Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifteen

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-02-26


Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifteen



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy





Feudal Taxes during the Mameluke Era

Published in February 17, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm preparing for my MA thesis now; I've decided to focus on the Mameluke Era and I'd like you to help me.......I'd like you to tell me about the system of feudal taxes at that era and why it was changed several times … Thank you …    


 Of course, the feudal system existed in Europe and the Arab world during the Middle-Ages; the Mameluke Egypt was no exception to this rule; the Mameluke princes and sultans imposed various taxes on people in relation to their farms, trades, trade ships, ports, merchandise/goods, assets, houses, etc. There were taxes imposed on prisoners and even on parents who marry off their daughters. Some  heavy taxes were imposed by some Mameluke sultans (e.g., Aybak and Qaitbay) and were sometimes removed/annulled by other sultans (e.g., Beibars, Qalawun, Al-Nasser, and Tuman Bay).








Until You Follow Their Religion

Published in February 18, 2019



Question: … Within my own assessment of your writings, you are never fit to be a reformist thinker; your so-called reform is a hoax and a total fiasco! Your style of writing is boring, shallow, and will never reach the minds and hearts of readers! You never understand the Quranic verses in the right way! Your only good writings are in history; you are a good historian; I suggest you stick to writing books and articles about history, and nothing else! .............. You must become a Shiite, after reading books by our Holy Shiite Imams, to get to know real Islam and the only right understanding of the Quran before writing anything about it! …  


 This Shiite Iranian man sends us regular hate mail written in bad Arabic, with countless misspelled words and grammatical mistakes. We have sent our replies to his email messages several times without publishing his messages and our replies on our website; yet, this time, we have decided to analyze his mentality, if he happens to have a brain! This Shiite man does not like our Quranist ponderings because we believe only in the Quran and never in Sunnite, Shiite, or Sufi books of mythology. This Shiite man does not ponder/examine Quranic verses except through the corrupt perspective of Shiite mythology books, as Shiites deify Ali, his wife Fatima, her two sons, and Shiite 'holy' authors/imams. This is why the Shiite sender of the above message (as well as any man among the rest of the Muhammadans) will not be satisfied unless we would follow his polytheistic religion. In fact, we are the first non-Shiite thinker in Egypt who have defended the rights of Shiite Egyptians; we have given several Shiite men the chance to deliver speeches and discuss several topics in our weekly forum in the Ibn Khaldoun Center, in Cairo, in the 1990s. Many Egyptian Shiite leaders became our friends at the time despite the fact that they knew that we are a Quranist thinker who disbelieves in the Shiite religion. We are the first Egyptian non-Shiite thinker to defend Shiites who are persecuted in Egypt, the KSA, and the rest of the Gulf monarchies. Because of our repeated defense of the rights of Shiites (i.e., their right to exist and to have their full religious freedom) and our repeated call to end their persecution because religious persecution is against Islam, some of our enemies and foes accused our person of being a Shiite. This is a laughter-inducing accusation leveled against a Quranist thinker. Some Shiite leaders were very happy because we have undermined and refuted many Sunnite/Wahabi tenets and books; Iran gave orders to Shiite Egyptians to make use of our Quranist ideas (within our books published in Egypt at the time) within their written attacks of the Sunnite religion. Yet, these Shiite Egyptians who were our friends hated us and attacked our person in their writings once we have undermined, criticized, and ridiculed Ali and Hussein and refuted several Shiite tenets which contradicted the Quran. This means that both Sunnites and Shiites desire that we, Dr. Mansour, would follow their earthly/terrestrial religions; we assure them most frankly that this will never happen, because we never believe in or adhere to any books except the Quran: the Only Source of Islam. Quranism is the Only True Islam. This Shiite man assumes we are a good historian. Does he like our articles/books, as an objective historian, undermining and criticizing Ali and Hussein?! Does he admire our views about these two mortal historical figures deified by him?! We have spent 50 years of our life researching the Quran and books of history; we never care for being admired by an angry Shiite ignoramus who will never respect our person; in our turn, we cannot respect a Shiite man who wounds himself with a pen-knife, a sword, or a knife to mourn the murder of Hussein (who got killed many centuries ago!) and who waits (for what seems like forever!) for the so-called infallible, invincible Mehdi (a fictional character in Shiite mythology) who will never show up (like waiting for Samuel Becket's Godot who never comes!). Will this so-called Mehdi, who is hiding inside a cavern for centuries, ride his white mare one day to save all humanity?! When? Where? How? No Shiite polytheists have any answers to these questions, of course. Shame on all of them!      







