“I am placing a successor in Earth.” :
The story of mankind in 6 verses

محمد صادق Ýí 2018-09-15


The story of mankind in 6 verses      

2:30.And your Lord said to the Angels: “I am placing a successor on Earth.” They said: “Would You place in it he who would corrupt in it, and spill blood, while we sing Your glory, and praise You?” He said: “I know what you do not know.”31.And He taught Adam the description of all things, then He displayed them to the Angels and said: “Inform Me the descriptions of these things if you are truthful.”32.     They said: “Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except that which You have taught us, You are the Knowledgeable, the Wise.” 33. He said: “O Adam, inform them of the description of these,” so when he informed them of their descriptions, He said: “Did I not tell you that I know the unseen of heavens and Earth, and that I know what you reveal and what you were hiding?” 34. And We said to the Angels: “Submit to Adam,” so they submitted except for Satan, he refused and became arrogant, and became of the rejecters. 35. And We said: “O Adam, reside you and your mate in the paradise, and eat from it bountifully as you both wish, and do not approach this tree, else you will be of those who did wrong.” 36. So, the devil tricked them from it, and he brought them out from what they were in, and We said: “Descend; for you are enemies to one another; and on Earth you will have residence and provisions until the appointed time.”

     “I am placing a successor in Earth.”                   

Official representative or agent.                                                          

The Angels said: “Would You place in it he who would corrupt in it, and spill blood, while we sing Your glory, and praise You?”

God answer: “I know what you do not know.                        

This verse drew my attention and made me read the story more than once and the reason is clear at the beginning of the verse: And when your Lord said to the angels I place in the earth a successor ...!

Things do not go this way, you did not put a successor in earth to play a positive role you put the human in earth as punishment for his sin, it is clear that God Almighty did not talk about this point, but the subject remains amazing.

Then came the next verse says  :                                                  

They said: “Would You place in it he who would corrupt in it, and spill blood, while we sing Your glory, and praise You?

Here I stood a moment and did not believe the question. I said this is my question, "Why did You create this human being who is supposed to play a positive role while he can corrupt and have the ability to commit crimes and shed blood? Why did you create this aggressive creature while you could create angels, as the angels said clearly? We will sanctify you. "

They ask about the most important questions in human history: "Why did you create man?" This creature is wrong. This creature can rebel against God and can do the most terrible acts of aggression on the ground You could make them angels, of this question all I thought and all the events I have experienced, but all the experiences of my life was at the heart of this question. It appeared to me that the writer of this story tells the story of my life and then I asked the question, "Why did you create man?" This creature is the most violent and aggressive while You were able to make him an angel and now look at the answer:

God said: “I know what you do not know.                                            

In the sense that God Almighty says "I know exactly what I am doing ...

You really know what you're actually doing? ...! Tell me what are You doing, because I'm puzzled... It's not enough to say I know what I am doing ... I need more details.

This is what happened to me more than once while reading the Qur'an, sometimes I entered into argument as I read.

I noticed that the Qur’an did not evade the question, but began a little to answer, the following verse says: “ And He taught Adam the description of all things,

It is clear to me that this verse is a continuation of the verse that preceded it. Here we see the beginning of the verse that says that God taught Adam not only the description of all things, but the grace of communication (language) but also Adam become a creature capable of learning ... God taught him,

In this part of the verse, it becomes clear to me what will be in the next verse, which the Qur’an will confirm the priority of things, is the ability of the cognitive person, and creature capable of learning...

Because language is not only a way for people to learn, or their current experiences but also to learn the experiences of others who lived hundreds of thousands of miles and years away.

Therefore, we all share our accumulated knowledge and experience, and what I have also noted in the Qur’an that, this is emphasized repeatedly, example:

96:1-3 1 Read in the name of your Lord who has created. 2 He created man from an embryo. 3 Read, and your Lord is the Generous One.

Read, and your Lord is the Generous One…Why is Generous? What was the great gift he gave you? “4.The One who taught by the pen.” He taught how to use the pen and consequently through the pen:  5.”He taught man what he did not know.”

He said to the Angeles: “Inform Me the descriptions of these things if you are truthful.”

Angeles said: “Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except that which You have taught us," ... This ability transcends their cognitive abilities.

In the following verse, God said to Adam, "He said, 'Adam, tell them by their names.'" When he told them by their names, Adam's task was as easy as nothing was. For humankind, this is an intuitive ability and this is the purpose of these verses.

God said: “Did I not tell you that I know the unseen of heavens and Earth, and that I know what you reveal and what you were hiding? Another word He said I know what I am doing.

The question here is what they reveal and what they were hiding? The angels showing man's ability to do evil, but what do they hide?

Now we go to the following verse: And We said to the Angels: “Submit to Adam,” so they submitted except for Satan, he refused and became arrogant, and became of the rejecters.

Note: why Satan refused to prostrate, refused to prostrate because of his arrogance. Here the Qur'an tells us that materials is not always the cause of evil, is not always money and greed but the heart of evil is arrogance

And We said: “O Adam, reside you and your mate in the paradise, and eat from it bountifully as you both wish, and do not approach this tree, else you will be of those who did wrong.” 36. So, the devil tricked them from it, and he brought them out from what they were in, and We said: “Descend; for you are enemies to one another; and on Earth you will have residence and provisions until the appointed time.”


Let us return to the beginning. Teaching human beings are done and observe their cognitive abilities. Then we presented his selective abilities, which means the abilities that enable him to choose. Now God gave him this choice (The tree). Do not forget the origin that God created man to be a successor in the earth, and now when God will put him in earth and what is the sign that he is ready to start?

When he makes the first independent decision in his life.Adam's sin is not the most outrageous sin in the history of humankind, but it is a sign that man is ready to make his own decisions.

***And from that time, the plan was for this creature on earth to the Day of Resurrection, don't forget that God gave him the freedom of choice, he said:

75:14 Truly, man is a clear witness against himself, 15 despite all the excuses he may put forward.

اجمالي القراءات 4981

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2007-10-30
مقالات منشورة : 453
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تعليقات له : 702
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : Canada