آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-06-05
Quranic Terminology: Conceal (2)
How To Be among the Witnesses Bearing Testimony against One's Contemporaries on the Last Day
Published in June 4, 2018
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
1- We have been saddened yesterday by a YouTube video of a Saudi young woman in niqab who, once immigrated to the West, spoke in this video about her suffering and daily life of Calvary because of being oppressed by what she sees as 'Islam'; of course, she should have said that Sunnite Wahabism is the cause of her being oppressed; in the video she removed the niqab and announced her rejection of Islam, as she is an atheist now, and she tore a copy of the Quran. Sadly, the atrocities, massacres, and heinous crimes of Wahabi terrorists of MB, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and other terrorist groups deemed wrongly in the media worldwide as "Islamist" distort the image and name of Islam, along with their nonsense and balderdash of fatwas and hadiths. They are Wahabi Sunnite or Shiite criminals who have nothing to do with Islam. This atheist, poor, oppressed young woman is a deceived victim; she has not found someone to tell her that the wicked Wahabism of Satan has nothing to do with Islam and that real Islam is only the Quran (i.e., Quranism). There are millions like this young women who hate Wahabism and renounce Islam and disbelieve in God, secretly or overtly, as they assume that Wahabism is synonymous with Islam. Those who have converted to atheism out of hatred, aversion, and despise towards Sunnite/Wahabi, Shiite, and/or Sufi religions can save themselves if they would discover our Qurnaism website; in fact, many of those who were on the verge of converting to atheism have converted instead to Quranism once they are convinced that this is real Islam they have been looking for. Quranism is the real Islam which is compatible with human rights, direct democracy, peace, religious and political freedoms, civil liberties, human dignity, justice, mercy, charity, etc. Quranism is God's Religion which contradicts the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans.
2- We regret to say that the voice of VA-based IQC is still weak and cannot reach out to millions of people in the Arab world; we still suffer media black-out imposed on us in the Arab world by those who repel others away from God's Path, the Quran, and they distort God's Religion using their power, authority, and wealth. The clergymen of the Muhammadans have billions of US$ and they control mosques, education, cultural life, and media in the Arab world; they have tens of TV satellite channels and thousands of websites. In contrast, VA-based IQC of ours has but one website and one YouTube channel; if we would have one TV satellite channel to show our subtitled-into-English videos and where we and speak freely to address the Arab world, things will change for the better as peace will reign as Wahabi/Sunnite terrorism (and the Shiite one) will be defeated within the intellectual, peaceful war of ideas using the Quran itself via Quranism.
3- We do not think that all Quranists use their full capacity and energy; they should be active online by mixing with imams/clergymen of the earthly religions of the Muhammadans to prove them wrong and to face them with the Quranic verses quoted here; this way, Quranists will NOT be among those who conceal the Quranic Truth; they will be among the witnesses on the Last Day who will bear testimony against their contemporaries. We provide some details in the points below.
Firstly: repeating the Quranic verses, quoted in the previous article, which destroy the foundations of the earthly religions of the Muhammadans:
1- The belief within True Islam is confined to one narrative/discourse: the Quran. Therefore, those who believe in other narratives/discourses/hadiths alongside with the Quran are disbelievers as per these verses: "These are God's Verses which We recite to you in Truth. In which discourse, after God and His Verses, will they believe?" (45:6); "...Which discourse, besides this, will they believe in?" (7:185); "In what discourse, beyond this, will they believe?" (77:50). Quran-believing monotheists prostrate reverently to their Lord God when they read/hear these verses; in contrast, the Muhammadan imams of disbelief conceal these verses and never utter them; when they hear these verses, they reject them; these verses apply to them: "What is the matter with them that they do not believe? And when the Quran is read to them, they do not bow down? In fact, those who disbelieve are in denial." (84:20-22).
2- Real, pious believers believe only in the Quran; they follow it and never follow anything else alongside with it: "Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord, and do not follow other allies beside Him. Little you recollect." (7:3). God has commanded Muhammad to follow only the Quranic Message inspired to him: "...Say, "I only follow what is inspired to me from my Lord."..." (7:203); "...I only follow what is inspired to me..." (6:50 + 46:9). Quran-believing monotheists prostrate reverently to their Lord God when they read/hear these verses; in contrast, the Muhammadan imams of disbelief conceal these verses and never utter them; when they hear these verses, they reject them; these verses apply to them: "What is the matter with them that they do not believe? And when the Quran is read to them, they do not bow down? In fact, those who disbelieve are in denial." (84:20-22).
