Quranic Terminology: Al-Hulqoom

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-01-16

Quranic Terminology: Al-Hulqoom



Published in January 15, 2020

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy





 The sub-title of this article is as follows: (Would the Muhammadans Take Heed of This Quranic Warning?!). It is a common misunderstanding that the Quranic term (Al-Hulqoom) means (the human throat) in this verse about the soul of a dying person when it is removed from the body by the angels of death: "So when it has reached Al-Hulqoom." (56:83). Most people assume that a dying soul would reach the bodily throat [because Al-Hulqoom in the Arabic tongue in the Middle-Ages refers to ''the throat''] before it gets out of the human body forever. The Quranic verse 56:83 is about the soul and not the human body; we provide some details in the points below indicating that (Al-Hulqoom) in the Quran refers to the threshold or gate of the Barsakh of dead souls. By the way, we have previously mentioned that the Quranic term (Roh) is not the soul but it is the Holy Spirit Gabriel who conveyed the divine revelation to messengers/prophets and who breathes souls into human fetuses.  The human soul controls the human body; it is a Barsakh being/creature which is breathed into the human flesh so that a human being would fulfill a lifetime on earth as a test. This lifetime on earth for each human soul is predetermined by the Lord God; when someone dies, the soul returns to its original place: the Barsakh. Souls of all human beings will be resurrected from the Barsakh on the Last Day for Judgment. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "The Day when the humankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds." (83:6); "We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him a seed, in a secure repository. Then We developed the seed into a clot. Then We developed the clot into a lump. Then We developed the lump into bones. Then We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced it into another creature. Most Blessed is God, the Best of creators. Then, after that, you will die. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be resurrected." (23:12-16); "It is He who created you from dust, then from a seed, then from an embryo, then He brings you out as an infant, then He lets you reach your maturity, then you become elderly - although some of you die sooner - so that you may reach a predetermined age, so that you may understand." (40:67); "O people! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, know that We created you from dust, then from a small drop, then from a clinging clot, then from a lump of flesh, partly developed and partly undeveloped. In order to clarify things for you. And We settle in the wombs whatever We will for a designated term, and then We bring you out as infants, until you reach your full strength. And some of you will pass away, and some of you will be returned to the vilest age, so that he may not know, after having known. And you see the earth still; but when We send down water on it, it vibrates, and swells, and grows all kinds of lovely pairs." (22:5).  


Firstly: the context of the Quranic verse 56:83:

1- The context here is about the Lord God's address directed to those who deny the Quran and trade in religion; i.e., the clergymen/hypocrites who make financial gains from spreading lies and falsehoods attributed by them to the Religion of the Lord God to deceive the gullible, naïve masses. 

1/1: This is the entire context; the Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "I swear by the locations of the stars. It is an oath, if you only knew, that is tremendous. It is a noble Quran. In a well-protected Book. None can grasp it except the purified. A revelation from the Lord of the Worlds. Is it this discourse that you take so lightly? And you make it your livelihood to deny it? So when it has reached Al-Hulqoom. As you are looking on. We are nearer to it than you are, but you do not see. If you are not indebted. Then bring it back, if you are truthful. But if he is one of those brought near. Then happiness, and flowers, and Garden of Delights. And if he is one of those on the Right. Then, “Peace upon you,” from those on the Right. But if he is one of the deniers, the misguided. Then a welcome of Inferno. And burning in Hell. This is the Absolute Truth. So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Magnificent." (56:75-96).

1/2: The first part of this context, 56:75-80, is about the greatness of the Holy Quran; the second part of this context, 56:81-82, is about preaching the misguided, misguiding clergymen; the third part of this context, 56:83-94, is about reminding them of the inevitable moment of dying; the last part of this context, 56:95-96, is about asserting and emphasizing the fact that this is the Absolute Truth from the Lord God.

