Reform and Development asks President Mubarak

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Reform and Development asks President Mubarak to dismiss the officials of the Nile file 

Mr. Anwar Essmat El Sadat, Founders’ Representative of RDP, asks the President of the republic to dismiss the officials who are responsible for the file of Nile water. After a series of failure negotiations between the Government of Egypt and the Nile basin countries which ended by the signature on the Convention individually by the Nile basin countries in which the historical rights of the Egyptian share in the Nile water had been denied.   

El Sadat expresses his deep concern about the treatment of the Egyptian Government re the file of "the Egyptian share of the Nile” because this issue is sensitive and important which affects all the citizens. It is worth mentioning that the launch of the campaign “Our Water Our Life” was through RDP. The campaign adopted several demands which can maintain the Egyptian share of the Nile, it is represented in the possibility of extending natural gas pipeline to the Nile basin countries to provide them with power, thing which will reduce their dependence on building dams to save energy and it will promote African Egyptian relations. The campaign also stressed on the need of the Government and the civil society to advise the citizens to rationalize the consumption of water in order not to lose great sum of the Nile water. 

 El Sadat stressed that the party presented the draft law of "Organizing the use of water” to the people's Assembly and Minister of water resources, the law includes the need to get fees against the recreation and industrial use of pure water. The collected money will go to the projects of water purification and development, and also the need to rationalize water consumption by using modern irrigation methods which will prevent the loss of more water from Egypt. 

El Sadat demanded that those who are responsible for this sensitive issue should be subjected to accountability based on the fact that they failed in the negotiations which lasted for several years without being beneficial and also the case reached dangerous stages which foretells the consequences of the future of Egypt's share of the Nile, although Egypt is full of loyal competences and national experts who are ready to contribute in this serious and urgent case.


Anwar Essmat El Sadat

Founders’ Representative of RDP

Tel: 0224184919

Fax: 0224184920


اجمالي القراءات 1843