3- God has commanded Muhammad in the Quran to declare that he never knew the future; he never talked about the future in this transient world or about the future in the Hereafter: "Say, "I have no control over any benefit or harm to myself, except as God wills. Had I known the future, I would have acquired much good, and no harm would have touched me..." (7:188); " Say, "I do not say to you that I possess the treasuries of God, nor do I know the future..." (6:50); "...and I do not know what will be done with me, or with you..." (46:9). Quran-believing monotheists prostrate reverently to their Lord God when they read/hear these verses; in contrast, the Muhammadan imams of disbelief conceal these verses and never utter them; when they hear these verses, they reject them; these verses apply to them: "What is the matter with them that they do not believe? And when the Quran is read to them, they do not bow down? In fact, those who disbelieve are in denial." (84:20-22).
4- Prophet Muhammad will never interceded on behalf of anyone on the Day of Judgment.
4/1: The disbelievers will be tormented in Hell by God's decree: "Those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in throngs. Until, when they have reached it, and its gates are opened, its keepers will say to them, "Did not messengers from among you come to you, reciting to you the revelations of your Lord, and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say, "Yes, but the verdict of torment is justified against the disbelievers."" (39:71). Muhammad will never save anyone among those in Hell to make them get out of it; God has said the following to him within direct mode of address: "What about someone who has deserved the sentence of torment? Is it you who can save those in the Fire?" (39:19).
4/2: Muhammad was born from parents and he was a father of a progeny; he will never be of benefit to his progeny and parents, like the rest of the humanity regarding their relatives on the Last Day: "O people! Be conscious of your Lord, and dread a Day when no parent can avail his child, nor can a child avail his parent, in anything. The promise of God is true. Therefore, do not let this life deceive you, nor let illusions deceive you regarding God." (31:33).
4/3: Muhammad, like the rest of the humanity regarding their relatives on the Last Day, will flee from his relatives; each human being will be preoccupied with his/her own soul: "But when the Deafening Noise comes to pass. The Day when a person will flee from his brother. And his mother and his father. And his consort and his children. Every one of them, on that Day, will have enough to preoccupy him." (80:33-37).
4/4: Muhammad is a human soul; he will avail nothing to any other human soul on the Last Day: "The Day when no soul will avail another soul anything; and the decision on that Day is God's." (82:19).
4/5: Muhammad will not be responsible for the judgment of his contemporaries nor they for his; God has said the following to Muhammad within the direct mode of address: "...You are not accountable for them in any way, nor are they accountable for you in any way..." (6:52).
4/6: Muhammad will argue for his soul like the rest of human souls on the Day of Judgment who will argue for themselves: "On the Day when every soul will come pleading for itself, and every soul will be paid in full for what it has done, and they will not be wronged." (16:111).
4/7: Muhammad, like the rest of human souls on the Last Day and despite the fact that prophets/messengers are among the happy ones who will enter into Paradise, will never speak unless after obtaining the Dominant Lord God's leave: "In that is a sign for whoever fears the punishment of the Hereafter. That is a Day for which humanity will be gathered together - that is a Day to be witnessed. We only postpone it until a predetermined time. On the Day when it arrives, no soul will speak without His permission. Some will be miserable, and some will be happy." (11:103-105).
4/8: Muhammad died and his body decomposed until it turned to dust; this occurred equally to the dead bodies of the disbelievers among this foes in Arabia; they will be on equal footing within arguing against him and he against them on the Last Day; God has said the following to Muhammad: "You will die, and they will die. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be quarrelling before your Lord." (39:30-31). Quran-believing monotheists prostrate reverently to their Lord God when they read/hear these verses; in contrast, the Muhammadan imams of disbelief conceal these verses and never utter them; when they hear these verses, they reject them; these verses apply to them: "What is the matter with them that they do not believe? And when the Quran is read to them, they do not bow down? In fact, those who disbelieve are in denial." (84:20-22).