2- The same meaning of this context is repeated here: "We sent down upon you the Book for the humankind in truth. He who follows guidance does so for the good of his soul. And he who strays in error does so to its detriment. You are not their overseer. God takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that have not died during their sleep. He retains those for which He has decreed death, and He releases the others until a predetermined time. In that are signs for people who reflect. Or have they chosen intercessors other than God? Say, “Even though they have no power over anything, and are devoid of reason?” Say, “All intercession is up to God. To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Then to Him you will be returned.” When God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when those other than Him are mentioned, they become filled with joy." (39:41-45).

2/1: The verse 39:41 is about the Quran.

2/2: The verse 39:42 is about sleep and death or the difference between the temporary absence of the soul from the body during sleep and the permanent one in death.

2/3: The verses 39:43-45 are about the Quran-deniers; e.g., the Muhammadans, who believe in the myth of intercession; when they hear (There is no God but Allah) or when the Lord God is mentioned alone, they feel aversion but when names of mortals are mentioned alongside with God they feel happy. Would the Muhammadans one day, take heed of this Quranic fact?!

3- Another indication is found here: "Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, “My Lord, send me back.That I may do right in what I have neglected.” By no means! It is just a word that he utters. And behind them is a Barsakh barrier, until the Day they are resurrected." (23:99-100).

3/1: This is an indication about the dying souls of all disbelievers/polytheists; upon dying, they realize the Absolute Truth that their fate is Hell like all the heedless ones; they would demand, in vain, a second chance. This means when dying souls, taken by the angels of death, reach Al-Hulqoom which is the gate or threshold of the Barsakh realm, there is no turning back; the souls remain in a state of senselessness and timelessness until the Resurrection Day. 

3/2: This is why there is no torment of the grave by a 'bald snake' cherished by the Muhammadans in their hadiths; resurrected souls will feel as if they slept for a very short while: "On the Day when the Hour takes place, the sinners will swear they had stayed but an hour. Thus they were deluded. But those endowed with knowledge and faith will say, “You remained in God’s Book until the Day of Resurrection. This is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not know.”" (30:55-56). For more details we refer readers to our book, in English, titled (The Myth of the Torment Of the Grave), found on this link:



Secondly: our Quranist view of the term (Al-Hulqoom) regarding souls and Barsakh:

1- Al-Hulqoom in the Arabic tongue is the human throat; yet, in the unique Quranic tongue, it is the gate or threshold of Barsakh for the dying human soul; once a soul reaches it, there is no turning back to this nether, transient world; it will pass this threshold or gate to settle in Barsakh until the Resurrection Day, whereas the lifeless body will rot and decompose and it will never be revived; it will turn into dust within the earth forever.

2- This is about the human soul. (And for more details, we refer readers to our three books, in English, titled "The Book of Barsakh", "The Book of Death", & "Each Human Soul Has Two Bodies")

2/1: The human soul is an ethereal, Barsakh being imprisoned in the physical body; it frees itself temporarily from it during slumber and forever in death.

2/2: During sleep (about one-third of one's lifetime is spent in sleep), there is a link which ties the soul to its body; this is why souls return to the bodies upon waking up; this link is severed forever when the dying soul reach Al-Hulqoom or the threshold/gate of the Barsakh realm and it sees the angels of death; there is no way that dying souls in such a moment would return to the dead bodies.

2/3: Sometimes when human bodies face life-threatening situations or coma before the predestined time for their death, souls might experience a level of Barsakh below Al-Hulqoom and above levels of the sleep Barsakh; one sees visions/dreams; some people who survived a coma could never describe or remember fully the realm of colors and sounds they have experienced in such a state of coma while their souls floated and hovered above their bodies; their souls return to their bodies because the time for their death has not come yet. This is because the link between their souls and their bodies has not been severed yet; this link is lost once the soul reaches Al-Hulqoom or the gate/threshold of the Barsakh realm after seeing the angels of death. 


