آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-01-13
Quranic Terminology: Synonymy between the Terms "Dhan" and "Doubt" in Relation to Assumptions of Disbelievers
Published in January 10, 2019
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Firstly: Dhan and doubt are the opposite of the Truth:
1- This is about the disobedient sinners and disbelievers among the People of the Book who follow Dhan or doubt and not the Truth from the Lord God: "And for their saying, "We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God." In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them as if they did. Indeed, those who differ about him are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it, except the following of assumptions. Certainly, they did not kill him." (4:157).
2- The polytheistic disbelievers who have doubted the Last Day will hear the following reproach in the Hereafter: "And when it was said, "The promise of God is true, and of the Hour there is no doubt," you said, "We do not know what the Hour is; we think it is only speculation/Dhan; we are not convinced."" (45:32).
Secondly: the negative, bad Dhan is synonymous with doubt:
The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Most of them follow nothing but assumptions; and assumptions avail nothing against the Truth. God is fully aware of what they do.This Quran could not have been produced by anyone other than God. In fact, it is a confirmation of what preceded it, and an elaboration of the Book. There is no doubt about it - it is from the Lord of the worlds." (10:36-37). Following Dhan means to deny and disbelieve in the Absolute Truth; i.e., the Quran.
Thirdly: having doubt is one of the features of all disbelievers:
1- We quote the following Quranic verses about those who differed and disputed over the Divine, Celestial Book.
1/1: The negative, bad Dhan is synonymous with doubt; this is exemplified by the disbelievers among the People of the Book: "We gave Moses the Scripture, but it was disputed. Were it not for a prior word from your Lord, it would have been settled between them. They are in serious doubt concerning it." (11:110); "We gave Moses the Book, but disputes arose concerning it. Were it not for a prior decree from your Lord, judgment would have been pronounced between them. But they are in perplexing doubt concerning it." (41:45).
1/2: The negative, bad Dhan is synonymous with doubt; this is exemplified by disbelievers in all eras: "They became divided only after knowledge came to them, out of resentment among themselves. Were it not for a predetermined decision from your Lord, judgment would have been pronounced between them. Indeed, those who were made to inherit the Book after them are in grave doubt about it." (42:14).
2- The people of Aad told their prophet Saleh the following: "They said, "O Saleh, we had hopes in you before this. Are you trying to prevent us from worshiping what our parents worship? We are in serious doubt regarding what you are calling us to."" (11:62). This means that they have cast doubt on the monotheistic call of (There is no God but Allah) advocated by Saleh. This means that the negative, bad Dhan is synonymous with doubt.
3- We quote the following Quranic verses about disbelievers in general.
3/1: "Has not the story reached you, of those before you, the people of Noah, and Aad, and Thamood - and those after them? None knows them except God. Their messengers came to them with the clear proofs, but they tried to silence them, and said, "We reject what you are sent with, and we are in serious doubt regarding what you are calling us to."" (14:9).This means that the negative, bad Dhan is synonymous with casting doubt on monotheism.
3/2: This is about their situation in the Hereafter: "A barrier will be placed between them and what they desire, as was done formerly with their counterparts. They were in disturbing doubt." (34:54).
Fourthly: the two type of doubt among disbelievers:
1- Doubting the Hereafter:
1/1: "In fact, their knowledge of the Hereafter is confused. In fact, they are in doubt about it. In fact, they are blind to it." (27:66).
1/2: "There is no God but He. He gives life and causes death - your Lord and Lord of your ancestors of old. Yet they play around in doubt." (44:8-9).
1/3: "Satan was correct in his expectation of them. They followed him, except for a group of believers. He had no authority over them; except that We willed to distinguish him who believes in the Hereafter, from him who is doubtful about it. Your Lord is Guardian over all things." (34:20-21).
2- Doubting the Divine Book:
2/1: Disbelievers in Arabia during Muhammad's lifetime cast doubt on the Quran: "Was the message sent down to him, out of all of us?" In fact, they are doubtful of My warning. In fact, they have not yet tasted My torment." (38:8).
