الشيعي فضل الله الطريق لفكر اسلامي أكثر تشدداً وتأثيرا بإيران للحصول على مزايا في لبنان.


االمرصد السياسي #1677
اجتماع أوباما - نتنياهو: التقييم والدلالات
روبرت ساتلوف
8 تموز/يوليو 2010

بذل أوباما جهودا للإستصلاح خلال الزيارة الأخيرة لبنيامين نتنياهو، بالمقارنة مع المناخ المتوتر الذي ميز لقاء الزعيمين في نيسان/أبريل المنصرم.


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