Is It A Conspiracy To Eradicate the Quranists in Egypt?
Is It A Conspiracy To Eradicate the Quranists in Egypt?
Dr. Ahmad Sobhy Mansour
I always receive letters that curse, scorn and have death threats. Some of them are of utmost dirt and scorn. It surprises me the courage their writers have to write such things. Here, I am giving examples of the most “polite” ones such as: “The dogs bark and the caravan progresses, you are the most scornful human being and most trivial creature, who are you to allow and prohibit? You are an American and Israeli fabrications, one day, you and your followers will be in the history dustbin, you are a human animal, God will avenge you, donkey, I’ve never read for a sick writer like you, you still suffer from late childhood intellectualism, You scornful man, I ask God to make you a parable for all those who are sought to spread lies and fabricate in God’s religion, O God, paralyze the tongue of Ahmad Sobhy and reveal his secrets and make him an example to all your creature so as no one would be deceived by him, it’s true that Holako was cursed, so as you, frankly, I can say nothing but it’s ok to kill you, I advise you not to write since you are approaching death.”
I do not get angry from these curses and trivialities because I consider them a proof that the message was delivered, understood and replied to. These responses also, show the responders’ level of morality. It is also an opportunity for me to pardon and forgive them according to the Islamic and Quranic morals, so I gain while they lose in the Day of Judgment if they do not repent, of course.
These letters that threaten me with scorn and curses do not disturb me. However, being the cause of hurting or causing the hurt of helpless innocents who have no other crime but being my relatives annoys me. Obviously, this has been realized by the Egyptian regime and they arrested and tortured my relatives in response to what I write. The terrorists also realized this so they wrote threatening to eradicate my relatives in Egypt.
On August 16, I received two consecutive letters. One of them was labeled;” Fight them to Avoid Chaos”: “Set assured, you infidel apostate, the enemy of heritage (Sunnah) that we are watching you. Your alliance with the infidel West will never protect you and your family from us. The war just started. We shall eradicate your family and your relatives the people of astray. We know their situation more than themselves. We know where they live and work. We will torment them for their antagonism of the Prophet and his followers. And this is just the beginning”. Signed: Yousef Bin Qotadah.
The second letter says: “Ahmad Sobhy, we will not issue a communiqué or notice for you. You escaped to America but your family and relatives are here in Egypt. We know them all one by one. We know where they live and everything about them. What happened this time was just the beginning. We will check them out for sure.” Signed: Abo Horeira Al-Assyutti.
Of course, it is very easy that any of the Internet thugs can send something like this and more and call himself anything he wishes. Part of the slavery culture that the cowards are hiding and saying whatever they want as long as he is kept in the shadow.
It was possible to deal with these letters like the rest that hit my mailbox. However, this time, it was related to innocent people and the possibility of being the threat serious, entitled to take some actions. Of course, it is impossible to seek help from the Egyptian Government, not because it is an opponent, but also, because it is the cause of all what we are exposed to. I translated the two letters and sent them to International organizations to be witnesses if those innocents are subject to assassination. I also, published a note in English on our website. Then I was surprised with the worst. I leave it here for the just reader to analyze this worst. After torturing my brother, the Egyptian regime interrogated him and started asking him questions of normal nature that occur among families and friends. Also, he was asked about his ideas and intentions. These interrogations were silly enough to make the Egyptian regime embarrassed before the whole world. When they found nothing, they kept him with his friends and refused to release them. They were put in a cell with felons’ accused of joining Al-Qaeda so as to be killed. Some meaningful developments occurred after the above mentioned threat letters were published in English on the website:
1. The State Security started rounding up my relatives in my town and asked them about their passports. This is a prelude to arrest them despite they have nothing to do with anything and some of them are illiterates and have no connection to any intellectual activities. All what they know is their home and work affairs.
2. The relatives of the detainees visited their loved ones in Torra Prison and they have permits for this purpose. They were denied to see the detainees and they protested this treatment and the women were wailing in fear of that the detainees were harmed. At the end, they were told that the orders from State Security were not to allow any visitors. Because of the wailing of the women, they were allowed to see four detainees only. My brother Abdellatif Saeed was not allowed to be present. They talked to the detainees under the tight security surveillance. The detainees expressed deep fear and could not dare say anything they want.
3. This blockade is connected with continuous chase and harassment of the detainees’ relatives everywhere by the police surveillance.
This all made me questioning if the Egyptian regime is deliberately keeping the detainees in prison so the terrorists in the prison can kill them inside the prison? Or prolong the time they stay in prison and more to them so as the killing would include more innocents? Does the regime want to continue harassing and rounding up my relatives and the Quranists outside the prison and terrorize them with the accusation of “scorning the religion” to encourage the hard core terrorists to eradicate them by proxy?
Let’s revise the two threatening letters; we might know their source:
Set assured, you infidel apostate, the enemy of heritage (Sunnah) that we are watching you. Your alliance with the infidel West will never protect you and your family from us. The war just started. We shall eradicate your family and your relatives the people of astray. We know their situation more than themselves. We know where they live and work. We will torment them for their antagonism of the Prophet and his followers. And this is just the beginning.
Ahmad Sobhy, we will not issue a communiqué or notice for you. You escaped to America but your family and relatives are here in Egypt. We know them all one by one. We know where they live and everything about them. What happened this time was just the beginning. We will check them out for sure.
We do not have any part of power except we are prosecuted on Earth. We believe in God the Almighty and the One. We also believe that the bad cunning is only affecting its promoters.
اجمالي القراءات