How to Prostrate during Prayers

Published in February 18, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK while prostrating during prayers to put my elbows on the ground? Some Sunnite authors in their fiqh books assume that this is wrong because only dogs sit that way; they assume one should only put one's hands on the ground! What is your own view?! … Thank you …


 You can prostrate any way you like as long as your forehead is touching the ground. Please do not pay attention to Sunnite fiqh myths and lies; Sunnite fiqh scholars have their exaggerated notions regarding prayers; they never agree on any issue or topic; their devilish aim is to make one too distracted to observe piety; we would like you to watch our subtitled-into-English "Quranic Moments" episodes about prayers. You should focus on concentration within piety, reverence, and fear of the Lord God during your prayers. One gets nearer to the Lord God when one prostrates within piety. Do not take heed of Sunnite nonsense by devilish authors; do not give way to devilish whispers: "No, do not obey him; but prostrate and come near." (96:19). 







One's Lineage and Ancestors

Published in February 19, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … It's a myth that one's good/bad manners are inherited from one's good/bad lineage and ancestors, right? Does the Quran contain any evidence supporting my view here? My brothers hate me despite my good behavior towards them and my being generous and charitable with them! We have the same parents but their manners differ widely from mine! … Thank you …    


 Of course, you are quite right. As per the Quran, the brothers of Joseph hated him and got rid of him; they shared one good, pious father: Jacob/Israel. Noah was a good, pious man but his son was a disbeliever; Abraham was a good, pious man but his father was a disbeliever. It is nonsensical to assume that one's good/bad ancestry/lineage would influence one's behavior negatively or positively; every person chooses freely one's behavior, stances, attitudes, manners, etc. Sometimes, one's child may be one's enemy: "O you who believe! Among your spouses and your children are enemies to you, so beware of them. But if you pardon, and overlook, and forgive - God is Forgiver and Merciful." (64:14). 







This Is about Terrorists

Published in February 19, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … In your writings, you have explained how Muslims should be merciful, charitable, and tolerant regarding POWs as per the Quranic verses 8:67-70, 47:4, and 9:6, and yet, how would you reconcile these verses with 5:33 which shows severe penalties for enemies?! … Thank you …      


 You are under some strange mistake or misconception; treating POWs and captives kindly (a thing mentioned in the Quran centuries before modern laws in the 20th century regarding the same matter) and releasing them after providing security to them has nothing to do with the context of 5:33-34 which applies to terrorists (e.g., those of ISIS), highwaymen, and their likes who massacre and terrorize innocent people. They are not punished if they have repented and adhered to peace before their arrest.






Congregational Prayers in their Mosques, Again!

Published in February 19, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I don't like your calling non-Quranists as ''Muhammadans''........I love to performthe congregational prayers inside mosques; I do not see this as a wrong deed; what do you think? … Thank you …      


 We will never give up the appellation (Muhammadans) which suits perfectly the polytheistic Sunnites, Shiites, and Sufis who deify Muhammad. True Quranists never enter into such harmful mosques of polytheists and they avoid listening to polytheistic sermons undermining and insulting God and His Word: the Quran. 







A Question of Inheritance

Published in February 20, 2019




Question:  … Dear Sir, … My late father's paternal uncle died recently; he had no children; he is survived by his half-brother and my own paternal aunt (she has two children); I'm the only son of my late father; how the money of the deceased is to be divided as inheritance shares as per the Quranic sharia laws? … Thank you …        


 You have no legal share at all; the same applies to your paternal aunt and her two children. The only inheritor of the deceased man is his half-brother.