4/9: The following Quranic verses, like the ones in the above points, are also quoted in the previous article in English (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18494): "And they say, "The Fire will not touch us except for a number of days." Say, "Have you received a promise from God-God never breaks His promise - or are you saying about God what you do not know?" Indeed, whoever commits misdeeds, and becomes besieged by his iniquities - these are the inmates of the Fire, wherein they will dwell forever. As for those who believe and do righteous deeds - these are the inhabitants of Paradise, wherein they will dwell forever." (2:80-82); "That is because they said, "The Fire will not touch us except for a limited number of days." They have been misled in their religion by the lies they fabricated. How about when We gather them for a Day in which there is no doubt, and each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged?" (3:24-25); "And beware of a Day when no soul will avail another in the least, nor will any intercession be accepted on its behalf, nor will any ransom be taken from it, nor will they be helped." (2:48).
Secondly: facing with these Quranic verses the imams and clergymen of the earthly religions of the Muhammadans within their mosques, conferences, channels, forums, and websites:
1- This is not to be done within offering any challenge or within conferences/debates between Quranists and Salafists/Wahabis or other imams/clergymen of the Muhammadans; this is to be one within polite request and questions addressing those sheikhs/clergymen to ask for clarifying matters; i.e., by sending them emails of questions by saying that you are confused and in a muddle as many Quranic verses contradict Sunnite tenets, fiqh views/edicts, common religious notions, and hadiths. You should tell them how one is to combine between the belief in the Quran and the belief in hadiths that contradict many Quranic verses; this is the question that should be written by the end of such emails: in case of contradiction, should one follow hadiths or Quranic verses?! Another question is as follows: how come that God's religion remained 'lacking' until Al-Bokhary and other authors were born?!
2- Please, our beloved Quranists, do not do this once or twice to few persons; send as many email messages successively to each one of the many clergymen/sheikhs in your country, especially those who appear on TV and online within websites. Those who ignore responding to your many email messages should be finally rebuked; tell them you are shocked by them as they thought earlier they are real, erudite scholars. Do the same with as many clergymen as possible who make their emails available for the general public to pose questions to them. Indeed, this endeavor is real peaceful, intellectual jihad for God's sake; you should prove such clergymen wrong using the Quranic verses they typically conceal as they either never utter or write them or they distort/warp/twist their meanings.
3- Hence, if our dear, fellow Quranists would do so, they will be qualified to join the witnesses who will bear testimony against their contemporaries on the last Day; this honorable, high rank is directly following the one of God's messengers and prophets.
Thirdly: the position of witnesses who bear testimony against on the Last Day against their contemporaries:
1- Those killed for God's sake while serving His cause are NOT "martyrs"; they are witnesses (both terms ''witness(es)'' and ''martyr(s)'' are homophones in Arabic tongue and this is the cause of confusion) and those killed witnesses are alive in Barsakh Paradise; their souls are not dead; they include those killed while defending the Quran (i.e., real Islam) by clearing its name from the crimes/stances/lies of its enemies (i.e., the Muhammadan clergymen, authors, and imams) who claim unjustly that they are 'Muslims'.
2- Those who are busy within the call for reform using the Quran will be among the witnesses on the Last Day; this applies within all eras after the death of Muhammad. God has commanded Muhammad to say the following: "...This is my way; I invite to God, based on clear insight - I and whoever follows me. Glory be to God; and I am not of the polytheists." (12:108). Those who follow the footsteps of Muhammad follow the Quranic insights/verses and preach them to others. God has commanded Muhammad to say the following: "...I only follow what is inspired to me from my Lord. These are insights from your Lord, and guidance, and mercy, for a people who believe." (7:203). God says the following about the Quran itself: "Insights have come to you from your Lord. Whoever sees, it is to the benefit of his soul; and whoever remains blind, it is to its detriment..." (6:104);"This is an insight for the humankind, and guidance, and mercy for people who believe with certainty." (45:20). Using the Quran as the Criterion and the only source of guidance is a religious duty:""Shall I seek a judge other than God, when He is the One who revealed to you the Book, explained in detail?" Those to whom We gave the Book know that it is the Truth revealed from your Lord. So do not be of those who doubt." (6:114). Hence, undoubtedly, those who are engaged within the call for Quranist reform will be among the witnesses bearing testimony against their contemporaries on the Last Day.
