آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-07-30
Nothing New Under the Sun of the Countries of the Muhammadans from the Era of Bajkam to the Era of Kaddafi
Published in July 27, 2018
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
1- The history of the countries of the Muhammadans has never changed from the era of the corrupt, evil four pre-Umayyad caliphs until now; this history can be summarized in this line: a succession of tyrannical rulers who robbed and stole while keeping religiosity and feigning to be imams of faith who controlled servile, obsequious clergymen, and these tyrants died while leaving millions of ill-gotten money inherited by other enthroned tyrants.
2- We exemplify this by comparing between Bajkam, the Turkish military leader who lived during the Second Abbasid Era and was murdered in 329 A.H., and the Libyan president Muammar Kaddafi. We provide further details in the points below.
Firstly: Bajkam the Turkish military leader of the Abbasids:
Bajkam (who died in 329 A.H.) was a prominent military leader who took the title (Prince of the Princes). Ibn Al-Jawzy, the historian, has written his biography in his seminal book of history titled (Al-Muntazim) and we quote few lines from it.
1- Ibn Al-Jawzy mentions that Bajkam lived in Wasit, in Iraq, and he was its tax-collector and he gave the annual sum of 100 thousand dinars to the Abbasid caliph Al-Radi while keeping the rest of the money to himself and he spent some more on his troops and soldiers who served the caliph; Ibn Al-Jawzy writes: (... The caliph Al-Radi agreed with Prince Bajkam that 100 thousand dinars of the taxes would enter into the Treasury of the Caliphate, while the rest of the taxes money, which exceeded the triple of this sum, was controlled by Bajkam in order to spend on the troops of the caliph, about 5000 soldiers, under his command, and to give them their salaries, etc. ...).
2- Ibn Al-Jawzy writes the following about the wealth of Bajkam: (... The money confiscated by Bajkam were countless sums and he typically hid them in large boxes buried in the sand of the desert and under the ground of his mansions and gardens; Bajkam typically blindfolded his men and hid some of these men in huge, locked caskets when they rode on the backs of camels to help him bury his treasures and money in the desert; after they would bury everything under his orders, he would blindfold them again and put some of them in the locked caskets again on their way back to Wasit, so that no one of them would know the exact locations of the hidden treasures ... Prince Bajkam used to say that he did so because he feared he could not reach his mansions at any given moment or that he might get captured or arrested ...). This means that he feared any sudden events that might prevent him from returning to his mansions and gardens.
3- Bajkam was murdered suddenly and unexpectedly; no one knew the location of his hidden treasures; Ibn Al-Jawzy writes: (... After his death, no one knew the secret hiding places of his wealth hidden in the desert ...). Thus, no one knew the exact locations of his ill-gotten treasures after his murder.
4- Ibn Al-Jawzy writes the following about how the murder of Bajkam took place: (... The Prince Bajkam at one day was accompanied by few of his trusty soldiers outside Wasit, and he spotted a rich trade caravan owned by some wealthy Kurdish merchants; he attacked their caravan while he and his men brandished their swords; the guards of the caravan fled as they feared such a sight; yet, one adolescent hid himself so well and threw his spear at the Prince Bajkam at his back ... Prince Bajkam fell dead instantly; the adolescent never knew that he killed the Prince Bajkam ... The Prince Bajkam was killed on the 23rd of the month of Rajab in 329 A.H. ...). This means that Bajkam pretended and feigned to be a pious prince; yet, he was a marauder who raided trade caravans to confiscate its rich merchandise; he got killed by a spear thrown at him by a Kurdish adolescent who never knew him; no one could imagine that the 'pious' Prince Bajkam would be a highwayman who stole, raided, and looted in his spare time after the official working hours!
5- Bajkam, the Prince of Princes, died during the prime of his youth; Ibn Al-Jawzy writes: (... The Prince Bajkam ruled for two years, eight months, and nine days ...).
6- Bajkam was thus a small thief who served and followed the bigger thief; i.e., the Abbasid caliph in his palace who controlled the thieves who collected taxes for him while he knew that they stole more than triple of the money sums they gave him. After the murder of Bajkam, the Abbasid caliph Al-Motaqi never knew the secret desert locations of the hidden treasures of Bajkam; he could only confiscate the treasures buried inside the gardens and under the ground of the mansions of Bajkam; this 'pious' caliph Al-Motaqi went to the mansions and gardens of Bajkam himself with his men to oversee the extraction process of such hidden ill-gotten wealth he aimed to confiscate; Ibn Al-Jawzy writes: (... Within a large procession, the caliph Al-Motaqi reached the mansions of Bajkam and ordered his men to dig deep underneath the ground and to dig deeper inside the gardens ... the men of the caliph extracted for him more than two million dinars, 36 thousands of dirhams, apart from jars and boxes filled with weapons, gold, silver, jewels, and precious stones ... the caliph confiscated all rich furniture, garments, and crockeries in order to sell them and he sold all horses and female slaves of the dead Prince Bajkam ... when the workers demanded their wages, the caliph negotiated with them for a long time and ridiculed them by telling them they can have the dust and soil of the garden as their wages, until the persistent men were given only 2000 dirhams by the caliph eventually ... when the caliph commanded his men to demolish the mansions, they discovered inside the walls, as he guessed, more hidden treasures: two million gold coins and 16 jars of gold and silver and precious stones, etc. ...). We infer that the caliph Al-Motaqi was an experienced, shrewd thief who knew that Bajkam had more hidden treasures in other locations within his mansions besides the ones found under the grounds of his mansions and inside his gardens.