Evolution, Again

Published in February 14, 2019



Question:  … Dear Sir, … Some thinkers assume that this verse: "Although He created you in stages." (71:14) refers indirectly to the evolution theory stages; what is your own view of this? … Thank you …      


 This is a flagrant lie and an evident error; this is a gross misunderstanding of the verse 71:14 which refers to stages of a human being's life: a fetus, a baby, a child, an adolescent, an adult, and an old, senile person. This is asserted further in these Quranic contexts: 56:62, 23:12-14, and 30:54. Adam and his wife are the parents of the human race, and all things in the universe are committed to the service of all humanity; see 45:13; for more details about this Quranic notion of committing the universe to the service of all human beings, see the chapter on it within our book, in English, titled "The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran", which you will find on the following link: ( Human beings are free agents who are being tested by the Lord God and they experience preordained fates; their faiths, deeds, words, and stances will be judged in the Hereafter. See our view, in English, about Darwin and the so-called evolution on this link:  






About the Quranic Verse 2:259

Published in February 20, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Would you explain to methe Quranic verse 2:259? Has the man in this Quranic parable slept for 100 years?! Or has he experienced real death and was resurrected? Why did that happened? … Thank you …   


 The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Or like him who passed by a town collapsed on its foundations. He said, "How can God revive this after its demise?" Thereupon God caused him to die for a hundred years, and then resurrected him. He said, "For how long have you tarried?" He said, "I have tarried for a day, or part of a day." He said, "No. You have tarried for a hundred years. Now look at your food and your drink-it has not spoiled-and look at your donkey. We will make you a wonder for mankind. And look at the bones, how We arrange them, and then clothe them with flesh." So when it became clear to him, he said, "I know that God has power over all things."" (2:259). The context of this verse is the fact that the Lord God is the One Who will resurrect the dead souls. In 2:258, we read about Abraham who refuted the self-deified king who assumed that he gave life and death to his subjects. In 2:259, a prophet of the Lord God wondered about the Resurrection; miraculously, the Lord God caused him to sleep for 100 years; death and sleep are synonymous in the Quran (e.g., see 6:60). Abraham in 2:260 implored the Lord God to show him how Resurrection will occur.







Dire Consequences

Published in February 21, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  What is the meaning of the repeated Arabic/Quranic term (Wabal)? … Thank you …     


  It means the dire or ill consequences of one's bad or evil deeds; this term is mentioned in the following verses: 5:95, 59:15, 64:5, and 65:9. By the way, when we were a child, we asked our own father the same question and he told us the same answer which we give you here.






Devilish Whispers during Prayers!

Published in February 21, 2019


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I need your help!......Sometimes when I perform prayers, the devils whisper into my mind blasphemies and doubts regarding God and the Quran; this has increased recently and I cannot concentrate or remove evil thoughts from my mind during prayers! What shall I do? Any ideas?! …  Thank you …        


 Most people get distracted during their daily prayers because observing and attaining piety within performing prayers is a real treasure for all sincere monotheistic believers. People rarely get distracted when they watch a movie or a football match; devils never distract people except during sincere acts of worship to prevent them from receiving the reward/fruit of prayers (i.e., attaining piety within the fear of the Lord God). We advise you to seek refuge in the Lord God against Satan the outcast before uttering the Quranic Chapter One in every Raqa; you have to utter all words slowly during prayers in general, within sincere devotion to the Lord God; make your ears hear every single word you utter; your mind/soul must sense and feel the meaning of every word. Of course, all pious believers feel that their acts of worship are lacking and far from being perfect. Your worry expressed in your email message reflects how pious you are and how hard you try to please the Lord God. May the Lord God bless you.






The Article byMr. Abdel-Rahman Hawash

Published in February 22, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir,  … I understand from the article (on your website) of the late Quranist writer Mr. Abdel-Rahman Hawash that one atones for swearing by the Lord God's Name and never keeping that solemn oath when one intentionally harbored the idea of not to keep this oath before making it; did I get that correctly? … Thank you …


 Yes, this is true and you got it right. One's will or intention is what counts in that case as per these verses: "God does not hold you responsible for your unintentional oaths, but He holds you responsible for your intentions. God is Forgiving and Forbearing." (2:225); "God does not hold you accountable for your unintended oaths, but He holds you accountable for your binding oaths. The atonement for it is by feeding ten needy people from the average of what you feed your families, or by clothing them, or by freeing a slave. Anyone who lacks the means shall fast for three days. That is the atonement for breaking your oaths when you have sworn them. So keep your oaths. Thus God makes clear His Revelations to you, that you may be grateful." (5:89). May the Lord God have mercy on the soul of the late thinker Mr. Abdel-Rahman Hawash.