3- Those witnesses on the Last Day will be next to God's prophets/messengers when the Judgment begins by them: "And the earth will shine with the Light of its Lord; and the Book will be put in place; and the prophets and the witnesses will be brought in; and Judgment will be passed among them equitably, and they will not be wronged." (39:69); after both ranks are judged, the judgment of the rest of humanity will commence: "And every soul will be fully compensated for what it had done. He is well aware of what they do." (39:70). Those witnesses will be next to God's prophets/messengers upon entering into Paradise: "Whoever obeys God and the Messenger - these are with those whom God has blessed-among the prophets, and the sincere, and the witnesses, and the righteous ones. Excellent are those as companions. That is the grace from God. God suffices as Knower." (4:69-70). This is the greatest triumph indeed to be together with God's prophets/messengers in Paradise. God says the following in the Quran: "Those who believe in God and His messengers - these are the sincere and the witnesses with their Lord; they will have their reward and their Light. But as for those who disbelieve and deny Our Verses - these are the inmates of the Hell." (57:19).
4- After the judgment of witnesses, they will bear testimony against their contemporaries, especially clergymen who ascribe lies to God and hinder people away from His Path: the Quran; those clergymen of polytheism will lose their power and authority and will be among the losers in Hell in the Hereafter: "Who does greater wrong than he who fabricates lies about God? These will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "These are they who lied about their Lord." Indeed, the curse of God is upon the unjust ones. Those who hinder others from the Path of God, and seek to make it crooked; and regarding the Hereafter, they are in denial. These will not escape on earth, and they have no allies besides God. The torment will be doubled for them. They have failed to hear, and they have failed to see. Those are the ones who lost their souls, and what they had invented has strayed away from them. Without a doubt, in the Hereafter, they will be the biggest losers." (11:18-22). Hence, those TV stars among renowned Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite clergymen who enjoyed wealth, pomp, processions, influence, power, and authority will be humiliated on the Last Day as witnesses will bear testimony against them; this is asserted when they will refuse (proudly, arrogantly, and out of their ignorance as well) to answer your questions posed via email messages; on the Last Day, Quranists who sent them such questions will be among witnesses bearing testimony against them: "On the Day of Resurrection, you will see those who told lies about God with their faces blackened. Is there not a place in Hell for the arrogant ones?" (39:60). Those 'holy' self-deified clergymen of all ranks among ayatollahs of Shiites, sheikhs/saints of Sufis, and inveterate liars of Sunnites/Wahabis will be defeated on the Last Day and no excuses/apologies offered by them will be accepted; victory is only for the witnesses: "Most surely We will support Our messengers and those who believe, in this life, and on the Day the witnesses arise. The Day when their excuses will not profit the unjust ones, and the curse will be upon them, and they will have the Home of Misery." (40:51-52).
1- We urge our dear fellow Quranists to remember the following: one's life duration is short and limited; human beings in general consume much of their time on earth in worldly matters/things; all of us are mortals; we are bound to die: death is a short slumber of Barsakh senselessness, and we will wake up within Resurrection, and all human beings will feel that as if only a day or a part of a day has passed. Hence, all Quranists must spend their time performing many good deeds within monotheistic faith and piety; we must work on attaining the honorable rank of being witnesses, on the Last Day, against our contemporaries.
2- By performing what we have advised above to expose the clergymen of the Muhammadans, this will never cost any Quranists worldwide any money; it will take little effort and little time; most human beings spend too much time in idleness, amusement, and play which is never beneficial and might be harmful in some cases. If our dear, fellow Quranists would send emails (containing questions and Quranic verses as the ones quoted in this article) successively and persistently on a daily basis to as many clergymen among the Muhammadans as possible, these Quranists will have the honor of being with Muhammad on the Last Day, enveloped with Light like all the righteous ones, preachers of the Truth, and prophets/messengers of God; this is because adhering to the Quranic insights/verses will turn into Light for the pious monotheists in the Hereafter.
3- All of our dear fellow Quranists must remember these two verses and bear them in mind: "Say, "This is my way; I invite to God, based on clear knowledge - I and whoever follows me. Glory be to God; and I am not of the polytheists."" (12:108); "Those who believe in God and His messengers - these are the sincere and the witnesses with their Lord; they will have their reward and their light. But as for those who disbelieve and deny Our Verses - these are the inmates of the Hell." (57:19). As always, God says nothing but the Absolute Truth.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,612,496 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
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