The Moral Lessons from the Quranic Story of Moses and Pharaoh, :
Firstly: the Might and the Truth

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-02-16


The Debate between the Might and the Truth within a Quranist Vision (22)

The Moral Lessons from the Quranic Story of Moses and Pharaoh, Firstly: the Might and the Truth


Published in February 15, 2018

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy



1- The Quran, God's Word, does not repeat the details of the story of Moses and Moses' Pharaoh for amusement, in vain, or for no reason; glorified and exalted be His Holy Name away from jesting and polytheism. God says the following in the Quran about the Quran itself: "It is a Decisive Word. It is no joke." (86:13-14). Hence, the Quran is the source of warning and guidance to all humanity till the end of days, only for those who desire to be guided.    

2- Moses' Pharaoh is the imam/leader of all tyrants since his era until the end of days; his tyranny, corruption, and grave injustices reached an unprecedented level of self-deification and of using his power and authority to oppress the weak people (i.e., the Israelites in Egypt at the time) and to refuse the peaceful call of two prophets (i.e., Moses and Aaron) who requested to be allowed to leave Egypt along with their people, as they wished to move away from the tyranny and oppression of Pharaoh. Pharaoh adamantly refused and increased his injustices and persecution, and he stubbornly refused to take heed of the warnings given to him and of the plagues/torments inflicted on him and on his retinue members, until he and they drowned in the Red Sea. Moses in this story represents the voice of the truth and what is right an just; yet, he himself was weak and oppressed and belonged to a weak and oppressed people, but he had the Divine Might to his side and he could not control it of course. Moses faced and confronted Pharaoh with the Truth. Pharaoh had all possible means of earthly might; hence, the debate between both men was one between the might and the Truth. Pharaoh represented the Pharaonic unjust might and power faced and challenged with the Truth supported by unseen Divine Might of the Lord God. This is the main line or theme of this book of ours that you are reading now.    

3- The details discussed in our book here regarding this topic indicate that the Quranic story of Moses and Pharaoh has many moral lessons to be drawn by believers in all eras, especially that Pharaonic tyranny is still deep-rooted among the countries of the Muhammadans who claim they believe in the Quran, and yet, they are oblivious of the moral lessons of the story of Moses and Pharaoh and the fate of the oppressive tyrants.   

4- Within brief points below, we tackle the moral lessons drawn from this Quranic story of Moses and Pharaoh in relation to our modern era.


Firstly:between the might and the Truth:

1- Moses' Pharaoh had the power and the might and he assumed to own and monopolize the Truth (or what is right), and within this debate or struggle in real-life, it has to be acknowledged that Pharaoh was powerful on earth and this must be taken in consideration as a fact in the physical world and to deal with it in the way mentioned here by God when He has addressed Moses and Aaron: "Go to Pharaoh. He has tyrannized. But speak to him leniently. Perhaps he will remember, or have some fear." They said, "Lord, we fear he may persecute us, or become violent." He said, "Do not fear, I am with you, I hear and I see." (20:43-46). This means that God has assured them of protection against any possible harm from Pharaoh, but He has never commanded them to use force or to use harsh words with Pharaoh. Thus, their call (as it should be in all eras with all people) has to be with wisdom and good advice: "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice" (16:125), even when this call is addressed to a self-deified tyrant whose chances of reforming himself are nonexistent. Hence, this call addressed to Pharaoh by Moses and Aaron was to make no room for excuses for Pharaoh for not being guided and reminded with guidance; therefore, guidance is the aim here and never any worldly ambitions or goals within this transient realm.       

2- In our modern era within the countries of the Muhammadans  ruled by tyrants, the Wahabi terrorist trend members assume they have the 'right' to rule instead and to establish their theocracy; the cursed Wahabis cannot face the Pharaonic military rulers with any form of militia or military power; instead Wahabi terrorists resort to indiscriminate killings and terrorist operations as well as suicide bombings; such terror has started with the Wahabi terrorist MB group that was established in Egypt in 1928, and these Wahabi MB members spread terrorism now in Europe and the USA and worldwide.      