Sunnite Balderdash about Friday

Published in February 22, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it true that Friday is the Lord God's favorite day and that He created Adam on a Friday and expelled him from the Barsakh paradise on the same day, ...........etc.? …  Thank you …    


 This is merely Sunnite balderdash in books of hadiths ascribed falsely and forcibly to Muhammad after his death. Since the Omnipotent Lord God does not mention in the Quran what you mention in your message, we assert here that these myths about Friday are never part of Islam.







Fate in Relation to Consuming Ill-Gotten Money

Published in February 22, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … You have mentioned that there are four fates preordained by the Lord God and imposed on people, including provision or earnings; does this apply to those who consume ill-gotten money they have stolen?! What do you think? …  Thank you …


 We advise you to watch oursubtitled-into-English "Quranic Moments" episodes about the four fates: births, deaths, adversity/prosperity, and earnings/provisions; we assert briefly here that the Lord God provides all creatures (including human beings) with the provision required for life (food, water, air, etc.); yet, money and possessions are temporary provisions which are deemed as a mirage; they are ardently sought only by materialists; they never realize they will leave everything when they die and that all possessions are used up and/or can be stolen. Human beings unwittingly execute preordained fates regarding one another. Yet, human beings have freedom of action and of choice and they bear full responsibility for their deeds, stances, words, beliefs, etc. when judged on the Last Day; the Lord God does NOT interfere in their will, choices, and actions. Hence, those who consume ill-gotten money are doing so on their own free will; they are NOT destined to do this.






A Corrupt Business Partner

Published in February 23, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … I lived inside the USA for 30 years as a university professor; my children live in distant states and are too busy; once their mother (i.e., my wife) died, I've decided to return to Egypt, my homeland, to spend the rest of my life there. When I visited my relatives and old friends, one of them offered to be my partner in a business so that my money would benefit others (i.e., by employing young men and help boosting the Egyptian economy). I trusted him at first; my share of the profits is not very high. I've discovered that my friend is a corrupt person and he uses dishonest methods; much of the profits are spent in offering bribes; high-class affluent people of authority are helping him and get the larger part of the profits! Thus, the profits are ill-gotten money; I cannot accept that; I never condone corruption; when I told him I desire to end this partnership and end the business, he threatened to frame me if I dared to step back or to expose him! The contracts, in fact, make me responsible for everything! My partner is now my arch-enemy; he embezzles me now; he runs the whole business by himself now without consulting me and gets the larger share of profits! If I dare to protest or to refuse him anything, he'd remind me with being framed and imprisoned any time he likes! What shall I do to avoid such blackmail and to retrieve my money? Any suggestions?! … Thank you …     


 You are an Egyptian-American, for sure; yet, your American nationality will not save you from being framed and/or imprisoned in Egypt; yet, you can use your American nationality to threaten this corrupt business partner while negotiating ending this partnership by receiving the original sum of your money (i.e., without profits). After you succeed in retrieving your money, you can live in peace and away from trouble (i.e., without doing any business at all) either in the USA or in Egypt.  






The Responsibilities of An Employed Married Couple

Published in February 23, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … My husband and myself are employed in governmental posts and our salaries are almost the same; my question now is as follows: in my case, who is to be in charge of the family (kids and spouse): the wife or the husband? In fact, I spend the larger part of my money on buying food; my husband does the same plus getting all the need of our kids and their clothes; he leaves to me the entire mission of raising, disciplining, and bringing up the kids. Is this OK within Islam or not? … Thank you … 


 As per the Quran, husbands are required to take care (financially and otherwise) of their wives and children, to spend money on them, and to protect them; they are not to do so in an authoritarian manner. It is OK if an employed wife shares some of the husband's responsibilities. Yet, spending on the family is the primary duty/obligation of husbands only. Wives are expected to obey their husbands who spend money on them within matters that never violate the Quranic teachings of Islam. Bringing up the kids must be a shared mission of both the husband and the wife.







The Nine Signs

Published in February 23, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … What are the nine signs/miracles shown to Pharaoh and his people by the Lord God, through Moses, referred to in this verse: "We gave Moses nine clear signs..." (17:101)?…  Thank you …


 These nine miracles/signs are as follows: (1) the staff of Moses turning into a serpent, (2) his bright, shining hand, (3) the flood, (4) the locusts, (5) the lice, (6) the frogs, (7) water turned into blood, (8) the plague, and (9) the Red Sea which was miraculously divided so that the Israelites could pass on foot while Pharaoh and his soldiers and courtiers, etc. drowned. These miracles/signs are mentioned in the following Quranic contexts: 27:10-12 and 7:132-136.






