Reminder: Demonstration and elections tomorrow!‏

في السبت ٠١ - مايو - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

This is a friendly reminder that the demonstration is happening tomorrow. Please make sure you call email and call people to invite them to come with you.


The meeting with Elbaradei went very well. He invited us to do a lot more.. He specifically said one demonstration is not enough! We need to do many.. So this is just the start. We have decided to organize a meeting after the demonstration to discuss what’s next..  


For tomorrow, we have decided to make our voice heard even more by the Egyptian government and our fellow citizens in Egypt by organizing a mock election in front of the embassy. In addition to chanting and speaking up for our demand to vote, we will conduct a mock election! We will bring a ballot box, ballots, and ask Egyptians to vote and choose among five possible candidates (Mohamed Elbaradei, Gamal Mubarak, Ayman Nour, Amr Musa, and Hamdeen Sabahi! Sounds fun, right J


Please don’t forget to:

·         Forwarding this email invite to all your email contacts (Egyptians, Arabs, and Americans) in the Washington DC area and ask them to join the demonstration.

·         Calling all the people you know would be interested to personally ask them to show up this Saturday.

·          Reminding people by email and by phone about the demonstration.

·         Offering to give people a ride or to help with directions to the Egyptian Embassy.

·         Bring an Egyptian flag, a sign/banner of one of the demands of Elbaradei’s association for change, and/or or buying refreshments for demonstrators on your way in.


Thank you so much for your help and looking forward to seeing you (and your friends) tomorrow!





(571) 276-9581


Egyptian Association for Change in the US

facebook group and YouTube channel and forthcoming website

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