3- What is more painful is that Wahabi terrorists ascribe their heinous crimes to the name of Islam; they intentionally forget that the early believers in Mecca bore patiently with persecution and torture and they were not commanded to defend themselves; rather, God has commanded them to adhere to peace and patience, and when they immigrated to Yathreb, the oppressive Qorayish tribesmen raided and attacked them there; the believers in Yathreb did not defend themselves for a while until God has given them permission in the Quran when they were ready to engage into self-defense endeavors and deter the military aggressors. This is self-defense fighting within the Quranic sharia laws of Islam for God's sake and serving God's cause (i.e., to deter aggressors and stop their religious persecution). In contrast, fighting for Satan and Taghut is to seek to oppress others to loot possessions, confiscate lands and money, and monopolize power and authority. The tyrannical  Pharaohs of today rule with the law of the jungle and face theocracy-seeking enemies who conceal their hateful ambitions with earthly religion(s) to deceive the gullible masses; e.g., the Wahabis recruit and brainwash deluded youths who commit terrorist actions to draw worldwide media attention and spread intimidation and terror among the peaceful citizens. This is an ongoing war between powerful, military tyrants who rule and the Wahabi Sunnite terrorists who strike with terrorists acts and hide within the population in a given country. In case the tyrannical theocracy-seekers manage to ascend to power after much bloodshed, bloodbaths, and pyramids of bones and skulls, they are, of course, worse than the military, secular tyrants.              

4- The Israelites in Egypt suffered severe persecution inflicted on them by Moses' Pharaoh who massacred their (male) children and spared and enslaved their females; yet, they adhered to patience and to rely on the Lord God, as per God's command inspired to Moses. Thus, Moses never made them form armed militias or gangs to commit indiscriminate killings or massacres against the innocent Egyptians or even to assassinate the affluent, oppressive retinue members of Pharaoh. We know this command of adherence to patience from these verses: "Moses said to his people, "Seek help in God, and be patient. The earth belongs to God. He gives it in inheritance to whomever He wills of His servants, and the future belongs to the righteous." They said, "We were persecuted before you came to us, and after you came to us." He said, "Perhaps your Lord will destroy your enemy, and make you successors in the land; then He will see how you behave."" (7:128-129). This patience made God make some men among the Israelites as imams/leaders who preached the Truth: "We gave Moses the Book; so do not be in doubt regarding His encounter; and We made it a guidance for the Israelites. And We appointed leaders/imams from among them, guiding by Our command, as long as they persevered and were certain of Our Verses." (32:23-24).     

5- Within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, each party assumes to hold the truth or the right to its side, but power/might is with the side of the Israelis; some members of the weaker party (i.e., the Palestinians) have resorted to terrorism: some Palestinian terrorists hijacked civil planes and terrorized innocent passengers and massacred non-armed and non-military Israeli citizens, and such Palestinian terrorists would flee after committing their heinous crimes. Such terrorism is part of the Wahabi sharia laws of Satan that allow massacres of innocent people and civilians (even among other Palestinians and Arabs) if this means to massacre the Israeli enemies. The only loser here is the Palestinian nation which is oppressed by the terrorist group Hamas that has reached power and terrorized innocent ordinary Palestinians of the Gaza Strip and harbored enmity towards, and created insurmountable obstacles before, the Palestinian authority in the West Bank. The struggle between corrupt leaders in the Gaza Strip and those corrupt leaders of the West Bank is over power, authority, and wealth, and never for the sake of innocent Palestinians. Both types of leaders are corrupt tyrants and thieves who confiscate and monopolize power, authority, and wealth and disregard the suffering of ordinary Palestinians while claiming to talk in their name! The ordinary Palestinians deserve better, more respectable leadership instead to those corrupt tyrants and thieves.         

اجمالي القراءات 5712

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5169
اجمالي القراءات : 58,611,201
تعليقات له : 5,478
تعليقات عليه : 14,869
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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