Thirdly: what happens when the dying soul reaches Al-Hulqoom or the threshold or gate of the Barsakh realm:

1- We never know any true facts about death except from the Quran, God's Word, as no dead souls ever return to narrate to living people about their death experience.

2- Upon dying, contrary to the popular belief, the throes of death is not about loss of consciousness regarding this world; rather, it is a moment of acute awareness of the Barsakh realm since the soul is liberated forever from the physical body; this acute awareness of the soul which will see what was previously invisible continues after Resurrection and within Judgment; this is exemplified here in both contexts about sinners and their devilish companions: "“You were in heedless of this, so We lifted your screen from you, and your vision today is keen.”And his companion will say, “This is what I have ready with me.”" (50:22-23); "Whoever shuns the remembrance of the Dominant Lord, We assign for him a devil, to be his companion. They hinder them from the Path though they think they are guided. Until, when he comes to Us, he will say, “If only there were between me and you the distance of the two Easts.” What an evil companion!" (43:36-38).

3- Those who surround a deathbed of a dying person cannot sense/see that the dying soul of that person has reached Al-Hulqoom or the threshold/gate of the Barsakh realm after seeing the angels of death.

3/1: The dead body is merely an outer garment for the soul; this dead body is not the dead person; the true person is the soul and it has shed its earthly clothing forever in order to return to Barsakh; the earthly body returns to its origin: dust inside tombs.

3/2: Those who surround a deathbed of a dying person cannot sense/see the angels of death who take the soul of the dying person: "So when it has reached Al-Hulqoom. As you are looking on. We are nearer to it than you are, but you do not see." (56:83-85).

4- They would wish in vain to be able to return the soul to the dead body; no doctors can do this; no power on earth can do it; even doctors die; the human beings forget that they are indebted to God; He created their souls and He has the right to get back these souls; He gave them life as a loan; He owns their souls and their lives: "If you are not indebted. Then bring it back, if you are truthful. " (56:86-87).

5- They cannot see that the dying soul is in a state of acute awareness as it sees the angels of death informing it of its irrevocable fate, either in Hell or Paradise, as per the deeds and faith of this soul.

5/1: This is about the allies of Allah in their two ranks in Paradise: "But if he is one of those brought near. Then happiness, and flowers, and Garden of Delights. And if he is one of those on the Right. Then, “Peace upon you,” from those on the Right." (56:88-91).

5/2: This is about the misguided, misguiding allies of Satan who denied the Quran and whose fate is Hell: "But if he is one of the deniers, the misguided. Then a welcome of Inferno. And burning in Hell." (56:92-94).

6- This is a response in advance from the Lord God to the allies of Satan who denied the Quran: "This is the Absolute Truth. So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Magnificent." (56:95-96). As always, the Lord God says nothing but the Absolutely Truth.

7- In the verses 56:95-96, the Absolute Truth is the moment of dying with its acute awareness of the Barsakh realm.

8- The Holy Quran is the Absolute Truth as per this context: "Yet it is the Absolute Truth. So glorify the name of your Lord, the Magnificent." (69:51-52).

9- The moment of dying is when one's soul reaches the Absolute Truth since death is inevitable and, upon dying, one knows the irrevocable fate of one's soul. This is asserted in the following Quranic contexts.

9/1: "And worship your Lord until the Truth comes to you." (15:99); i.e., until the last moment of one's lifetime or until one dies; The (Truth) here is the moment of dying.

9/2: The Hell dwellers will be asked this question: "What drove you into Saqar?”" (74:42); the term (Saqar) is another name for Hell; this will be their answer: "They will say, “We were not of those who prayed. Nor did we feed the destitute. And we used to indulge with those who indulge. And we used to deny the Day of Judgment. Until the Truth came upon us.”" (74:43-47). The (Truth) here is the moment of dying.



 Would the Muhammadans take heed of this Quranic warning before it is too late for them?!

اجمالي القراءات 2224

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5169
اجمالي القراءات : 58,611,643
تعليقات له : 5,478
تعليقات عليه : 14,869
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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