آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-12-12
Before the Downfall:
Is There A Believing Man among the Pharaonic Al-Saud Family, Who Conceals his Faith, to Preach his People?
Published in December 11, 2017
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
1- God mentions within the Quranic story of Moses and Pharaoh that an Egyptian, cultured believing prince at the palace of Pharaoh preached his people and reminded them of the terrible fate of unjust nations before them smitten and destroyed by God; God says that this believing man was saved from the intrigues and schemes of his people, who drowned with Pharaoh in the Red Sea. This believing prince felt despair as his people never paid attention or took heed of his advice as he said to them: "You will remember what I am telling you, so I commit my case to God. God is Observant of the servants." (40:44).
2- Moses' Pharaoh is the imam/leader to all tyrants who came after him in all eras, especially those tyrants who mix religion with politics, as they follow the footsteps of Moses' Pharaoh (see 3:11, 8:52-54, 43:56) and God watches over them to punish them 89:14.
3- Like all human beings, not all of the Saudi royal family members are corrupt; maybe there are among them those believers who seek reform and/or seek to repent and follow the Quranic Truth; they read the Quran and they can easily – if they want – know that God does not love the unjust ones, corrupters, aggressors, and sinners and know the fate of Moses' Pharaoh and those unjust tyrants who followed his footsteps. It is easily inferred from the Quranic repetition of the story of Moses' Pharaoh that we must draw the moral lesson and avoid tyranny and ponder the fate of self-deified tyrants. "In this is a lesson for whoever fears." (79:26). Undoubtedly, there are some members of the Saudi royal family who fear God in piety or are ready to attain piety as they fear the Dominant Lord; for sure, most of the members of the Saudi royal family predict the downfall of their dynasty and the collapse of the Saudi kingdom and they are prepared for it.
4- Hence, we hope that a believing man among the Al-Saud family would one day emerge and preach and warn the members of the Al-Saud family, while relying on God, fearing no one but He. God has protected Moses and Aaron, and the believing prince, against evil intrigues and schemes while they were inside the lands of the self-deified tyrannical Pharaoh. Ibn Salman is nothing in comparison to Moses' Pharaoh.
5- Thus, we briefly assert below the points that must form the contents of the preaching that must be uttered by the believing prince among the Al-Saud family members.
Firstly: the hell resulting from the collapse/downfall of the Saudi kingdom:
1- The collapse of the Saudi kingdom will destroy the Saudi royal family internally; those members who would manage to flee Arabia will be ideal victims; their smuggled money would be coveted by the mafia and other criminals who would massacre fugitive Saudi princes and their children with cold blood. Thus, any fugitive princes will be no longer princes with power and authority, but merely wealthy, unprotected men walking through streets of foreign countries filled with thieves and murderers; those fleeing men will be robbed and killed mercilessly!
2- The collapse of the Saudi kingdom will not only destroy its cities and turn its tribes into warring factions, but also will make volcanoes erupt in the Gulf monarchies. For instance, the cities of the UAE will be destroyed and their sky-scrapers will collapse, and the ruins there will be like those of Aleppo in Syria. This would be the punishment of the UAE whose crown-prince assumed that his money would make him control the whole world, while forgetting the fact that such money is a weakness inside his kingdom if he oversteps his limits.
3- Anyway, bloodbaths will fill Arabia and the Gulf countries more than those witnessed in Syria and Iraq. The only beneficiaries in that case are those who invent and sell weapons who will readily sell more weapons stored for years and see their weapons being used and tested.
Secondly: to avoid this hell, immediate, daring reforms are required:
At first, the Saudi war waged against Yemen must cease immediately, and all those imprisoned for expressing their views must be released out of Saudi prisons. An interim government must emerge and issue legislations that include the following measures of reform.
1- The name "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" must change into "The Arab United Kingdom", as the old name is the root of all evil, calamities, catastrophes, injustices, and tyranny.
2- The kingdom must be turned into constitutional monarchy; the king must be chosen by Saudi family members and he would be a mere symbol like the queen of the UK and presidents of Israel and India. The new constitution must include the fact that all citizens must be equal before the law.
3- A new constitution that focuses on human rights must be written and it must include the following points.
3/1: Pilgrimage to Mecca should be open for all peaceful people coming from all over the world; pilgrimage is allowed during the four sacred lunar months of Zu Al-Hijja, Muharram, Saffar, and Rabei Awwal. More details about this are found in our book (in English) titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=90).
3/2: Absolute religious freedom must be ensured for all citizens of the kingdom and those who visit it as pilgrims or workers. This religious freedom includes one's choice of faith tenets and belonging to any sects and even atheism as well as freedom of performing and rituals and proselytizing any religions, provided that no compulsion or coercion in religion is committed. Those who commit the crime of religious persecution or murdering others because of religion must be punished by law.
3/3: Freedom of thought, expression, creativity, and research in all fields without censorship must be ensured for all citizens of the kingdom and those who visit it as pilgrims or workers.
3/4: Political freedom is ensured equally for all citizens of the kingdom, and this includes duties and rights as well. The authorities must be distributed between the executive entity (e.g., government emerging from political parties within free, transparent elections) and elected parliament entrusted with the wealth of the nation and checking the performance of the government, to remove it when necessary, within free entities of the judiciary system, electoral processes, human rights, NGOs, syndicates, clubs, charities, cultural centers, etc., expressing all the social spectra. Such authorities must strike a balance and check one another while serving citizens in this world, i.e., without focusing on people's religions and fate in the Hereafter.
3/5: Justice: social justice must be ensured for all citizens of the kingdom; more taxes must be imposed on the rich for the sake of the poor. Political justice must be ensured by democracy, devolution (within delegation of powers), and free elections among political parties (as the case of Israel and India). Judiciary justice must be ensured by making the judiciary system independent from the parliament and the government.
3/6: Strong military armed forces must emerge to protect the kingdom and its borders without playing a political role.
3/7: Security forces and apparatuses must emerge to protect all citizens equally and not to humiliate them and not to protect only the powerful and the rich citizens.
Lastly: O Al-Saud! Is there not one reasonable man among you?:
1- The points mentioned above are not impossible; they are applied in modernized states like Israel. The fact that Arabs are backward is hardly an excuse for not introducing immediate reform; people are fast learners now in the era of cyberspace; learning by trials and errors is OK; any errors resulting from the democratic process can be corrected, whereas grave errors of tyranny are like cancerous cells that must be removed from the body.
2- The above points, if applied, will protect the Saudi family members against its friends and foes and will make them avoid a terrible fate and a dark future, so that they live in safety without being chased or trials in courts. A prince who lives in peace with few US$ millions is better that a prince who lives in constant fear and anxiety with US$ billions and to leave them when he dies while feeling that his wealth availed him nothing upon dying.
3- It is of vital importance that this reform must be introduced by members of the Saudi royal family so that their role goes on as protectors of the reform initiated by them; this is better than imposing reform on them by external forces that will make them victims of radical changes and will certainly confiscate and rob all their US$ billions.
4- We address here any believing prince(s) among the Al-Saud family who would seek to prevent bloodshed; the Saudi kingdom has caused enough bloodshed worldwide.
5- This believing prince at the palace of Moses' Pharaoh said this phrase and we repeat it here, this time addressing it to the Al-Saud family: "You will remember what I am telling you, so I commit my case to God. God is Observant of the servants." (40:44).
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,613,599 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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