2/2: The Egyptians cast doubt on the message of Joseph: "Joseph had come to you with clear verses, but you continued to doubt what he came to you with. Until, when he perished, you said, "God will never send a messenger after him." Thus God leads astray the outrageous skeptic." (40:34).
Fifthly: believers have no doubt regarding the Hereafter:
1- This fact is asserted in the Quran; i.e., the Lord God's Book which is never doubted by true monotheists.
1/1: "Allah - there is no God except He. He will gather you to the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt. And who speaks more truly than God?" (4:87).
1/2: "Thus We inspired you with an Arabic Quran...to warn of the Day of Gathering, of which there is no doubt..." (42:7). The Quran is the Absolute Truth in contrast to devilish hadiths/discourses/narratives/myths adhered to by the Muhammadans and other polytheists like them.
2- The pious monotheists never doubt the Hereafter and they utter these prayers: "Our Lord, You will gather the people for a Day in which there is no doubt." God will never break His promise." (3:9).
3- Disbelievers always cast doubt on the Last Day.
3/1: "How about when We gather them for a Day in which there is no doubt, and each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged?" (3:25).
3/2: "Say, "God gives you life, then He makes you die; then He gathers you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. But most people do not know."" (45:26).
4- True monotheists never have any doubt regarding the Hereafter despite the bad assumptions and doubt of disbelievers of all eras.
4/1: "Indeed, the Hour is coming; there is no doubt about it; but most people do not believe." (40:59).
4/2: "Do they not consider that God, Who created the heavens and the earth, is Able to create the likes of them? He has assigned for them a term, in which there is no doubt. But the unjust ones persist in denying the Truth." (17:99).
4/3: "Say, "To whom belongs what is in the heavens and the earth?" Say, "To God." He has inscribed for Himself mercy. He will gather you to the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt. Those who lost their souls do not believe." (6:12).
5- This is about the hypocrites in Yathreb during Muhammad's lifetime who have cast doubt on the Hereafter: "Only those who do not believe in God and the Last Day ask you for exemption. Their hearts are full of doubts, so they waver in their doubts." (9:45).
6- This is within the story of the people of the cave: "So it was, that We caused them to be discovered, that they would know that the promise of God is true, and that of the Hour there is no doubt..." (18:21).
7- This is addressed to all human beings in general so as not to doubt Resurrection in the Hereafter: "O people! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection-We created you from dust, then from a small drop, then from a clinging clot, then from a lump of flesh, partly developed and partly undeveloped. In order to clarify things for you. And We settle in the wombs whatever We will for a designated term, and then We bring you out as infants, until you reach your full strength. And some of you will pass away, and some of you will be returned to the vilest age, so that he may not know, after having known. And you see the earth still; but when We send down water on it, it vibrates, and swells, and grows all kinds of lovely pairs. That is because God is the Truth, and because He gives life to the dead, and because He is Capable of everything. And because the Hour is coming - there is no doubt about it - and because God will resurrect those in the graves." (22:5-7).
Sixthly: believers have no doubt regarding the Quran:
1- The numerical miraculous features of the Quranic verses (and letters in it and their numerical values) assert that there is no doubting it.
1/1: "Alif, Lam, Meem. This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guide for the pious ones." (2:1-2).
1/2: "Alif, Lam, Meem. The revelation of the Book, without a doubt, is from the Lord of the worlds." (32:1-2).
2- The number nineteen (19) is directly linked to the numerical miracles of the Quranic text, showing that there is no doubt in the Quran: "Over it are Nineteen. We have appointed only angels to be wardens of the Fire, and caused their number to be a stumbling block for those who disbelieve; so that those given the Book may attain certainty; and those who believe may increase in faith; and those given the Book and the believers may not doubt; and those in whose hearts is sickness and the unbelievers may say, "What did God intend by this parable?" Thus God leads astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except He. This is nothing but a reminder for the mortals." (74:30-31).
3- This is the challenge from the Lord God to those disbelievers who cast doubt on the Quran: "And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like these, and call your witnesses apart from God, if you are truthful." (2:23).
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,739,444 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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