7- There is no need to quote what Ibn Al-Jawzy has written about praising and lauding Bajkam and Al-Motaqi; it is enough for us to quote the above lines about their thefts.
Secondly: the same dominant culture exists until now:
1- This is the culture of tyranny, hypocrisy, corruption, overt religious practices, religiosity, and servile, obsequious clergymen controlled by tyrants. Of course, within such a rotten, stagnant culture, a caliph/tyrant would have and would bestow quasi-religious titles and garments on his men. Ostentatious religious practices and hypocritical forms of religiosity spread and were shown off in public to deceive the gullible masses. Those caliphs/tyrants were corrupt and lacked morals; they were mobsters who pretended to be pious in public to deceive the naïve people; they are criminals and sinners before the sight of the Almighty Lord God. Such tyrants, past and present, are big thieves or heads of gangs and they are served typically by military leaders who are thieves in their turn.
2- The same story of Bajkam has been repeated in Iraq now; Saddam Hussein owned Iraq and helped in its destruction. Inside his underground hideout, Saddam Hussein recited the Quran as per what the cameras conveyed to the media. Later on, ISIS terrorists have emerged in Iraq; they aimed only at stealing as much money as possible. For the sake of money, ISIS terrorists committed many atrocities and heinous crimes under the name of 'Islamic' caliphate; at one point in time, the ISIS 'minister' of finance fled Iraq after stealing millions of US$ and left a message telling the others (What caliphate you are talking about, morons!).
3- When ISIS terrorists have been defeated in Iraq after a very long struggle, Iraq has been controlled by the thieves and mobsters among the Shiites and the Kurdish Sunnites who have stolen about one trillion US$ smuggled abroad now. Some hundreds of billions within such a large sum have been smuggled into the USA. President Trump, who is a broker by nature, covets such money smuggled into the USA and he has threatened to confiscate these sums.
4- The thieves/tyrants among the caliphs, rulers, and military leaders of the past who consumed ill-gotten money and committed grave injustices never enjoyed facilitations and easy measures enjoyed by today's tyrants and their cronies and men. The former thieves/tyrants of the past never knew about smuggling money abroad or about money-laundering; yet, like Bajkam, all tyrannical rulers died while leaving millions (or billions) of ill-gotten money stolen by other tyrants who succeeded them; this occurs to today's tyrants, of course, exemplified by Kaddafi.
Thirdly: Muammar Kaddafi:
1- Kaddafi was known for his culture and his drawing the cultural elite members nearer to him; he was also known by his strange book titled (The Green Book) in which he has written about a unique type of socialism, as he claimed he would distribute oil revenues equally among the Libyan citizens. When he got killed, most of the secrets of the tyrannical Kaddafi regime were revealed and exposed.
2- The Washington Times mentions that despite the extended international investigations, no one could ever reach the secret hideout of most of the assets of Kaddafi, which include countless sums of money, diamonds, and gold; the UN froze only some assets owned by Kaddafi and members of his family inside some countries; South Africa returned the sum of one billion US$ to Libya; yet, the larger parts of the wealth and treasures of Kaddafi remain hidden until now. There are secret/classified reports about boxes made of steel filled with more than 560 million US$ hidden in the capital of Burkina Faso by Kaddafi, about four banks holding 20 billion US$ of Kaddafi in South Africa, and about storehouses of treasures, money, diamonds, and gold owned by Kaddafi in Johannesburg and Pretoria. The Panama documents which got leaked in 2016 reveal activities of money-laundering that involve high-rank Kaddafi government officials and talk about 8 billion US$ held in a bank in Kenya; investigators within the recent years have watched closely the process of buying weapons and arms by rebels in Libya and their relations with the Kaddafi family members and the treasures hidden in several locations in Africa, but they had little pieces of information that lead them to nowhere; no one until now know anything about the secret locations of such hidden treasures and assets.
Lastly: posing some innocent questions:
1- What about the lifestyle and the fate of Kaddafi? What about other tyrants like him? What will be said about them after they die or get deposed?
2- Until when would the Middle-Eastern tyrants rob their nations and die while carrying burdens (i.e., grave sins) of stealing, injustices, torture, and murder?
3- Until when would the Middle-Eastern tyrants pretend to be religious while trying to deceive the Almighty Lord God and the citizens of their nations? They never deceive anyone but themselves; God says the following in the Quran about disbelievers: "They seek to deceive God and those who believe, but they deceive none but themselves, though they are not aware." (2:9).
4- God says in the Quran: "Do these not know that they will be resurrected? For a Great Day? The Day when the humankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?" (83:4-6). As always, God says nothing but the Absolute Truth.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,740,306 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
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