An Ideal Muslim Young Woman

Published in February 24, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, peace be with you; I send my respect and greetings to you … I'm an 18-year-old Egyptian girl who lives now for two years in a non-Arab non-Muslim country to study at a certain university. Before that, my family sent me to a British school in Egypt, where male and female students mingle in every classroom. My friends at the time were mainly male students; this is because of shared hobbies (football, PlayStation, etc.); I never have the 'girly' interests shared by most female teenagers. The same occurred now at the university: most female students avoid me and my friends are only male students; most girls there mock my hijab and they insult me! Some of the female students verbally abuse me and others distance themselves from me after looking at me in utter despise! I feel sinful for having only male friends. I feel that a good Muslim woman should avoid mingling with members of the opposite sex. Is that true? My parents (who are still in Egypt) never know that most of my friends are men! I feel guilty! Since I reached the age of 13 and until now, I have this recurrent dream of being martyred for the love of God in order to be among the witnesses as per the Quran. I feel my faith is not perfect despite praying regularly and on time; I cannot shun my male friends; they are the only supportive ones I have now. I feel that my dream of being martyred while serving Islam within deep faith is threatened or shattered by my sins! Is it sinful to play football with male friend?! What am I supposed to do? Any advice?! … Thank you …    


 May the Lord God bless and reward you, our dear daughter. We see that you arean ideal Muslim young woman, but you lack few things to reach perfection; if you desire to be a Quranist, you have to bear the following points in mind.

1- There is nothing called hijab (headwear/ veil/ scarf) in Islam; women are not required to cover their head/hair at all. Women are required to cover their legs and chest (i.e., breasts). Even in case of women wearing revealing clothes or swimsuits, this is a small mistake/mishap or a minor sin which is forgivable (when women avoid grave sins and perform many good deeds). Do not wear a veil/hijab in Egypt or elsewhere.

2- Segregating both sexes has nothing to do with Islam; this practice is linked to only to the Sunnite/Wahabi religion of Satan; mingling between the sexes is OK as long as one avoids the grave sin of fornication.

3- Being killed for God's sake while serving His cause has nothing to do with being among the witnesses on the Last Day; those witnesses are monotheistic preachers of the Truth who will testify against their contemporaries. Those people who are killed by aggressive infidels/polytheists while serving the cause of the Lord God are alive in a Barsakh-level paradise. They are not called witnesses or martyrs.

4- We sincerely hope that you get rid of the negative influence of the evil, terrestrial Sunnite/Wahabi religion and adhere to Quranism (i.e., True Islam) by reading our entire archive of writings on our website; later on, you can be among the witnesses on the Last Day when you preach the Quranic Truth among those around you and within cyberspace. Thank you.





The Straight Path

Published in February 24, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is intended by the Lord God saying to Prophet Muhammad the following: "That God may forgive you your sin...and guide you to a Straight Path." (48:2)? … Thank you …  


  Of course, Muhammad during his daily prayers uttered this verse: "Guide us to the Straight Path." (1:6). All true monotheists implore the Lord God (within prayers and otherwise) to guide them to the Straight Path (i.e., the True Religion: the Quran itself) and to die while adhering to it.







Zakat of Gold Coins and Ornaments

Published in February 24, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … For several years, I've kept a number of gold coins and gold ornaments in my safe at home; should I pay Zakat (i.e., alms/charity donation) for them now? How much money should I pay? What is your own opinion? … Thank you …        


 Of course, you have bought all this gold from your revenues or income; you should have paid Zakat for the money of your revenues or income before buying any gold. Hence, no Zakat is required to be paid for that gold. In contrast, if you bought this gold without paying any Zakat for your revenues/income all these years, this is very sinful; it is a sin in that case to accumulate or amass money (in the form of gold or any other precious item) without paying Zakat for the money you have received as revenues/income. If this be the case, you have to pay Zakat now; the larger the sum of money donated as Zakat, the more pious you become, of course. 

اجمالي القراءات 3171

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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